Forum Replies Created
Hi @slm0n
I’d like to inform you that we took care of the issue in recent Flexible Subscriptions 1.2.2 release.
I’d be glad, if you could confirm the problem is solved!
Best regards
Hi @ultramega,
It isn’t possible to disable cron/action scheduler jobs from ShopMagic per se, but you can disable executors (actions) from running. I hope this is enough to debug the potential issue.
For actions which are yet to be added to queue, i.e. new automations, triggered by customer, you can deny ShopMagic from adding an action to the queue with snippet:
add_filter('shopmagic/core/automation/should_execute_action', '__return_false');
For any actions which are already in queue and are waiting for execution, you can force stop execution with throwing an exception:
add_action( 'shopmagic/core/action/before_execution', function () { throw new \RuntimeExecption("Forcefully stopped"); } )
Best regards,
BartekHi @tomasbud
I just wanted to mention that with ShopMagic 4.2.0 release we’ve added
placeholders.Hi @devbd
This seems tricky, as we are testing ShopMagic ourselves at PHP 8.1 and everything works fine. Do you by any chance update your plugin through FTP server?
I noticed, you have added underscore after plugin slug in directory
. From the top of my head, I’ve got two possible diagnostics:- Please, make sure there’s only one ShopMagic installed in your website. Sometimes it may happen that plugin installation results in another plugin instance (i.e.
) instead of clean update - If you are updating your plugin through FTP, I recommend deleting the plugin completely and install it anew, as there may be stranded files from previous versions which may affect the current installation.
- Changing PHP version on server is one thing, but it usually doesn’t flush any cache, which may be set it various places (cache plugins, database, server settings). Cache may serve your website with stale code (yes, even PHP code can be cached, it’s frequently due to opcache settings), and this may be temporary, but effectively leaving you with a website down for a few minutes.
If none of the above help, I’d still recommend performing a clean installation of the plugin, directly downloading the newest release from WordPress download page. Otherwise, I need you to post screenshots with content of a few files to manually verify integrity:
- src/Workflow/Extensions/ExtensionsSet.php, line 111-117
- src/Workflow/Extensions/Builtin/WooCommerceExtension.php, line 61-118
Best regards,
BartekWygl?da na to, ?e zapytania wysy?ane przez ShopMagic s? blokowane przez serwer. Niektóre serwery blokuj? zapytania
, w granicznych przypadkach tak?ePOST
. W takim przypadku najlepiej by?oby si? skontaktowa? z hostingiem i dopyta? o to, czy faktycznie takie zapytania s? blokowane, a je?li tak, poprosi? o dodanie punktów z adresu zaczynaj?cego si? odwp-json/shopmagic/
do whitelisty, ?eby wtyczka dzia?a?a poprawnie.Mog?em delikatnie namiesza? w za??czonym wideo — w lewym górnym rogu narz?dzi developerskich ikona po lewej stronie musi si? ?wieci? na czerwono, inaczej dzia?ania na stronie nie s? rejestrowane.
Czy mo?esz powtórzy? test, upewniaj?c si?, ?e zapytania s? rejestrowane i pojawiaj? si? w tabeli?
BartekHej @sklepmakaszka
Taki problem mo?e pojawi? si?, kiedy na stronie wyst?puje jaki? b??d, cz?sto powodowany konfliktem z innymi wtyczkami. Musz? Ci? poprosi? o pomoc w debugowaniu tego komunikatu, ?eby pomóc najlepiej, jak potrafi?.
Kiedy otworzysz automatyzacj?, otwórz prosz? w przegl?darce narz?dzia developerskie (zwykle pod przyciskiem F12). Przejd? do zak?adki “Sie?” (Network), wyczy?? wszystkie elementy. Spróbuj zapisa? automatyzacj? i znajd? pierwszy element z listy o tytule “automations”. Kliknij w niego i otwórz zak?adk? “Podgl?d” i “Odpowied?”. Za??cz w tym w?tku zrzuty ekranu z obu tych zak?adek — wtedy powinienem by? w stanie okre?li?, co spowodowa?o b??d i zaproponowa? jakie? rozwi?zanie.
Nagra?em te? krótkie wideo, gdzie pokazuj? jak wykona? powy?sze czynno?ci. Uwa?aj, dost?p do niego wyga?nie 06.07.23.
Wideo instrukta?owe:
BartekHi @teszilla
As of ShopMagic 4.0.2 you are again able to delete guests from admin view. Feel free to update.
Best regards,
BartekHi @yoschims
I just wanted to mention that we’ve updated ShopMagic, and from now on it should work correctly with plain permalink support.
Best regards,
BartekHi @lisastrauss
There might be some plugin incompatibilities, but those were fixed in today’s update to ShopMagic 4.0. Please, upgrade the plugin and confirm whether the bug is gone.
Best regards,
BartekHi @debbyroar
We’ve just updated ShopMagic. Could you please check if the issue persists with the newest version?
Hi @debbyroar
Could you provide some detailed information about the issue? WooCommerce’s status report would be great insight at first, and additionally it would be good if you could look into your website’s logs and seek for actual error message.
ShopMagic doesn’t establish any database connection on its own, and it’s most likely a fatal conflict with some other plugin you’ve installed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce by ShopMagic] Not tracking anythingHi @rah2510
Would you mind updating both ShopMagic for WooCommerce and ShopMagic Abandoned Carts to the latest versions? I believe, we might have resolved your issues in recent releases, after your report.
Best regards,
BartekHi @tomasbud
doesn’t refer to registered users, as ShopMagic have it own definition of customer, and depending on the context it is user or anonymous (not registered) buyer. Thanks to that, you can safely exchangecustomer
placeholders, when you want to access any order data. For that instance,customer.first_name
is equal toorder.billing_first_name
, etc.Hope this clarifies the use case and helps you achieve your goal!
Hi @tomasbud
I must admit, I fooled myself, after 2 years of developing the plugin ?? Actually, there’s no
placeholder in ShopMagic, and it is not because it’s free version – we just never implemented such placeholder. It seemed so obvious to me, that I was sure we did…Anyway,
from now on is added to our backlog and will be introduced. Fortunately, there is a possibility to get customer number
placeholder (which definitely is implemented).I hope this helps ??
- Please, make sure there’s only one ShopMagic installed in your website. Sometimes it may happen that plugin installation results in another plugin instance (i.e.