Forum Replies Created
ok thanks for your quick response and glad you can fix it in the next update. I will wait, thanks for your support!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Fields Factory] Checkout Field editor destroys MyParcel functionalityHi, I am very happy with this plugin, but i went also back to version 2.08. if the Netherlands or Belgium is chosen as the shipping address in checkout then the myparcel plugin has a separate street and house number field, both required, if other countries are chosen then the standard shipping street field will be returned and the other fields will be hidden.
The problem is that both fields are required, the hidden fields are still required when activating wc fields Factory with checkout fields update. This can not be settled
This can be solved by setting the fields unrequired in checkout fields editor, but then the customer sometimes forgets to give house numbers.
Is it possible in a next update to set hidden fields as not required, or disable the checkout part of this plugin. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invoices for WooCommerce] Invoice Number Options : IssueNa de laatste update (2.6.1) worden ordernummers opgeslagen als post_id, template settings staan op type WooCommerce ordernummer en notatie Format is [order-number], bij versie 2.5.7 werd dan het ordernummer/order_id getoond bij account order en admin orders. ook kregen de pdf facturen het ordernummer. Nu krijgt alles het post_id mee wat verwarrend werkt. Is dit makkelijk aan te passen? Alvast dank!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] plugin breaks facebook like box widgetsin plugin directory folder inc / ssba_styles.php line 119 .fb_iframe_widget span {width: 146px Important there added IMPORTANT This will overwrite all own css files. Why is this done?
This disturbs other plugins with the same code as facebook like box plugin. The rest of the styles used very often !Important, !important
why, think of something else please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] When calculating shipping total, force roundingRound the total cost after taxes have been calculated works great. Mike thanks for your quick response, explanation and a perfect solution. it works with my gateway, I hope that it will also work with many other gateways. This I can not test for you. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] When calculating shipping total, force roundingshipping cost excl. = 3.2645 x 1.21 (21% tax)= 395.0045 incl.vat (this is oke)
shipping were always visible with round amount, Since Version: 2.5.2 all shipping incl.vat not be rounded to whole amounts. 3.94 or 3.96. This is not proffessioneel. All orders now have a strange total amount which does not finish at 20.50 or 20:00 but only 20.49, 20.44. etc. Please make it undone, or take an option to choose. the checkout does not look with these amounts. sorry for my translation.