Hello everyone
I am currently evaluating wp-ecommerce and marketpress. One thing I wanted to do was import many products into my site. There are too many to type in.
In wp-ecommerce, we have a csv import. This works fine except there aren’t images associated with it. So I made some modifications according to https://www.haycroftmedia.com/archives/160/wp-e-commerce-upload-adding-images-to-csv-upload. This seemed to work well enough.
I tried to do the same thing with MarketPress. There isn’t a csv importer but there is a wp e-commerce importer. I imported all of my products with the importer. I see them and the images however all of the products don’t have a category so I have to edit each of hundred’s of products to categorize them. Is there a better way? I would like to use MarketPress but I don’t want to manually edit each product.