There are 2 Gutenberg Blocks included in the FREE version: Termin-Kalender Simple List who shows the next 20 upcoming calendar entries and Termin-Kalender which shows the calendar. The next update will include 2 Shortcodes for this Blocks if you use a Theme with a Page-Builder other than Gutenberg. But this input is good. I will include more information about how to use the Gutenberg Blocks and Shortcodes in the upcoming Termin-Kalender update. For now, in the Block builder, use ‘show all’ or search for Termin-Kalender to find them. Btw. the WordPress repository here list the 2 Blocks if you read careful ?? . Please consider to rethink your review. The calendar is not yet perfect, and not compatible with all Themes in the frontend, but i work on it…
This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by beat.k. Reason: There are 2 Gutenberg Blocks included in the FREE version