Forum Replies Created
I more or less gave up 3 months ago. Now I find a recent update introduces some changes and more thumbnails start to gradually appear. At least one new bug has appeared causing text on the public view of gallery thumbnails to be black when on a page using the shortcode although white in Robosoft’s own direct view. It seems to be an intermittent problem.
Also, I laboriously edited each of my 121 galleries to show only the Twitter share icon. Now I find that a recent change has put Facebook icons back against my wishes. I can no longer find the edit option.
I find it really annoying that the interface is peppered with links to the Pro version when it’s already installed. It’s not clear that these links provide no specific help with the Pro version and are just unnecessary advertising to buy something you’ve already bought. Surely it’s not too difficult to restrict this to the free version.
I would gladly pay more for a version with good English and the absence of links that take you round in circles.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by aveenniker.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg cannot edit widgetsI had to disable Gutenberg in order to edit the sidebar. It seem to let you to edit and update but nothing happens. Very frustrating. I’m using the 2016 theme if that’s relevant and my server is up to date.
Another week has passed and there’s no progress to a solution.
I had two versions installed of Robo Gallery Key 1.3 and 1.5. Previously I tried disabling 1.3 and found it made no difference. Today I deleted 1.3 and the software worked unchanged. I also forced a reinstallation of a freshly downloaded zip file of 1.5 and that made no difference either.
Can anyone show me a screenshot of more than 40 thumbnails in Edit Gallery? If not then this must be an unreported bug and not a fault only affecting 2 or 3 users who have reported it.
I’ve updated my web page detailing the problems.
4 weeks now and no solution or even a suggestion…
Another thing I tried was disabling version 1.3 of Robo Gallery Key and leaving version 1.5 active. It made absolutely no difference; the problem persisted. Is there any point in having version 1.3 installed?
I’ve run out of things to try. I’d really like to see an edit screen without blank squares and more than 40 thumbnails. Is there anybody out there who can show me a screenshot of such a thing?
I tried that a few times with a couple of galleries but it had no effect.
*** It would be nice if the programmers for Robo Gallery would at least acknowledge that we have reported a bug and are looking into it. ***
So far there’s been one suggestion that illegal characters in filenames are to blame. After I indicated that wasn’t the case there’s been no further response. The person at Robo Gallery who blamed filenames may have ticked the box ‘Reply and mark as resolved’ but it certainly was not resolved and nor is it now!
Thanks for that info. It’s a relief it’s not just me having this problem. I think it’s maybe under reported as it’s easy to ignore up to a point.
I tried disabling all othe plugins – no difference.
Hopefully regular characters include _ – i.e. underscore, space and dash.
The WordPress Media Library displays all such files ok. I’ve never seen a blank rectangle in the library. I’ve added two photos to the Morningside gallery with underscores and dashes in their filenames and they appeared normally.
Interestingly, when I dragged a new entry’s thumbnail further up the Manage Images page to put it nearer the beginning, the act of dragging it caused one or two more thumbnails to change from blank to normal. I went back a few minutes later but when I tried this again the blank squares moved out of the way of the thumbnail I was dragging with the mouse but nothing else happened.
Thanks for your answer. I’ll start with my Morningside gallery which only has 87 photos but displays the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Robosoft Gallery and Maps problemsFWIW I created a gallery using no more than the built in WP software aided by Jetpack and it seemed to have the same problem trying to show the default grid array thumbnails in the Edit Page Visual View. In Text View it looked like this:
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="1620,1820,1821,1621,1622,1623,1624,1625,1627,1628,1629,1630,1632,1633,1634,1636,1637,1638,1639,1640,1641,1642,1643,1644,1645,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1652,1653,1654,1655,1656,1657,1659,1660,1661,1662,1663,1664,1665,1666,1667,1668,1669,1670,1671,1672,1673,1674,1675,1676,1677,1678,1679,1680,1681,1682,1683,1685,1686,1687,1688,1689,1690,1691,1692,1693,1694,1695,1696,1697,1698,1699,1700,1701,1702,1703,1704,1705,1706,1707,1708,1709,1710,1711,1712,1713,1714,1715,1716,1717,1718,1719,1720,1721,1723,1724,1725,1726,1727,1728,1729,1730,1731,1732,1733,1734,1735,1736,1737,1738,1739,1740,1741,1742,1743,1744,1745,1746,1747,1748,1749,1750,1751,1752,1753,1754,1755,1756,1757,1758,1759,1760,1761,1762,1763,1764,1765,1766,1767,1768,1769,1770,1771,1772,1773,1774,1775,1776,1777,1778,1779,1780,1781,1782,1783,1784,1785,1786,1787,1788,1789,1790,1791,1792,1793,1794,1795"]
But it wouldn’t show thumbnails, only the ‘busy’ icon (camera & musical note). Maybe I’ll just have to have smaller galleries…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Robosoft Gallery and Maps problemsI’ve gone through some galleries created with Robosoft Gallery, trying to establish some correlation between the number of images and the likelihood of the plugin crashing.
When clicking Manage Images in Robosoft Gallery
Gallery No. of images Arthur's Seat IR 88 ok Arthur's Seat mist 81 ok Arthur's Seat views 133 ok Braid & Blackford 94 ok Bruntsfield 149 ok Calton 242 HANGS Comiston Craiglockhart 142 ok Corstorphine 67 ok Craigmillar 200 HANGS Dean Village 101 ok Edinburgh NW 160 ok ← 160 Fountainbridge... 169 HANGS Gorgie... 138 ok Grassmarket... 174 HANGS Haymarket... 247 HANGS Lauriston 69 ok Leith 454 HANGS North of City Centre 168 HANGS East Lothian 411 HANGS Fife 216 HANGS Royal Mile 160 HANGS ← 160
It seems the plugin cannot cope when the number of images gets to about 160. However, there are 2 galleries both with 160 and one hangs and the other doesn’t. If this is a limitation then why did the plugin allow me to make galleries with up to 454 images only to make them inaccesible and unable to be edited except by trashing them and starting all over again?
Looking forward to hearing from Robosoft – or anyone who can shed some light on this bad situation.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New installation – invisible text in new pages / postsThe issue has been resolved by Fasthosts, presumably with the the help of the “external provider”. They didn’t tell me what was wrong or how it was fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New installation – invisible text in new pages / postsAt first I used Fasthosts One Click Installer. It failed with a lot of red text beginning: Installing: Error: A database query has failed. Is the entered database information correct? Does the account have available disk space? [continues].
Since then Fasthosts have attempted it manually. Their help statuse is currently “waiting on external provider”.