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  • Thread Starter baal666


    I downloaded and installed All-in-one… Now I have timeouts when I post… What is wrong with this?

    Thread Starter baal666


    Do you consider it to be better than Headspace and will it get rid of that annoying “Blog archive” everywhere in my google links?

    Thread Starter baal666


    Thread Starter baal666


    That’s exactly BECAUSE I am not a pro that I don’t think 2.7 is a great achievement so far. Whatever you think of my CSS and PHP skills, I used to be able to hack my way to do what I wanted to do with 2.6, and it is far more difficult with 2.7

    Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter baal666


    Thanks, I will try this.

    If I ever have to add another class, your function may not be very good as it can only add one class, if I understand well (BTW, the second code the first “top” should be replaced by “bottom”… typo). So unless I use the classes already available on WP 2.7 (as stated by cdharrison) it is my understanding that I will be limited to those and only one more if I use your hack.

    Thread Starter baal666


    @otto: I want to add a small image above and another small one below to make a box with rounded corners, that’s what I’m trying to do.

    To add this with the callback function, is that correct:

    function comment_add_top($classes) {
    	$classes[] = 'top';
    	return $classes;

    then I do this one too for the bottom:

    function comment_add_top($classes) {
    	$classes[] = 'bottom';
    	return $classes;

    then I put in my css file:

    .top{background-image: url(image.png);}
    .bottom {background-image: url(image.png);}

    Is this a good way to do it?

    The other way, by using the “background image which contained the footer and then the header on top of each other, put it on the comment, and then use negative padding at the top to push it up into the comment above it.”, how would you do this… is it possible to put two background image in the same class/div?


    Thread Starter baal666


    Thank you Otto. I will try to work on something. Just a last question for now (I swear): how would you add an image to the top of the comment AND to the bottom of the same comment. I tried to do it but it seems I can’t add two images in the same class. How would you do this?

    Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter baal666


    Hmm… Can you give me an example of what would work? I simply want to add an image behind the avatar, and I tried the CSS above (only an example; of course I would write a new one that would fit). What would you do?


    Thread Starter baal666


    I tried this but for some reason the background image did not show up correctly.

    Thread Starter baal666



    Here is the class I used to had working with the old WP2.6:

    .avatar {
    background: url(i/image.png) no-repeat top center;
    display: inline;
    margin: 0 0 2px 8px;
    	padding: 7px 12px 17px 7px;
    	width: 50px;

    How would you make that work with new Wp2.7?

    I hope that understanding this will help me with the other changes I want to do e.g. adding a line between comments, etc.


    Thread Starter baal666


    Thanks for your explanation.

    But let’s say that I want to customize the comments.php (that’s the matter, after all), do I use cdharrison CSS or do I use your code above?

    And if I want to add the image behind the avatar, how would you do it with that “different way of looking at things”. I used to simply add a reference to a class “.gravatar_align” and that was it. Now I just don’t understand how to do it.

    Ok, I will try to use the code above

    // add an xxx class to all the comments
    function comment_add_xxx($classes) {
    	$classes[] = 'xxx';
    	return $classes;

    (replacing xxx by .gravatar_align)

    but then do I put the code again and again for each class? If I have let’s say 10 classes to add?

    Sorry again, maybe this is clear to you (or to others reading) for to me this is complicated.

    Thread Starter baal666


    Hi Otto,

    Ok let’s say I want to use different classes. Does it mean I will have to run the code above for each and different classes?

    Let’s say I want to change background color, add two particular png images line above and below comment, add an image behind the avatar, change avatar size, replace “Says” by something else, change the date format… well that was easy as 1-2-3 with previous WP.

    Now I don’t even know where to start. I searched on the web and people seemed confused about something as simple as replacing “Says” by something else. And I’m not talking about addind the different classes…

    I don’t see yet how WP 2.7 is suppose to be simple. Of course, I want to believe it is, but been unable to do what I want to do (see above) I sometimes think I’d need to go back to 2.6 or wait for 2.8 or until someone has made a clear FAQ about how to customize comments.php

    BTW, I am not an expert. I’m just the usual guy trying to customize a bit his comments and I really don’t understand how to do now what I used to do with 2.6

    Thread Starter baal666


    Maybe I was not clear enough.

    In WP 2.6 it was easy to customize comments.php because it was possible to add ol li ul etc. inside the loop. Now, it is not possible to do this with 2.7.

    Try to add <li class=”xxx” > in comments.php now… It is more difficult.

    I am still looking for an easy way to customize my comments.

    p.s. I know where CSS file should be. Thank you. I had no problem customizing with WP 2.6 simply by adding to the loop.

    Thread Starter baal666


    Hmm… Do you mean I could do something like:

    'ol.commentlist li.comment-author-admin'=> {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment { border-bottom:1px dotted #666; padding:1em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.comment-author {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard { font:normal 16px georgia,times,serif; }


    I need to find an easy way to modify the CSS. Modifying the image size is only one part. As I said, maybe I missed something, but it seems to me that WP2.6 was easier to customize.

    If a clear guide could get out for 2.7 that would be really useful, as for now I don’t know how to customize comments like on 2.6 AND thread the comments.

    Thread Starter baal666


    Well, I want to modify the whole CSS, want to have a .png “under” my avatar, want to resize my avatar, etc.

    cdharrison gave a clear and easy CSS but with it I can’t modify avatar size, as an example, without modifying WP 2.7 core files.

    Well, maybe I am missing something, but as easy it was to customize 2.6 and below as difficult it seems to be with 2.7

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