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Hey @missveronicatv , thank you for the plugin. I installed it and have a question about it: should this hide the field from user profiles as well? I’m not sure if it’s not working or if I have some settings wrong. With one test Subscriber, I went to the account page and selected the options to hide a number of fields. With another test Subscriber, I’m still able to do two things I don’t want to happen:
– See all the fields that should be hidden (do I need to change some setting of the field itself in the form?)
– Search for a specific term in a field that should be hidden and have the profile display in directory results (e.g. search for “Birmingham” and the profile which has that as its City still shows up).
Should the plugin allow me to accomplish the privacy options above?
Here are my current settings
Thanks so much!Hey @badhonrocks,
I’m still experiencing an issue on a site I’m helping with – when I updated from Lite 3.66 to 4.05, the Timeline just displays the shortcode. When I go to the DiviEpic dashboard, it says Divi Torque Pro isn’t installed. It was activated with a Lifetime membership. I tried deactivating both Lite and Pro and re-enabling and the problem persists. I cleared all cache I’m using as well. I had to revert to a backup so it wouldn’t look bad live. How should I handle this? Thanks!
Having the same problem on a client’s site – my client only has 4 coupons, so the limit of 5 is definitely not the (only) issue.
I disabled “Mod Security” and that still didn’t help.
Regarding the password field(s), I initially didn’t have them, but then got an error that the password field was undefined, so I added it in there, took it away, then added it back to the bottom.
I guess something with that particular form has some database error or something. When I duplicated the form and tried it on a new page, I was having the same issue. I just made a new form duplicated and modified from the working form and placed it on a new page and now it’s working (even though all fields are identical to malfunctioning form). Still not sure what the issue was, but it’s all working as it should now. Thanks for the help!
I tried using 10000 instead of 5000 with no success. I think DreamHost does have Mod Security, but from what I’ve found, they won’t let you turn it off. I’m still confused how something like that would be a problem when one of my registration (the longer and more complex one) is working fine. The form that doesn’t work has the same exact fields as the one that is working – the working one just has additional fields too.
I also disabled my Sucuri plugin, but that didn’t help either.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by awesomeflyingdude.
Thanks for the reply @missveronicatv ! I increased those values in both .htaccess and then wp-config.php, but it had no impact. I doubted it was related to those values given that the NMA form is longer and includes multiple file upload fields and still works fine.
Also, both forms set the user to the same UM role: Member – Not in Good Standing
The pages are basically identical in the backend (I just confirmed): they just have the shortcode in the basic WordPress Shortcode block, neither are within my page builder section. And the settings are exactly the same.I also made a new page and duplicated the CMR form and added the new ID to the shortcode and it’s still doing the same thing – the page just refreshes, all the input data (other than password after I added that) still visible, and no error message at all.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by awesomeflyingdude.
Hey Jonas,
Thanks for the swift reply. I tried switching the shortcode to style 4 and it’s still giving the same issue. If the user attempts to “Submit Order” after selecting “Use a new payment method”, the page reloads and gives an error message at the top (“Invalid payment method. Please input a new card number.”) and the card details field is then visible.
I am using Woocommerce Payments – from what I remember, I can’t use the regular Stripe plugin since we signed up the account through Woocommerce Payments.
Do you have any other suggestions for a temporary workaround while still using your plugin? Otherwise we may have to switch to another free plugin with fewer features for now (as far as I found, yours was the only free one that allows for recurring donations). Thanks again!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by awesomeflyingdude.
Thanks, Jonas! Loco Translate did the trick!
Hi Aswin,
Sorry for the delay – I’m having the issue with all member accounts. The password reset notifications are only sent to the admin email address (the same email address is used for the general site admin address and is specified in the “Admin E-Mail Address” field in the Email tab of UM settings) when they should be sent to the member/subscriber instead. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi! Excellent open-source plugin! If you’d prefer I start a new thread I can, but I have a related question: I saw the following note on the First Steps page: “Donation Platform for WooCommerce turns WooCommerce into a donation system, parallel use as a normal store is not possible.” So does that mean I won’t be able to offer normal Woocommerce subscriptions (for a non-profit group members’ annual dues) if I use the plugin? I’ve had some other issues I could report in another post, but I wanted to see if I can do that before I try troubleshooting it. Thanks!
You’re the best! Thank you!
Hi! @champsupertramp , does the team currently have any plans to officially add this ability in upcoming updates? I could use this on my site, but I can also find a workaround.
@dwgoldfarb Thanks for this! One question – are you using Woocommerce on that site? That’s the main plugin I’m thinking would could possibly give conflicts on my site.
Thanks for the reply! I see that for users who register through the UM registration form, but “Info” isn’t present for imported users. However, I did figure it out! In the Import and export users and customers plugin, there is an “Extra profile fields” tab where there is an option to “Show fields in profile” – I didn’t have that checked on the new site like I did on the old one. Thanks for you help! It’s good to know that registered user info can be viewed there too.
Happened on another site on a different host too, fyi.