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  • Thread Starter Ballet News


    the other thing I’ve noticed since your update this morning is that on every gallery I’ve previously made, two of each image now shows up in the post.

    You can see this for yourself if you look at every post under the Strictly Come Dancing tab on the homepage.

    Please can you fix this as well as the page not displaying urgently?

    This site is my business; it’s not a hobby.

    Thread Starter Ballet News


    I’ve cleared cache. Still the same.

    Thread Starter Ballet News


    The problem is identified as a browser issue.

    Your update is not fully compatible with windows 9.

    Can you fix this please ? Urgently! It doesn’t help me one bit if it works in another browser. I know you developers all loathe windows but I and the majority of my readers use it and so it has to work.

    It’s majorly important to me – if you look at me site you will see how I rely on your plugin which until today has worked perfectly and since I am not in the least bit technical this has been a great help.

    Please advise soonest. thanks

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Google Adsense
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Okay thanks.

    I’m running Fresh News.

    I want to place ads under the posts ONLY.

    I have the code.

    I just need to know how to access HTML and add it.

    I am not in the least bit technical and have never done this before so step by step would be perfect.


    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Add on the subject of spam – Ipstenu you did say earlier in this post :

    What’s being done? Nothing. Because no one who’s made this illegal is enforcing it (California, I’m looking at you).

    And then you said :

    It depends where you are. It’s legal here in the US.

    Well, California is part of the US last time I looked !

    It’s really best not to make sweeping statements unless you are certain of your facts. It’s just not helpful.

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Ipstenu – I want to get one thing really clear.

    the Capatcha works absolutely fine on my site with Defensio.

    Appreciate you have an issue with Defensio but your complaining about it has been unhelpful to me and indeed, it’s taken me longer to decide what to do than it should have in light of your comments.

    So for anyone else who is asking this question – it works fine for me.

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    okay well thanks. Doesn’t really help me ! Defensio does the job for me, as well as any other plugin has. The plugin itself is not the issue – it’s the spam.

    No-one here seems to know how to add a recapatcha to contact form 7, which would also help.

    It doesn’t appear clear at all whether spam is illeagal or not; either way for me it’s a completel nuisance and I want to do more to stop it – but I do need someone to explain how to add a recapatcha to contact form 7. The plugin owner hasn’t responded.

    Maybe someone here can help ?

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Ipetenu you can’t use any other spam plugin with Defensio, and I’m happy with it’s performance – none of the others have worked any better for me.

    I would like to find something to add the words/letters to my contact form 7 like re-capatcha does. Is there anything that works that anyone knows of, and that is compatible with what I am already running ?

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Apparently my site is still being subject to hack attacks and I’ve been told to check that my theme, Fresh News, contains an updated version of tim thumb, if applicable. Does it ?

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    thanks guys appreciate your help.

    You can’t use other plugins with Defensio, and as I said I’m happy with it’s performance – I never found any of the others to be any better.

    WordPress provides a facility to add IP addresses in settings>discussion>comment blacklist. So are you all saying that it’s pointless adding the IP addresses, because I’ve added hundreds. SOmetimes it seems to help and sometimes they seem to be ignored and still arrive. But what’s the point of it being there if it’s no use ?

    Some of these spam comments are pretty rude and if they are breaking the law then what is being done about it ? Does anyone have any information on who the leading researchers are ?

    I’m now getting spam on my contact 7 form. Anyone know how to add re-capatcha to the form please ? I’ve seen it on some sites but the settings page gives me no clues and the plugin author hasn’t responded to my question. I pre-moderate all comments so getting spam into my email is proving a proper nightmare.

    Thank you all for your help so far.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Contact form 7
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    anyone know how this is done please ? thanks

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    ps I’m happy with the \Defensio plugin which traps 98% os the spam. Not many do better than that. Everyone has their favourite. They all do the same job.

    So the plugin is doing it’s job; I want the spam to be stopped from hitting my server (and I pay for a dedicated one) so why can’t that be done ? I’m amazed at the acceptance of this rubbish on the internet. Appreciate it’s not easy to solve but who are the experts ? What is being done to tackle it ?

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: SPAM
    Thread Starter Ballet News


    So, now the spammers are attacking my contact form – I use the most popular wordpress 7 contact form.

    What can be done ?

    I absolutely don’t accept that this vile spam is something I have to put up with. Some of it is rude and unpleasant and should be unacceptable.

    Now that the spammers have also targetted my contact for (and I don’t have the re-capatcha letters there – can they be added ?) what else can be done please ? thanks

    Thread Starter Ballet News


    Okay I REALLY am getting fed up with this.

    I’ve followed all your suggestions and still I’m having to log in every single time and get a new password.

    It’s taking up too much time. Would apprecaite it if anyone has any suggestions that I haven’t tried yet.,

    Thread Starter Ballet News


    thanks. I never saved any passwords.

    Still getting the same issue. Every single time I try to log in with the last password reset, I’m told to reset again.

    That message saying that passwords were reset in June needs to be removed!!!!!

    Why am I still going round and round this loop ?

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