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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetOne last note:
Both Neo Technomad’s code and the proper/official code seems to work the same in fixing the double title for the sidebar widgets. What other effects either code may have is unknown at this time.
thanks to all and esp Neo Technomad.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetAgain, thanks…
bcForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetOK, this last revision now works.
Thanks for your help in this long standing issue.
Have a Merry Christmas
bcForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetDid the correction for label. BUT, still seeing double title for the widgets.
The first version worked fine, but I guess would not be seen by a screen reader app. But telling it to have zero size does not seem to work. I hope to understand the logic here at some point.
bcForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetOK, did the correction for screen readers, but the double title came back.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetCool, OK fixed.
Should I ultimately place this code in the custom CSS style sheet. Every time the theme gets updated I have to go back and edit a lot of little tweaks like this. I would like to avoid that chore.
But, I’m also concerned about load times. As I understand, the CSS custom style sheet gets loaded last, and the browser then over writes with whatever the CSS has asked.
Sort of … OK, lets go right, then no lets go left. Why take the time to command one thing then take more time to countermand that and do something else.
I suppose all that back and forth could be eliminated by using a fully custom site, but that is way more than I have the time to learn.
One last point: I did find a screen-reader-text statement in both the Categories and Archives widgets file as loaded by WP itself. It would seen to me that double title off should be the WP default, and not have to be set elsewhere… just a thought.
Thanks for your help and understanding … and merry christmass.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetI do see this sort of thing in the style.css file:
margin:10px auto 0;
width:155px;There are several of these listed one after the other, which I presume is creating various classes for the theme to use.
Would I create a new class called screen-reader-text
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Double title in sidebar widgetThe phrase screen-reader-text does not appear anywhere in my theme’s style.css file. If I were to add it to the file, where and exactly what code would I add. (Remember, I’m rather code illiterate.)
What is default with WP? To show or none. And, since it does not appear in the style.css would the issue be elsewhere, to force show.
bcForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Contact Form (possible) bugThanks Jeremy,
my pleasure
Hi HelloWishCraft,
* Just having the name field in the form is not enough. If set optional, it must also have text in the field.
* The thing that lead me to fixing my form error was looking at the server logs. You may need your host to help on that score. But, if you refer to the post I linked to above, there is a section where I show the part of the server log that details the error I had. Look for something similar regarding failed email.
Before you can fix it you need to know what is wrong, and the server error logs just may provide the clue.
One last thing: Check your php.ini file. There should be an email declared there for the sendmail program. (Depending on the server operating system sendmail is the function that the Jetpack Contact Form uses to send email.) That email is the address that the form sends the message FROM: If that is missing, then the email will fail.
Solved by adding this to the custom CSS:
.contact-form .email{ background: none; }
Is your contact form built with or without a Name field. I had email fails from this Jetpack module, and traced it to a mal-formed header, when the Name field is pulled from the form, or left blank.
Here is the sorry tale:
PS: and I agree with hellowishcraft about the ugly formatting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Phantom admin userSOLVED:
It seems that the number of users listed in Dashboard > Users when filtered for Administrators comes from wp_usemeta table. When I deleted those rows for user ID#1 singly rather than as a group they deleted. Then when I checked the Dashboard again the user count was correct for Administrators.
Now this raises a question. Do attributes remain in the wp_usemeta file for all users that get deleted? And, if true, is it true when the delete is by either an admin, or the user themself?
If true, it would seem that the wp_usemeta table would just, over time, continue to grow.
Any ideas??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Protecting imagesI also would like to protect pictures from being casually copied by disabling the save image / copy image on the Right Mouse Button pop up. I have seen this on photo web sites and would like to implement it. I know that it only protects the image from the casual lifter, as images can usually be mined from the browser cache.
Also, it would be nice, as I have seen elsewhere, to show a message in the RMB popup, something to the effect of this image is copyrighted, please don’t copy.
I have heard, but not seen, that some sites just disable the RMB pop up over images.
So, … is this done site wide, or is it done on a picture by picture bases. Also, how and where is it done. What is the code and where does it go?
And, if I install wp-copyrightpro will it block search engine crawls.