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  • Thread Starter AWOL


    I have managed to finally resolve this, although it does leave me with some questions. I inspected the site and the clone using Chrome DevTools, specifically the Application section, and firstly discovered that the browsers were not finding the manifest on the main site, and after some research found a suggestion to create a new manifest called site.webmanifest with the relevant info from the pwa-manifest.json. This has fixed the problem, but now makes me wonder why the plugin generated manifest file was not being detected (it was detected in the clone site), so any suggestions about this would be welcome. This has also fixed the issue with the Add To Home On Element Click.

    One other minor note is that I noticed that the pwa-manifest.json has all the ‘/’ characters escaped with ‘\’ which, according to a search I did on this, is not required in json files; the only text that needs to be escaped is ‘</’ according to what I read. I have not delved into the plugin files to find out if this is by design but I have to assume it is as the clone site is the same. Essemtially what I am saying is that you can get rid of the code that does this if you wanted to.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi (@timersys,

    Thank you for the reply, and on testing just now it seems that the latest update has indeed solved this – thank you very much!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Just an update – I have been busy replacing/removing plugins, tweaking code and settings and while I think my site is still too slow, the cache now appears to be working as it should. Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    This now seems to have been resolved, so closing this, but I would still like to know about the ‘Clear All Cache’ bit, in case the problem reappears. I think the setting in the forms was the problem though.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @cteduard,
    Thanks for the reply; as I mentioned I have a fairly long running thread with LSCache trying to resolve caching issues, so the configuration of their plugin was ruled out some time back. As also mentioned there was other plugins also apparently causing issues, and after my post I have cleared several of those (although I had a ‘naked’ setup with just LSCache and BC so they weren’t impacting that). However after several activations and deactivations (and I admit a dalliance with another theme because of my frustration, but it wasn’t a patch on Blocksy) and some tweaks in the functions the issue with BC seemed to clear. I honestly can’t pinpoint what did it though, and it actually seemed to clear itself. One thing I suspect though was that I had previously entered my Google Analytics code in the Customizer and removing that may have been the thing that did the trick, if you wanted to look into that from your end. I switched so many things trying to fix it though. My site is still too slow so the work continues. Not helped by the fact that my host is undergoing a server migration this week, but hopefully that will ultimately improve everything, and I might even be able to start using object caching. Marking this as resolved anyway.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @mbrsolution,

    No, unfortunately that isn’t relevant. I want to use the shortcode [swpm_login_form], and just want to stop it calling the loggedin.php output after successful login as I just don’t need any confirmation or output to screen as this is displayed elsewhere. Once the user clicks Login I just want the popup box containing the login form to disappear and not appear again with the logged in details. I just need to know how to interrupt that flow I think but I need help in how to code that.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    As a further update to this, while my query above regarding the code still stands, I have discovered that there is an option on the forms of the plugin I use to prevent caching on the pages where they are located, which I have now turned off on every form. This hasn’t fixed the issues I am having but hopefully it gets me closer. An explanation of your plugin’s behaviour would be very helpful as well.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    Sorry for the slow response – I thought I had identified the problem plugin (on a staging site) which unfortunately was a page builder type plugin that provides lots of enhanced and extra Gutenberg blocks that I have been using extensively, so went through the painstaking process of replacing all uses of it on my pages and widgets, only to find after doing so and deleting the plugin that I still have a problem. I am getting miss every time for a logged in user on my site, and even stranger getting no cache every time whether logged in or out on the staging site! This is after 3 or 4 reloads. I am now going through the staging site again, deactivating/reactivating plugins etc.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    Thank you for the code snippet, but I have added it to my functions and nothing has changed. That suggests to me that it is not transition_post_status causing the problem. Every reload of most of my pages is a miss when logged in, with only a couple of them getting hit, but it doesn’t seem to be consistent. I am wondering if there is some misconfiguration in the LS Cache settings that could be a factor. I am still investigating on a staging site as to whether Better Messages or another plugin is causing the problem, but this is a long process – would you have a list of plugins that have or are known to cause issues that I could check against to help speed the process up? Also I have Buddypress which I gather has had issues previously with caching due to the nature of what it does – not all of my pages are BP pages but could this be connected as this is only impacting logged in users?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    I have been in discussion with Better Messages, and here is a couple of their pertinent responses;

    Sorry, but I cant find where Better Messages can be calling that hook. Not sure why that is the issue only when Better Messages is active, maybe there is something else which calling the hook when Better Messages making REST requests.

    After I told them it may not be specifically transition_post_status (I quoted your reply to me about this);

    I do not know where Better Messages can do that on every page load, you better test clean wordpress install with Better Messages and Litespeed only, as I think the issue is not in better messages.

    It’s not possible to change the load of better messages.

    As it stands that only leaves me with two choices (other than living with the problem) – either find a replacement for BM or a replacement for LS Cache, as neither of you seem willing to look into this further. I have had problems with every cache plugin I have tried, with yours being the best so far, and given that my host uses the LS server it doesn’t make sense for me to switch, but unfortunately I am yet to find a messaging/chat plugin that has the features matching BM.

    Is there any way that this can be dealt with by providing some code that prevents the cache purge on post status change? It is not really, I don’t think, something that my site needs, although maybe you can explain why it is needed? The cache gets purged with every plugin update and they are almost daily, which is more than enough for my uses.

    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @wordplus,

    I have now had another response from LSCache, as follows:

    it doesn’t necessarily have to be transition_post_status with exact match , there are number of ways will change/trigger the post status change

    but once post status is changed by whatever method available , it will also triggers trasition_post_status which is we used to detect the post change

    Does this alter anything from your side? I am still waiting to hear from them about why this causes the cache to be purged, and if that behaviour can be altered, because that is ultimately the issue, but I am attacking the problem from both angles in the hope that it can be fixed, as it is an important issue for me; I would think that you also would like a definitive answer about this, so I will post any further updates.

    Also you didn’t say anything about my final query –

    Also is it possible for me to delay BM loading until after the rest of the page has? That may solve the issue.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Further to the above, I think I have identified the plugin that might be causing this, but I am not certain. It is the Better Messages plugin – if I deactivate it the front page when logged in shows hit, and when I activate it again, after a couple of reloads (because plugin deactivate/activate also purges the cache) it shows miss again every time. I am going to see if there is any way to prevent the plugin loading on the front page or some other way to stop it affecting the cache. In the meantime I would appreciate any helpful suggestions from your side and an answer to why this is the behaviour as asked above.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    I am a little confused now; I just installed a plugin called WP Hooks Finder and transition_post_status does not appear on the pages I have checked so far. Even more confusing is that the page that was previously cache: miss in the log above is now a hit, but the home page (when logged in) is always a miss. Are you 100% certain about the transition_post_status causing a purge, because it seems very odd to me that (a) this would be how LSCache works, and (b) that there is no setting or code that can be added to prevent that behaviour. Can you double check please?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    OK, so how do I deal with this? How can I find what is triggering transition_post_status? My site is not currently having many posts or post edits and I don’t want a purge every time there is one anyway, although obviously I do want updated content to appear to users. Is there a LSCache setting I can adjust to prevent this happening? Or a filter I can add to my theme functions? I tried unchecking all the boxes in the Cache > Purge > Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update settings but still getting cache:miss. Or will it take time for this to change?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] No cache
    Thread Starter AWOL


    Hi @qtwrk,

    Still getting cache: miss on many pages when logged in – a couple are showing hit), but the home page and activity page are always miss. Here is the latest log entry for the activity page (third attempt loading it today – I am in Thailand hence the time shown), but I can’t see either any reference to the miss or any clue to what is going on – perhaps you can?

    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /activity/
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] Query String:
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] HTTP_REFERER:
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,/;q=0.8
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] Accept Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] Cookie lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99 02/08/24 09:16:45.980 [ 1 Bjj] X-LSCACHE: true 02/08/24 09:16:46.821 [ 1 Bjj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user ) 02/08/24 09:16:46.821 [ 1 Bjj] [Router] get_role: administrator 02/08/24 09:16:46.834 [ 1 Bjj] [Media] init 02/08/24 09:16:46.836 [ 1 Bjj] [LQIP] init 02/08/24 09:16:46.837 [ 1 Bjj] [CDN] init 02/08/24 09:16:46.838 [ 1 Bjj] ? Init 02/08/24 09:16:46.838 [ 1 Bjj] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 02/08/24 09:16:46.839 [ 1 Bjj] [GUI] init 02/08/24 09:16:47.092 [ 1 Bjj] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 02/08/24 09:16:47.094 [ 1 Bjj] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on 02/08/24 09:16:47.116 [ 1 Bjj] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 02/08/24 09:16:47.160 [ 1 Bjj] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200 02/08/24 09:16:47.197 [ 1 Bjj] [Tool] Heartbeat interval set to 60 02/08/24 09:16:48.477 [ 1 Bjj] ?? added * => LiteSpeed\Root::debug(?? added *,8)@51 => LiteSpeed\Purge->_add(ARRAY)@501 => LiteSpeed\Purge::add(ARRAY)@473 => LiteSpeed\Purge->purge_post(8049)@885 => LiteSpeed\Purge->purge_publish(publish,publish)@89 => /home/awolonl1/ => WP_Hook->apply_filters(ARRAY)@324 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@348 => /home/awolonl1/ 02/08/24 09:16:48.477 [ 1 Bjj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,976
    02/08/24 09:16:48.477 [ 1 Bjj] ?? added REST => LiteSpeed\Root::debug(?? added _REST,8)@51 => LiteSpeed\Purge->_add(ARRAY)@501 => LiteSpeed\Purge::add(REST)@473 => LiteSpeed\Purge->purge_post(8049)@887 => LiteSpeed\Purge->purge_publish(publish,publish)@89 => /home/awolonl1/ => WP_Hook->apply_filters(ARRAY)@324 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@348 => /home/awolonl1/ 02/08/24 09:16:48.477 [ 1 Bjj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,976
    02/08/24 09:16:48.835 [ 1 Bjj] [Core] Footer hook called
    02/08/24 09:16:48.847 [ 1 Bjj] [Core] Footer check passed
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] admin bar : true
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: private,max-age=1800
    02/08/24 09:16:48.848 [ 1 Bjj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,976_
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] uid: 1
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Vary] admin bar : true
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 976_tag_priv,public:976_HTTP.200,public:976_page,public:976_URL./activity/,public:976_Po.15,public:976_PGS,public:976_
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Core] Footer check passed
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] ?? finalize
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] ?? lazyload disabled
    02/08/24 09:16:48.849 [ 1 Bjj] GUI bypassed by no counter
    02/08/24 09:16:48.850 [ 1 Bjj] Response headers --- array (
    0 => 'X-Powered-By: PHP/8.1.27',
    1 => 'Set-Cookie: wprus_user_pending_async_actions=eobRAXzsTVcJc6yH8rG8Daczv5HDGqfLQBWYPbfCYuJ%2BSoEgnRWNgZYKpp9w6FOMsHX6I7XYNnJU%2BhXopMNe_w%3D%3D; path=/; secure; SameSite=None',
    2 => 'Set-Cookie: wprus_user_pending_async_actions=2TnFsF_cHJQ1yxTob%2B_oJX4wGt1XIyvzKsNKi_j2OufguYcwJKtL9aXANFdl4DhD_3G8K_yLy3NM06FbR_DF6A%3D%3D; path=/; secure; SameSite=None',
    3 => 'Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT',
    4 => 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, no-store, private',
    5 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    6 => 'Link:; rel=""',
    7 => 'Link:; rel="alternate"; type="application/json"',
    8 => 'Link:; rel=shortlink',
    9 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: private,max-age=1800',
    10 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,976_',
    11 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 976_tag_priv,public:976_HTTP.200,public:976_page,public:976_URL./activity/,public:976_Po.15,public:976_PGS,public:976_',
    02/08/24 09:16:48.850 [ 1 Bjj] End response
    --------------------------------------------------Duration: 2,872.03 ms------------------------------
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