Forum Replies Created
Can I ask the Wordfence team for a clarification on the lockout recovery emails? Can these be sent to any WP user that has Admin-level access to the site, or only to the email address listed in in the “Administration Email Address” field under Settings > General?
Thanks, Mark. The site in question is using a SMTP plugin connected to gmail and is successfully sending out other transactional emails daily. And I do see other emails from Wordfence in the gmail sent folder, as recent as today.
Is there any way to test the lockout form without actually triggering a lockout, or is triggering a lockout the best/only way to do it? I want to see if it was an isolated incident or something more systemic.
Thanks! Good idea for the work-around… I didn’t realize that was possible. Is there any way for me to be notified when the internal ticket is resolved?
Just marked this as “unresolved”… Awaiting a reply on what can be done about the nonexistent setting in the Central template overwriting the default setting on our sites. Thanks!
Thanks for your reply, but here’s the issue… when my sites are synced to my template through Central, the “Monitor background requests from an administrator’s web browser for false positives” setting gets switched ON, even if I have it turned off, basically overriding the setting I have on individual sites. (For some sites I have this setting switched on, for others not.) Yes, it would be nice to have the ability to control this setting via the template, but it’s not ok for the setting on individual sites to be switched back on automatically when central syncs the template with the managed sites. Could this issue be fixed in the meantime? Thanks again for your help, Wordfence is truly great!
Thanks Adam, but I didn’t see an option for that particular setting in the template. Am I just missing it??
Hey folks at Wordfence,
Are there any updates on this? We LOVE Wordfence and Pantheon and hope you can get them working together soon.