Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLDebug Info:
WordPress-Version: 4.9.1
BackWPup-Version: 3.4.4
PHP-Version: 5.6.19 (64bit)
MySQL-Version: 5.6.36
cURL-Version: 7.48.0
cURL-SSL-Version: OpenSSL/1.0.1u
WP-Cron-URL:: https://franziska…./wp-cron.php
Verbindung zum Server selbst:: Response-Test OK
Document root: /home/www/…
Temp-Verzeichnis:: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-1c2766-temp/
Protokoll-Verzeichnis:: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-1c2766-logs/
Server: Apache
Betriebssystem: Linux
PHP-SAPI: cgi-fcgi
Aktueller PHP-User: web…
Maximale Skript-Laufzeit: 120 Sekunden
Alternative WP Cron: Aus
WP Cron abgeschaltet: Aus
Verzeichnis-Rechte: 0755
Server-Zeit: 13:40
Zeit der Website: 14:40
Zeitzone der Website: Europe/Berlin
Zeitverschiebung der Website: 1 Stunden
Sprache der Website: de-DE
Zeichensatz des MySQL-Clients: utf8
PHP-Memory-Limit: 256M
WordPress-Memory-Limit: 40M
Maximales WordPress-Memory-Limit: 256M
Benutzter Speicher: 40,25 MB
Deaktivierte PHP-Funktionen:: apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, define_syslog_variables, ini_alter, link, openlog, passthru, pfsockopen, posix_getpwuid, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_uname, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, shell_exec, show_source, syslog, system, virtual
Geladene PHP-Erweiterungen:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, SourceGuardian, Zend Guard Loader, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, ereg, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, geoip, gettext, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, readline, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib- This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by baumaeschi.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLProtocol:
[INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
[INFO] WordPress 4.9.1 on https://franziska-…
[INFO] Log Level: Debug
[INFO] Runs with user: (0)
[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
[INFO] BackWPup job started manually
[INFO] PHP ver.: 5.6.19 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds
[INFO] Script restart time is configured to 180 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.6.36
[INFO] Web Server: Apache
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.48.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1u
[INFO] Temp folder is: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-1c2766-temp/
[INFO] Logfile is: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-1c2766-logs/backwpup_log_1c2766_2017-12-14_14-33-32.html
[INFO] Backup file is: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-1c2766-backups/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] 1. Try to backup database …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Connected to database fraa on localhost
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1commentmeta” with “0” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1comments” with “0” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1links” with “0” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1options” with “301” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1postmeta” with “371” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1posts” with “93” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1term_relationships” with “26” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1term_taxonomy” with “6” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1termmeta” with “0” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1terms” with “6” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1usermeta” with “54” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Backup database table “wp_fraa1users” with “2” records
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Added database dump “fraa.sql” with 977,00 KB to backup file list
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] Database backup done!
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:32] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Added “wp-config.php” to backup file list
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] 455 folders to backup.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Check WP Export file …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Use of undefined constant LIBXML_PARSEHUGE – assumed ‘LIBXML_PARSEHUGE’
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] WARNING: DOMDocument::loadXML() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Added XML export “Franziska_Baumgartner.wordpress.2017-12-14.xml” with 168,67 KB to backup file list.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Added plugin list file “Franziska-Baumgartner.pluginlist.2017-12-14.txt” with 1,68 KB to backup file list.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Added manifest.json file with 5,26 KB to backup file list.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Adding Extra files to Archive
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-admin/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:33] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-admin/css/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:36] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/cache/2015/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:36] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-content/uploads/cache/2015/05/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:36] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-includes/theme-compat/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:38] Archiving Folder: /home/www/…/wp-includes/widgets/
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:39] Backup archive created.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:39] Archive size is 48,53 MB.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:39] 3045 Files with 76,30 MB in Archive.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:39] Restart after 7 seconds.
[14-Dec-2017 14:33:39] WARNING: Job finished with warnings in 7 seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution.- This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by baumaeschi.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLHere the (reduced and de-personalized) html log file of BackWPup:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”de-DE”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″ />
<title>BackWPup-Protokoll für Backup 1 von 13. Dezember 2017 am 14:52</title>
<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” />
<meta name=”copyright” content=”Copyright © 2012 – 2017 Inpsyde GmbH” />
<meta name=”author” content=”Inpsyde GmbH” />
<meta name=”generator” content=”BackWPup 3.4.4″ />
<meta http-equiv=”cache-control” content=”no-cache” />
<meta http-equiv=”pragma” content=”no-cache” />
<meta name=”date” content=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_errors” content=”0″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_warnings” content=”2″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobid” content=”1″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobname” content=”Backup 1″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobtype” content=”DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN” />
<meta name=”backwpup_backupfilesize” content=”59944025″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobruntime” content=”16″ />
<body style=”margin:0;padding:3px;font-family:monospace;font-size:12px;line-height:15px;background-color:black;color:#c0c0c0;white-space:nowrap;”>
[INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; Ein Projekt der Inpsyde GmbH<br />
[INFO] WordPress 4.9.1 auf<br />
[INFO] Log-Level: Debug (übersetzt)<br />
[INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag: Backup 1; DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN<br />
[INFO] L?uft mit Benutzer: (0) <br />
[INFO] BackWPup kein automatischer Auftragsstart konfiguriert<br />
[INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag wurde manuell gestartet<br />
[INFO] PHP-Version: 5.5.19 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux<br />
[INFO] Maximale PHP-Skript-Ausführungszeit ist 240 Sekunden<br />
[INFO] Skript-Neustart-Zeit ist auf 180 Sekunden festgelegt<br />
[INFO] MySQL-Version: 5.6.36<br />
[INFO] Webserver: Apache<br />
[INFO] curl-Version: 7.48.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1u<br />
…..<br />
[INFO] Backup-Datei ist: ….<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 159|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 35,50 MB|Mem Max: 35,50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 26]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 173|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 29]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Mit Datenbank fraa auf localhost verbunden<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 31]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?0“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 33]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?0“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 35]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?0“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 37]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_f….“ mit ?297“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 39]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?370“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 41]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?92“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 43]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?26“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 45]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?6“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 47]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?0“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 49]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?6“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 51]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?54“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 210|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 53]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Sichere Datenbank-Tabelle ?wp_….“ mit ?2“ Eintr?gen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 254|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 57]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Datenbank-Backup ?fraa.sql“ mit 969,66 KB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 260|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 57]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> Datenbank-Backup fertig!<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:31+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 238|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-file.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 58]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:31]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:32+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 358|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-file.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 58]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:32]</span> ?wp-config.php“ zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:32+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 387|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-file.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 58]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:32]</span> 455 Verzeichnisse zu sichern.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:32+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 112|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php|Mem: 36,00 MB|Mem Max: 36,25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 58]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:32]</span> 1. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 402|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Prüfe WP-Export-Datei …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 8|Line: 411|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php|Mem: 36,75 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Use of undefined constant LIBXML_PARSEHUGE – assumed 'LIBXML_PARSEHUGE'<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 2|Line: 411|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php|Mem: 36,75 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> <span style=”background-color:#ffc766;color:black;padding:0 2px;”>WARNUNG: DOMDocument::loadXML() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given</span><br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 500|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpexp.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> XML-Export ?Franziska_Baumgartner.wordpress.2017-12-13.xml“ mit 168,67 KB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 96|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 148|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Die Datei mit der Plugin-Liste ?Franziska-Baumgartner.pluginlist.2017-12-13.txt“ mit 1,67 KB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1838|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1906|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Die Datei manifest.json mit 5,33 KB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1556|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 36,50 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> 1. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1564|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 36,75 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Komprimiere Dateien als ZipArchive. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1571|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 36,75 MB|Mem Max: 36,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Extra-Dateien zum Archiv hinzufügen<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1599|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 38,00 MB|Mem Max: 38,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Archiviere Verzeichnis: …….<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:33+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1599|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 38,00 MB|Mem Max: 38,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:33]</span> Archiviere Verzeichnis: /home/www/……/<br /><span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1653|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 43,75 MB|Mem Max: 53,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:46]</span> Backup wurde erstellt.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1670|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 43,75 MB|Mem Max: 53,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:46]</span> Archivgr??e ist 57,17 MB<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1673|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 43,75 MB|Mem Max: 53,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:46]</span> 3047 Dateien mit 85,09 MB im Archiv.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1212|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 43,75 MB|Mem Max: 53,75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 12948 | UniqID: 5a31309fd367f7.73445229|Queries: 346]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:46]</span> Neustart nach 15 Sekunden.<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:47+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1043|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 34,00 MB|Mem Max: 34,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 13054 | UniqID: 5a3130afc02596.86211421|Queries: 19]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:47]</span> Eine alte Log-Datei gel?scht<br />
<span datetime=”2017-12-13T13:52:47+00:00″ title=”[Type: 512|Line: 1052|File: /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 34,00 MB|Mem Max: 34,00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 13054 | UniqID: 5a3130afc02596.86211421|Queries: 19]”>[13-Dec-2017 14:52:47]</span> <span style=”background-color:#ffc766;color:black;padding:0 2px;”>WARNUNG: Job mit Warnungen beendet in 16 Sekunden. Um eine korrekte Ausführung zu gew?hrleisten, behebe bitte die Fehler.</span><br />
</html>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXML[INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; Ein Projekt der Inpsyde GmbH
[INFO] WordPress 4.9.1 auf …
[INFO] PHP-Version: 5.5.19 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
[INFO] Maximale PHP-Skript-Ausführungszeit ist 240 Sekunden
[INFO] Skript-Neustart-Zeit ist auf 180 Sekunden festgelegt
[INFO] MySQL-Version: 5.6.36
[INFO] Webserver: Apache
[INFO] curl-Version: 7.48.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1uForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLOk, thanks.
And where is this libxml 2.7.0 coming from?
– WordPress update?
– BackWPup update?
– Any other modul update?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLBut you are right: when I untick “WordPress-XML-Export” I don’t have any warnings.
And when I don’t backup anything I don’t have any warning at all ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Undefined constant LIBXMLNo, I don’t.
If I directly export wordpress xml file I don’t have any error messages.
Or is do I have do turn on some debug options in wordpress?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] 403 Forbidden Error.. Reply deleted. Created new topic …
- This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by baumaeschi. Reason: new topic