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  • is it possible that indexing my posts by WordPress/Jetpack causing so many queries that database shutdown? (database has almost 14000 posts)

    To be correct,

    I installed Google Libary, AND after many hours… Updated JAVA

    If you think about it its logical.. it’s a JAVA problem, after the update I didn’t even clear my chache .. just worked imediatly

    Just for those who do not get the damned thing working…

    Update your JAVA!! should be updated or you will keep pulling your hairs out!

    Weird thing is, it seems that the pc has some influense in this as well. I still can’t use visual on my laptop, but my partner some 200 Kilometers away on his laptop has no problems what so ever..

    It all works fine in Chrome, not in IE form me, for him both work fine..

    I have the problem in IE but not in Chrome…

    did install the ‘Use Google Libary’ but before I tried Chrome on this..

    Thread Starter avinews


    Im not very good with these scripts… this is what I found in the wp-config file:

    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘aviationnews_blog’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘myblogxTVFg_blog’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘7dy5n0ju’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    // You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix
    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

    // Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to ‘de’
    // to enable German language support.
    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);

    See anything?

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.5 image upload

    Finally I have managed to clear my problems with the media upload and posting in WordPress 2.5! thanks to a mix of possible solutions, this is what I did.



    1) htacces in website-root should contain:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) chmod settings for uploads folder set at: 755

    3) In your admin goto: Settings => Miscellaneous.

    set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads (do not put a ‘/’ after uploads)

    Leave Full URL path to files BLANK.

    4) IE has specific known issues. Download these two files, replace them in your WordPress installation: Download at:

    Download the file, unzip and copy the two folders over the exiting folders, it will replace two files with a ‘,’ issue that makes IE7 act up.


    These steps solved the problems with Adding media in the new WordPress 2.5 for me.

    I’m Using Windows Vista and IE7, I really think that there are no server issues for most of the users that cause problems with the media uploads. Probably steps 3) and 4) are the most important!

    Hope it helps for others!

    By the way, the 2.5 is a pleasure to work with, and a great leap forward!
    Hopefully all users get there problems fixed, it’s worth the trouble.

    Marcel van Leeuwen

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.5 image upload

    Thanks art4mad

    I’ll try it, let see what it does.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.5 image upload

    Where is your htacces file placed?
    is it in your wordpress root folder, or in the website root?
    After upgrade (and probably before) I had no htacces file so I created one. But I’m not sure if it’s in the right folder/root

    I get the same message, but file is uploaded! (in three sizes!)

    I’m getting frustrated by this… I wish I never upgraded to 2.5 this problem makes posting with pics a drag!

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