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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Tiny Framework] great theme to build onoops, I meant Tomas!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recipe Schema] Merging the recipes with posts!Slightly off-topic, but the above line helped me to display the taxonomy archives for recipe_type and cuisine (which were previously not showing any associated recipes).
As far as Valdemar’s problem goes:
In addition to the above you need to tell WordPress to include the ‘recipe-schema’ Custom Post Type in the loop:function recipes_in_home_loop( $query ) { if ( is_home() && $query->is_main_query() ) $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'recipe-schema') ); return $query; } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'recipes_in_home_loop' );
If you also want the recipes to appear in author and date archives you will have to expand the if clause along the lines of
if ( (is_home() || is_author() || is_date()) && $query->is_main_query() )
(untested)Luke, would it be possible to set ‘exclude_from_search’ to false in a future update of the plugin, so taxonomy archives work out of the box, or is the setting intentional?
Great plugin by the way!
PS: Thanks to for the above snippet!Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Audio player buttons don't show upFwiw I’ve had the same issue as Bev, and solved it by adding the mime types specified above. Thanks Bev!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Odd Behavior when Trashing in NetworkFor the record this also happens in “normal” (ie non-network) setups. I also haven’t found a solution other than disabling ScriptNo.
Thanks for looking at it so soon!
While I didn’t have any luck with the crop box workaround I’m not in any rush to get this fixed any time soon. It’d be great if it is included whenever you release the next bugfix update though…
I’ve used Justin Tadlock’s Members plugin in the past and am currently using User Role Editor by Vladimir Garagulya.
I just had a quick go switching edit_others_posts on and off using the latter plugin, and everything behaved as expected.
I believe those two are the most popular, but there’s a more comprehensive list of other roles/capabilities plugins at
AxelBtw, the easy option to bring the plugin in line with WordPress 3.0+ is to simply replace the bits of code that have a hardcoded user level to their equivalent capability.
Eg in testimonials-widget.php line 201, change
$user_level <3
. This *should* do the same thing (only select authors or below), although you might want to double-check…Cheers,
AxelHi Michael,
oops, I somehow missed your first reply…I did manage to get the steps outlined in the tutorial to work for my own CPT, but it’s been a little while ago, so I don’t quite remember OTTOMH – I think I just added
'capability_type' =>'blah'
and'capabilities' => array('publish_posts' => 'publish_blah, 'edit_posts' => 'edit_blah', etc)
to the register_post_types function’s arguments, and then pretty much copied Justin’s script (theadd_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'my_map_meta_cap', 10, 4 );
one), replacing ‘edit_movie’ etc as appropriate – I’ll try and have a go at this over the next few days…Axel
Hi Michael,
first of all great plugin!My main wish for this plugin would be a more robust user capability management, as user levels have been deprecated since WordPress 3, and hardcoding user levels (as is currently the case) means any custom changes get overwritten with the next plugin update.
There is a great tutorial by Justin Tadlock on how to best set up capabilities for custom post types here
While I’m by no means an expert on the subject I’m also happy to have a look at this aspect myself if you’d prefer – perhaps using github, so we don’t tread on each others’ toes? Let me know!
AxelForum: Plugins
In reply to: [White Label CMS] [Plugin: White Label CMS] Images Uploaduntil this gets fixed, you can simply do a search-and-replace on the file wlcms-plugin.php:
replace withget_stylesheet_directory_uri()
(should be 4 instances)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Link Library] [Plugin: Link Library] conflict with Simple Facebook ConnectOops, sorry for being rather vague on my initial post.
Btw, I’m happy to test any changes to the plugin before you commit it to (I’ve just sent you a message through your contact form, so you should have my email)
There’s no rush on my part, as I’ve implemented the workaround mentioned above: Plugins
In reply to: [Link Library] [Plugin: Link Library] conflict with Simple Facebook ConnectHi,
thanks for having a look at it!Unfortunately, while the new version has fixed the first issue (now there is only one validation message), submitting a link still generates 3 posts in the moderation queue (and sends out 3 emails).
I’m not sure if that’s easily solvable – I guess it means either the $_POST array needs to be cleared once it has been processed, or it needs to post to another php script to process the submission (via some AJAX voodoo?)…
I just checked: this also happens when using an external ‘submitted’ page (with [link-library-addlinkcustommsg]).
Sorry for being the bearer of bad news…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Link Library] [Plugin: Link Library] conflict with Simple Facebook ConnectAlso, I just noticed that when the box next to “Allow link submission with empty link” is unticked, submitting with the Link URL field blank produces “New link submitted, it will appear in the list once moderated. Thank you.”, but no link gets submitted. (This has nothing to do with SFC, it also happens with SFC disabled…)
Shouldn’t it return an error message instead?