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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Moblog??

    The MMS drop in above has been superceeded by a WordPress 2.0 Plugin. See for details and download.

    Thread Starter barehug


    I am not a lawyer; but I agree using software of your choice on your blog should be your own business. If you must make modifications to your cell phone to access the software this raises other issues and hence the disclaimer.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    Can you tell me which carrier your with? Also can you provide the URL to the wp-mms.php file on your server so I can take a look?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    WP-MMS is now a real WordPress 2.0 Plugin. The support site where you can download the plugin and find information instructions and support is Previous users of the dropin should load the plugin and begin to use it instead of the dropin. The plugin uses a different directory structure and does not interfere with the earlier dropin if for some reason you want to leave it active as well. The Plugin does add several features and bug corrections and therefore should be fazed in for normal use.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    Just thought I’d let ya know I became aware that users on systems where “safe mode” was enabled were encountering problems in getting the 100% complete message back to their cellphones. Thanks to the help of Jon Watson I beleive these have been resolved. The latest version 0.43 is available from my site For more information on this dropin check

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    I have posted a new version 0.34 to my site with several bug fixes and a couple of enhancements. Please see

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    I thought I’d let you all know there is an updated to my MMS drop in for WordPress version 0.32 can be found at

    If you post via MMS you need no cron. Try You can post text or text and pics. Thumbnails are also supported.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Moblog??

    Try my MMS drop in for wordpress. It works for me and several others.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    To: douglemoine
    I added a <div class=”mms-post> at the begining of each mms posted message and a </div> at the end so that you can style the mms messages uniquely. I also added a class=”mms-thumb to each <img> thumbnail tag so the image thumbnails may be uniguely styled. So for instance if you wanted to make the background black, center the thumbnail and add a yellow border around it; you would add something like the following to your theme style sheet:

    .post.mms-post { /*for styling mms messages*/
    background-color: #000000;
    text-align: center;

    img.mms-thumb { /*for styling mms thumbnails*/
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 8px;
    background-color: #FFFF00;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;

    These changes to wp-mms should have no effect except to allow you to add additional styling for the mms posted messages.

    These changes are also on the current 0.31 version on my server.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    innocuoussoul & yeldarbj
    Sorry I was adding rather than subtracting the gmt offset. I have placed a corrected version on my site

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    Sorry I am having some trouble understanding your question. You say you can send MMS to the blog does it say “MMS sending failed” even when it sucessfully goes just to the blog? You say it fails because it goes only to the “server” (what server are you talking about here?)

    If you have your phone MMS set to send to your blog then that is where the pics go; they are not forwarded to anywhere else. If you reset your phone’s MMS settings to point to another “server” then that is where they would go. Are you trying to get them to go to both places at the same time? What is your “server”? Is that one you have setup yourself or one provided by your cell phone company like PixPlace for Verizon?

    It would be possible for me to add code to forward a repackaged version of the MMS message to an email address (including another phone’s email address) in addition to saving it on the blog, but is not something currently implemented. Is that what your looking to do?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    You dona€?t send to email. You use MMS. On Verizon you would say send a photo normally to Pix Place. So in your cellphone you change the setup so that instead of sending to you would make it

    You can find more info about MMS servers at

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    MMS Server Drop-in for WordPress 1.5

    Version 0.3 is released.

    Corrects some bugs and adds more content-types.

    For more information and download go to:

    You can get it here

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: MMS directly to WordPress
    Thread Starter barehug


    MMS Server Drop-in for WordPress 1.5

    Update: version 0.2 is now available at

    This version includes some new features as well as a couple of bug fixes. Most notably is an option to determine if a cellphone user is allowed to post. If you turn this option off then anyone can post. (not a great idea) Version 0.1 allowed this so beware!!!

    This is accomplished by requiring the user to register using their 10 digit cell # as their login. Each incoming MMS message is checked to see if it’s 10 digit phone number has already been registered as a login. Remember that their nickname is published on the blog so their cellphone number is not out there for all to see. They will have to do this using a browser and go through the normal email verification process to create the account.

    The wordpress security is then checked against the incoming MMS cellphone # and will only allow registered users with a high enough user level to post via MMS just like with regular posts.

    An option to select thumbnail size for both max width and max height is easily changed in the user options. (default is 400X300) Thumbnailing is accomplished using php only and does not require installing Image Majic or the like.

    The subject of the incoming MMS is parsed and attempts to locate a category to place the post in. A subject line like (Photos) Me Skydiving would search WordPress to see if a category exists and if so the post will be placed in it otherwise it goes to the WordPress default category. The (Photos) gets stripped off the subject and the remainder Me Skydiving becomes the post title. Also works for numeric category entry like (3).

    Any text accompaning the photo is placed below the photo thumbnail in the post. If an audio file was also attached a link to it is also placed in the text area below the photo.

    An example of an MMS post is at

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