I ran into this problem. I would give a table various cellpadding and cellspacing values defined within the <table> such as…
‘<table cellspacing=”10″ cellpadding=”10″>’
This did not work, nor did any alterations of that, such as using px, or putting it this way with an inline style:
‘<table style=”cellspacing=”10″ cellpadding=”10″>’
Here’s what I realized. The Artisteer-made CSS had created default styles for th and td that were overriding everything. In CSS…
‘.art-article td
{padding: 2px
So the temporary solution, until I have time to create styles and id’s, is to write for each td in my particular table:
‘<td padding style=”padding: 8px;>’
That worked for me, but I would love to hear from others if they have different fixes. What I seemed to learn from this is you have to pad the td’s, not the table. And that “cellspacing” and “cellpadding” are much too easily ignored, whether in WordPress or in general.