Becki Beckmann
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Missing CPT – Add the Shariff buttons before allHi JP,
just had a look with the new version 4.4
Awesome! thanks for that ??greetings
BeckiHello again,
just to send an update on this topic which actually isn’t resolved yet!
as suggested I only did the cronjob run during the night from 0-6 every 2 hours. This resulted in nothing being send for a couple of days. Once I enabled the cronjob to run 24/7 every 2 hours it took a bit and the notify email got send. This time at 12 noon ??
also did a bit more research and found a filter which was added in mainWP 3.4
creating a tiny plugin and calling the filter also didn’t change a thing:
add_filter( 'mainwp_updatescheck_sendmail_at_time', 'myhook_mainwp_updatescheck_sendmail_at_time', 10, 1 ); function myhook_mainwp_updatescheck_sendmail_at_time( $hour ) { $hour = '12:00'; // send email notifactions after 12:00 return $hour; }
I still can’t figure out on how to specify a time when the updates notify email will get send. I would prefer to send it during the night so I recieve it in the morning and can do the updates before doing anything else …
Currently the email get send around noon and messes with my schedule as I hate to get interrrupted when doing things. I know it’s somewhat silly but that’s how my mind works ??
So … any help is more than appreciated
Thanks & greetings
BeckiHello @robwent
thanks a lot for your reply. glad to get some updates on this topic.
Ok, for the moment changed the cron on the mainwp dashboard site to only run during the night from 0-8 every 2 hours. Let’s see if that will get the expected results?
I also had a look at the cronjobs on the mainwp child sites and found the following which runs every hour:
mainwp_child_cron_theme_health_check_watcherand the following ones daily:
mainwp_child_cron_theme_health_check_dailyare these the ones responsible notifying the mainwp dashboard about the updates?
thanks & greetings
BeckiThanks for your reply ??
Hello there again,
I decided a different approach with my ‘sticky footer curtain effect’
Instead of making the footer sticky on page load I decided to add a scroll event listener. Once the page scroll reaches the footer I then make it fixed / sticky to the bottom of the page.
This then reults in an sudden push up of the sticky sidebar element which I then eased out with some CSS transitions to make it more smooth.
this way I have both effects and I’m quite happy with it ??
Thanks for your great plugin!
Greetings & best wishes
BeckiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Proxy Cache Purge] [Feature Request] filter on who can see the purge buttonHello there,
thanks a lot for pushing the 4.0.1 update and fixing the admin permisssions by updating from
but you only applied the fix at the ‘admin bar menu’ and forgot to also fix in the ‘admin rightnow dashboard’ code. this way editors on multisite still can see the purge all button.
thanks & greetings
beckiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Proxy Cache Purge] [Feature Request] filter on who can see the purge buttonHello again,
just an upate as I haven’t received a reply on this issue.
( is_multisite() && !current_user_can('manage_network') && ( SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL || ( !SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL && ( BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE != $blog_id ) ) ) )
on my multisite install also non-admin, like editors, will see the button and be able to do a full purge of the site.
If you look at the code above, anyone who is not allowed to ‘manage_network’ will see the button. e.g. an editor is not allowed to manage the network.
not sure if this was the intention? Or is a fix needed?
thanks for such a great plugin ??
BeckiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Proxy Cache Purge] [Feature Request] filter on who can see the purge buttonI totally agree that only admins shoud be able to do a full purge. The only reason I asked is that because on my multisite install also, e.g. editors, will see the button to do a full purge.
if you look at your code:
( is_multisite() && !current_user_can('manage_network') && ( SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL || ( !SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL && ( BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE != $blog_id ) ) ) )
which means ANY user which is not the super admin will see the full purge button, isn’t it? e.g. editor roles does not have the ‘manage_network’ capability
if you can manage so only super admins and admins will see the full purge button then I’m fine with it ??
but perhaps a filter on permissions would also be nice?
thanks & greetings
beckihello again ??
yep, dashboard vesion 3.1 fixed this issue. today i received an email with notify about an available plugin update ??
thanks! your plugin is awesome!
beckihello there,
just installed the new dashboard and child version 3.1 on my sites.
will report back if it fixes the cron job issue.thanks & greetings
beckiups … posted this in the mainwp child instead of dashboard ;(
will mark as resolved and post again at mainwp dashboard.
sorry for being stupid ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] WP_PLUGIN_URL problem on multisite installhello josh,
yes, all works fine after your recent update!
ups … seems that i have forgotten to mark this as resolved.
glad, you finally did ??thanks & greetings
beckiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] WP_PLUGIN_URL problem on multisite installhello josh,
i’m impressed by your plugin! was a pleasure i could ‘help you out’ ??
season greetings
beckiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Duplicator] tiny error in german language filegreat! will remove both language files from the server …
thanks & greetings