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  • Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    So while inspecting the CHILD THEME with NO PLUGINS ACTIVE except for woocommerce this is what I found while in console mode for chrome. I have been down almost a month now and would really like to get this fixed.

    jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.2.1:21 JQMIGRATE: Logging is active
    jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.2.1:41 JQMIGRATE: jQuery is not compatible with Quirks Mode
    jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.2.1:43 console.trace()migrateWarn @ jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.2.1:43

    [ No bumping please. ]

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    tried from a second computer and getting SyntaxError: invalid charactor

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    I am not finding any logs at all

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    This is the 3rd theme I have tried. Everything seems to work in the parent themes but when you use a child them it all goes to hell in a handbasket lol

    I will check the logs real quick

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    When you shop the page choose any random item then proceed to checkout like normal and input all your info then click on the terms and then click to go to paypal is when you get the error

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Last upgrade to woocommerce and also still the same after the recent upgrade a day or so ago
    I have went as far as reinstalling all themes, woocommerce and WP the site is

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Also noticed alot of postings about this same issue but no resolution.

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    It started back on the last upgrade just before Thanksgiving. Any ideas on where to look for the syntax error?

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    So I turned on DEBUG Mode in wp-config and found the following error. So now the major what needs to be done to fix this. This was found while using the CHILD THEME.

    instead. in E:\HostingSpaces\*******\eatgafftape*****.com\wwwroot\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3619

    Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
    instead. in E:\HostingSpaces\*******\eatgafftape*****.com\wwwroot\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3619

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    So I did the suggested and everything works fine in the parent theme with all plugins enabled and disabled for the testing.

    I then deleted the old child theme and started with a blank slate and no custom functions and everything worked fine with all plugins enabled and then disabled with only woocommerce running. So the plugins were eliminated as a source of the problem.

    The minute I add the custom function to the functions.php the issue starts, the same goes for any custom function being added to that area.

    In regards to this from the research i have done Woocommerce blames the theme developers and the teme developers blame woocommerce . So who knows when that battle will ever get fixed. Until then I am dead in the water with my retail site.

    As for this issue I have no idea what that even is..

    I am unable to pinpoint when the issue actually started or if it was due to a customizr update or recent woo commerce updates. I do know that it started a couple days before Thanksgiving when I went to add product updates to the site for a month long sale I was wanting to have for my musician customers which was missed .

    I am the owner a company with 3 employees and it is up to me to handle the website, provide audio gear for shows, book the events and handle all the retail sales in addition to programming light shows and audio consoles so you can imagine my frustration when everything messes up lol


    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    When I am in my admin section and browse the site and try placing an order it is supposed to give you an option of checkout the normal woocommerce way way where you can input your fields and agree to the terms before you proceed to paypal this is where it hangs up. at the very bottom it just sits there and spins and will not let you click on anything.

    The other button is for paypal quick checkout takes you directly to paypal with no issue. I am more than happy to scrap that idea due to the fact that is can cause issues with spammers trying to use bogus cards to buy products with.

    In the top part of the site under USER TOOLS you will see Checkout once you goto that screen there is the issue where it just hangs up and spins an icon at the bottom.

    The code listed above is used to hide shipping if a certain amount is hit ( currently set at 300 ) anything under that will show a $15.00 shipping fee

    The code was working with no issues in the child theme before the upgrades to Customizr.. Hope this helps

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Will take a look at the docs .. So far so good with the plugin doing what I need it to do

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Ok switched themes to something completely different and all is well. Even though this has not been resolved I will mark it as so.

    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Ok so it seems to work in the parent Customizer theme with all plugins working and no conflicts. Child theme just sits and spins with or without plugins on or off…

    Here is what the Child theme looks like along with my functions file…

    Theme Name:     Customizr Child
    Theme URI:      https://***********
    Description:    A child theme for the Customizr WordPress theme. This child theme simply includes 2 files : style.css to add your custom css and functions.php where you can extend Customizr's core code. In order to keep your code as clean and flexible as possible, try to use Customizr's hooks API for your customizations. Do something awesome and have fun !
    Author:         Nicolas Guillaume (nikeo)
    Author URI:     https://***********
    Template:       customizr
    Version:        1.0.0
    /* Your awesome customizations start right here !
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    .navbar .nav .my-nav-menu-search {
    float: right;
    * This is where you can copy and paste your functions !
    // As of 3.1.10, Customizr doesn't output an html5 form.
    add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'search-form' ) );
    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_search_form_to_menu', 10, 2);
    function add_search_form_to_menu($items, $args) {
      // If this isn't the main navbar menu, do nothing
      if( !($args->theme_location == 'main') ) // with Customizr Pro 1.2+ and Cusomizr 3.4+ you can chose to display the saerch box to the secondary menu, just replacing 'main' with 'secondary'
        return $items;
      // On main menu: put styling around search and append it to the menu items
      return $items . '<li class="my-nav-menu-search">' . get_search_form(false) . '</li>';
     * woocommerce_package_rates is a 2.1+ hook
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'hide_shipping_when_free_is_available', 10, 2 );
     * Hide shipping rates when free shipping is available
     * @param array $rates Array of rates found for the package
     * @param array $package The package array/object being shipped
     * @return array of modified rates
    function hide_shipping_when_free_is_available( $rates, $package ) {
     	// Only modify rates if free_shipping is present
      	if ( isset( $rates['free_shipping'] ) ) {
      		// To unset a single rate/method, do the following. This example unsets flat_rate shipping
      		unset( $rates['flat_rate'] );
      		// To unset all methods except for free_shipping, do the following
      		$free_shipping          = $rates['free_shipping'];
      		$rates                  = array();
      		$rates['free_shipping'] = $free_shipping;
    	return $rates;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_override_checkout_fields' );
    function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
    return $fields;
    Thread Starter BARTNKCMO


    Tried all of the above. Plugins are fine and everything seems to be fine in the woocommerce status.. Will check server error logs

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