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  • Thread Starter bamajr


    So, now I’ve installed the Responsive Theme and get these results:

    1. Admin Commenters Comments Count – Check
    2. Akismet – Check
    3. Better Plugin Compatibility Control – Check
    4. Chatroll Live Chat – Check
    5. Clicky – Check
    6. Esponce QR Code Generator – Check
    7. Exclude Pages from Navigation – Check
    8. Jetpack – Check
    9. Page Links To – Check
    10. PC Robots.txt – Check
    11. Polldaddy – Check
    12. Register IP Multisite – Check


    SendPress, has passed this step

    Next, I’ll duplicate this one more time, with the exact child theme, in use at which will be copied over via FTP.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    1. Admin Commenters Comments Count – Check
    2. Akismet – Check
    3. Better Plugin Compatibility Control – Check
    4. Chatroll Live Chat – Check
    5. Clicky – Check
    6. Esponce QR Code Generator – Check
    7. Exclude Pages from Navigation – Check
    8. Jetpack – Check
    9. Page Links To – Check
    10. PC Robots.txt – Check
    11. Polldaddy – Check
    12. Register IP Multisite – Check

    Now, because I documented it, in my second post (up top) I know, the SendPress Plugin was crashing my website, with only the installed plugins, I’ve just listed.


    SendPress, has passed this step

    Now, I’ll duplicate this same series of tests with the Responsive Theme, by ThemeID.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    So far, I’ve tested the SendPress plugin, in the fresh install of WordPress. It is working great and I’ve set up the “Information” tab and I’m using the “Your Website” sending account.

    The test emails work just fine.

    Now, to add more plugins!

    Thread Starter bamajr


    Here’s what I’ve done…

    I have a fresh install of WordPress on the same server as the website.

    I set all the general (standard) settings the same as the website, only this time, I started by deleting Akismet and Hello Dolly, to start with zero plugins.

    Then I installed the SendPress Plugin and guess what? It works! So, the server config is fine.

    Now, I’ll start adding plugins. I’ll first try adding one plugin at a time, and then removing it. Then I’ll add one plugin at a time without deleting the previous plugins.

    I’ll update this thread, as I go.

    Thread Starter bamajr



    Lets put that option on the back burner for a bit… I’m not saying I’m completely apposed to it, but I think there are a few other things to try first.

    In the back of my mind, I can’t help but think about the fact that it did work, prior to the last two updates and didn’t stop working until I applied the update. That makes me think it has something to do with the last two updates. Of course, that could still be an issue with my server config, but specifically between my server config and something that happened in the last two updates.

    I’m going to try something I haven’t tried yet. I’m going to try a clean installation environment.

    Thread Starter bamajr



    I’m at a loss.

    I dropped those tables and tried to re-install SendPress. Same Problem! Back to the blank screen when trying to activate the plugin and making the entire admin area blank/inaccessible.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    @josh Lyford

    Okay, I may be getting somewhere on this. When the issue first occurred, it was immediately after SendPress was updated (not this last time, but the time before). I had to manually remove the plugin, to restore functionality to my website’s admin area.

    Even though, I re-installed and re-activated the plugin, in an effort to test the next two updates, I was never able to delete the plugin, from the plugins area. So, obviously, the tables were never removed.

    I found:


    …which had not be deleted, when the plugin was removed.

    Can these tables simply be dropped from the database?

    I haven’t located the custom post types, in the database yet.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    @esponce I see exactly where you are coming from and agree, for the most part.

    I’ll wait to see what changes in the next release, before making further suggestions, though I thing there are a couple things which need to be addressed in that release:

    • There needs to be a way to align the QR Code Image. The QR Code Image is aligned to the left, by default, but doesn’t have an option to center or align to the right.
    • The “Module Size” option needs to create QR Codes, that are the same size, throughout the whole website. Compare the size of the QR Code, generated on my Search Engine Optimization Page to my Search Engine Optimization Category and finally to one of my Search Engine Optimization Post. The QR Code generated for the preview of a draft post, is even smaller yet. The same widget is used on all these, with the “Module Size” set to 5 and “Padding” set to 0, yet the size is different on every one of these.
    • There needs to be a way of defining the alt tag and title tag options for the QR Code (maybe even include a dynamically assigned title, via a combination of shortcode and text.

    all of these are things I listed at

    Those issues are really annoying, especially for people concerned with validation and visual display.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    I guess I can see (a little) where the permalink discussion gets complicated. Defining a permalink as…

    a URL that points to a specific blog or forum entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives. Because a permalink remains unchanged indefinitely, it is less susceptible to link rot. Most modern weblogging and content-syndication software systems support such links.

    Doesn’t help the situation either – as categories and tags can have a specific URL, but may be subject to change.

    This shouldn’t make any difference, as far as your plugin is concerned though. The QR Codes are dynamically created, when each page is loaded, so the QR Code Widget should display the exact location where it is displayed.

    I’ll look for this feature in your next release.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    I’m willing to help, in just about any way I can.

    I’m curious about why this happened all of a sudden, as the SendPress plugin wasn’t causing this problem, until the last two updates.

    I know it was working, because I filed the following support issue, upon testing the plugin, initially:

    What changed between now and then?

    Does SendPress put information in the WordPress Database? Is it possible this “DATA” needs to be removed, before trying this latest SendPress release? Where is the SendPress Data stored?

    Thread Starter bamajr


    Upon clicking the “Activate” link, in the Plugins Area, I’m immediately presented with the following screen:


    When I view the source of this page, there is nothing there.

    When I navigate to https://bamajr/wp-admin/ there is nothing there either, as is depicted in the following screen:


    The images are showing use of Firefox, but I also tested in Google Chrome, with the same results.

    One other point of interest (maybe) is that after the SendPress plugin is installed, the front end of my website continues to work, but the “Admin Bar” has some weird display issues. Those “Admin Bar” issues go away as soon as SendPress is removed, as well.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    After taking the screenshot (above), I went to:

    Plugins > Add New

    In the “Search” area, I typed in “SendPress” and clicked the “Search Plugins” button.

    I clicked the “Install Now” link and confirmed the installation, but did not activate it, after the installation.

    The screenshot below, is of the plugins, installed/activated, after SendPress was installed.


    No issues to this point! ??

    Thread Starter bamajr


    Ok… I’m starting with the following plugins, installed/activated (some are installed but not activated):


    This isn’t much different than the information I’ve already outlined for you, above.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    I’d be happy to try it again. That’s one of the things I do a lot of… trying Plugins and Plugin combinations. I’ll document the process for you, too, including a snap-shot of my installed/activated plugins.

    Thread Starter bamajr



    I think you got an extra “a” in the @bamajr ??

    I have a hard time with this plugin even being available on

    As best as I understand the plugin, it does nothing without paying for the LinksAlpha service, which, requires registration, before you can even find out the associated costs.

    Further, this LinksAlpha is hardly a viable system/service, when you can’t delete/close your account, if you choose to.

    Thanks for the Plugin suggestion, by the way. I’m using RSS Graffiti to connect my WordPress blog to Facebook. It works pretty well and in an unobtrusive way.

    I really liked the “PING” service, until Seesmic got a hold of it. Now it sucks and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I want a plugin, that automatically updates ALL the most popular services, without any costs (you know, like Ping used to, before Seesmic took over).

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