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No problem. Glad all was fixed! And I probably should be as detailed as you in the future to help others. ??
I don’t think that one will have a problem over the other. Example, I don’t think if you install JetPack while WPStats is still there will kill it. I think I did that and it seems to be fine. I’d as a caution recommend to deactivate WPStats before installing JetPack because different servers and installtions could end up reacting differently.
Worse comes to worse, you can always deactivate JetPack and activate WPStats again.
So no, doesn’t have to be REMOVED, but I’d recommend DEACTIVATE first. ??
Well not exactly, installing JetPack gives you a updated version of Stats and so you’ll have a small bit of configuring to do, but mostly everything should be okay again. Be sure to get rid of WP Stats. ??
See, WP Stats was made by Automaticc. JetPack is also released by then, and I’m wondering if in the release of JetPack (which includes an even uber cooler ooking stats page) they’ve gotten rid of WP Stats? Because it would have become redundant? But just as a thing to most out there using WP Stats. JetPack rocks. Well so far anyways…until it goes down too…
It could also be the DDoS attack they had. Just sayin’.
I have a feeling that the new JetPack plugin is going to be the replace for it, since if you read about it, it says JetPack is supposed to make available to all self installations, the same things that are in wordpress if you had an account with wordpress.com (EG: XXXX.wordpress.com).
I’m thinking it’ll be that, but, not sure until wordpress tells us otherwise.