Hey thanks again.
I think i made it… at least for my needs.
Put the title in a div AND a span
<div><span>A very very long title</span></div>
The CSS looks like this now:
.tablepress-id-11 th {
/* Something you can count on */
height: 200px; /* make this big enough to fit your titles */
white-space: nowrap;
th > div {
transform: /* Magic Numbers */
/* 45 is really 360 - 45 */
translate(25px,51px) rotate(315deg);
width: 30px;
th > div > span {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px 10px;
.tablepress-id-11 td {
text-align: center;
I found this code on another website, but now it fits my needs.
Its not 90° rotated but 45, which is ok for me.
Thanks Tobias for your support. Its really a great plugin, once you know how to handle all the stuff!! thanks!