I had a similar problem, when I clicked view site I got index file not found.
It seems it was putting and additional / at the end of the view site link…
I edited the bottom of admin-header.php to be
<div id="wphead"><br />
<h1><?php echo wptexturize(get_settings(('blogname'))); ?>
<span>(“><?php _e(‘View site’) ?> »</a>)</span></h1><br />
<div id="user_info"><?php
printf(__(‘Gday, %s.’), $user_identity) ?> [<a href="<?php echo
get_settings(‘siteurl’)<br />
title=”<?php _e(‘Log out of this account’) ?>"><?php _e('Sign Out'); ?>, <a
href=”profile.php”><?php _e(‘My Account’); `?>] </div>
as you can see I also got rid of howdy because it really gave me the irrates..