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  • Thread Starter bearkrust


    Also if I could change my title, I would.

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    I was really hoping to see someone could relate and provide steps to my first question. Well…


    Thank you for at least paying attention to the type of system I had.

    (@rossmitchell) and (@jdembowski)

    I went against my better judgement and installed the bundle stack and my system is screwed and that could’ve been not just that bundle but everything I had done trying to get the localhost setup mixed in with bundle stack’s scripts. I’ve been trying to restore my system back to what it was by doing a system restore, which usually goes smoothly, but it’s whatever. My system is still functional, just not optimally…I’ll figure it out.

    I have absolutely no knowledge on raspberry pi, but if I have to really resort to taking time, I already don’t have enough of, out of my schedule to research and learn it and troubleshoot (this stuff never goes as planned), then the ebay link to the product you ((@rossmitchell)), said would work would be most appreciated rather than me researching trying to find the best one to use (that would be a shortcut to save me some time). However, (@jdembowski), deems it to be an unacceptable part of a working solution for whatever reason.


    The reason why I posted the type of system I have was because it’s key to anyone that will choose to help me find a solution. I have one system not multiple computers laying around.

    You stated, “Please do not post Kickstarter or eBay links here. That’s not what these forums are for and I removed both.” Then you turn around in the same breath and post links to another e-commerce website, maybe that’s your website (?) or someone you know (?), and then two other websites called Flywheel and Blog In A Box that is irrelevant to what I was asking in both questions. If I have to build something and on something I have no knowledge on then I’d much rather have someone else do it and pay them for the time saving device (much like this computer I have; I didn’t build it, Lenovo did and they were paid for it by me).

    I never stated I wanted to build the device, I keep forgetting the name of it, on Kickstarter…ah!, the OS2…as I even said, “Dang why can’t these things already be on the market??” which is very clear that I want to be able to go the store or someone and just buy it, again like I have done with my smartphones, TVs, movies, music, food, furniture, etc. Having to DIY/build it is not similar to a finished product. Knowing that I am already experiencing issues trying to build on this desktop that I have should let you know my experience level. I put all this in my post for a reason that was obviously ignored. And I had to waste my time reading through content and other e-commerce links you as well as (@rossmitchell) posted that was not relevant, but you want to ding me and publicly on posting a link to a Kickstarter and (@rossmitchell) for his ebay link. So, these forums are for irrelevant answers and have your post to model after with the exception of posting e-commerce links and relevant ones as that is reserved for WordPress forum staff members (or not and maybe just one abusing the position).

    I asked a relative to try to see if it was just my machine and that WAMP setup is not working with his machine either. While it’s not guaranteed to work, it seems like I’m really going to have to buy a whole new and updated computer for this, which is whack. Not only is that going to be costly, but I already don’t like Microsoft and Windows 10 (was able to try it when it was free) is awful, nosy, pushy and missing functionalities that I deem important and currently use frequently. Definitely not buying a Mac and Linux isn’t compatible with the software I use that is based or built around Windows. I’ve got much to think about and calculate.

    Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    Hi Tom!

    I kind of stumbled upon a fix. Saving changed settings within Meta Slider wasn’t an issue before. I guess the number of images might change the effectiveness of saving any changed setting.

    Anyway, I was in the process of re-uploading the images (after completely deleting them from within PHPAdmin on the server) when I thought to try changing the settings in Meta Slider to what I needed it to be BEFORE re-uploading any image back to it. I was also curious to see if the number of images theory was on point.

    1. I uncheck the ‘Random’ advance setting.
    2. Click on the ‘Save’ button.
    3. Wait for the saving preloader to stop.
    4. Scroll down to advance settings area.
    5. I see the ‘Random’ box is still unchecked — great!
    6. I tab to the next group of slides to only go back to the tab I saved.
    7. I see the ‘Random’ box has NO check in it! YAY!

    I repeat on two other slide tabs that have the same setting and all is effectively saving. So, I start to re-upload images in small doses to each slide tab. I have two different settings: some slides will show randomly while the others will show as is on the slider tab in the backed. So, I’m happy that works.

    This issue is resolved for now. However, I ran into another issue. Which can be found on this new thread:

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    I also viewed this in the latest Chrome, Firefox, and IE browsers. They all show randomized slides and largely because the plugin won’t save the ‘Random’ setting as unchecked for some reason.

    Alright I think I covered everything you need to know. I’ll wait for help to arrive now.

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    Oh, let me explain it differently.

    1. I uncheck the ‘Random’ advance setting.
    2. Click on the ‘Save’ button.
    3. Wait for the saving preloader to stop.
    4. Scroll down to advance settings area.
    5. I see the ‘Random’ box is still unchecked — great, right? No!
    6. I tab to the next group of slides to only go back to the tab I saved.
    7. I see the ‘Random’ box has a check in it as if I never saved as unchecked.
    8. I unchecked it again.
    9. This time, I clicked on ‘Save & preview’.
    10. The preview appears with the unrandomized order that I want.
    11. I exit the preview to go the website.
    12. Do a hard refresh a few times.
    13. I see a randomized order of slides.
    14. Seriously?!

    What is going on?

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    Well, it’s not the other plugins. But I do see the problem that I need your help resolving. I’ll open up a new thread.

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    It is what it is — a mystery. That’s alright. I found the solution to working around this ghost code on the site below:

    Basically, just open up your theme’s stylesheet, or style.css — do not open any of the plugin’s stylesheets — and do the following:

    Take the div class name which is flex-viewport (don’t forget to add the ‘.’ before the name which represents class) and add whatever style you want to override the ghost div tag inline styles. Like so:

    .flex-viewport {
    height: 230px !important;

    That’s it! Nothing else needs to be done.

    Thread Starter bearkrust


    Hi Tom,

    Hmm. Based on your response, I’d say it’s not your plugin that’s the problem. It might be another plugin that’s in conflict with it. Let me try troubleshooting again myself before setting up a demo for you to see what I’m experiencing which I was trying to avoid doing.


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