Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Menu Bar HoverThanks gerald@wpcustoms!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The New Add New Media 3.5 WordPress Doesnt Work!Thanks Christine for your helpfull answers, as usual.
Now i changed to twentytwelve and there the add media worked. Does that mean that the problem is my theme?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Menu/ Page overlap Help!Dear Christine,
Thank you for your response. I changed it just as you explained an it worked! Your a true savior.
Dear emsi,
I was unaware that i wasn’t allowed to ask questions in regards with commercial themes, sorry for the inconvienence it may have caused. Wont happen again.
Problem is resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Affiliate Plugin For Making Money YourselfEsmi and Paltip thanks for your replies. Im happy to have gotten the plugins; on the same subject. Does anyone here use them (or other affiliate plugins for that matter) and has tips/preferences/pros/cons?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Premium Themes and PluginsChristine thanks alot for your response!
Ive seen a paid theme, that only works properly if the corresponding plugin is installed. What can you tell me about those kind of themes/plugins? Good/bad?
Also, there are like hundreds and hundreds of plugins. How can i find/know the ones that are the best?
Also, it seems that most of the times the ones that are downloaded the most and rated highr are the ones with the best/meta names, is that a correct observation?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child theme, best way toHow can i first access and read the all of the codes of a template, whitout it being activated as my websites template.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Search Tags and CategoriesSo After i made my posts, i added tags and also chose categroies to put them under. Yet when i search for those tags or categories it wont find anything.
[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. Even this. ]
<h>This is my post</h> <p>Blablablablabla</p>
then i add tags like: XXX
and put unter the category: YYY
Then submit my post.Now, when i search for either XXX or YYY the search finds nothing.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child themeI solved the problem!
Thank you Andrew Nevins for your time and effort. I tried again on another random theme, doing it like described on that guide, and my modifications came through.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child themeyes it is, and i also did it like the first advice you gave me: wp-content/themes/thentyeleven/twentyelevenchild and made a file in there.
Does it have to do with the code not working, because i already used some modifications on it (header,footer and blogposts) and the theme isnt like the standard?
Also, about the location of the directory, this guide has the childtheme directory not in the mother directory rather next to it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child themeDo i have to make the yourTheme diroctory myself, and in it make a twentyelevenchild directory? Because the directory yourTheme isnt in the directory themes.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child themeThanks for the fast replies! Didn’t work though.
Here’s a more detailed description of what i did.
In DirectAdmin: installed WordPress via Installathron.
Used the theme Twenty Eleven on my website.
Went to public-html/wp-content/themes, and made a directory called twentyelevenchild.Then made a file named style.css with the following code in it:
Theme Name: Twentyeleven Child
Description: Child theme for the twentyeleven theme
Author: Your name here
Template: twentyeleven
*/@import url(“../twentyeleven/style.css”);
#site-title a {
color: #009900;
}And the changes don’t apply…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child themeIn DirectAdmin, i went to Files then:
public_html, wp-content, themes.
That’s where all my themes were, which i made a new directory called elventwelvechild. And in that directory i made a file with the codes and named it style.css.
Pretty much like the walkthough imo, so where do i make the mistake?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Super Mega Site!Thanks for the response,
You gave me the answer i expected, but not the answers i was hoping to hear. It seems i have a long way to go, but im still very excited to start my new journey.
Maybe after 3 months, if i still haven’t learnt as much as i wanted to, ill just assign a ‘real’ webdeveloper/ programmer to the project.
Any idea how much it will cost me on average??
Also, is messing around with Childtemplates a good place to start? Better yet, what’s the best thing to do first( besides the beforehand mentioned)