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  • Thread Starter begadoc


    Many thanks Mateus. Just what I needed.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thanks Steve. As there don’t appear to be any instructions that go with it regarding using it, and I am more familiar with the Dreamweaver way of creating web sites, I am having to feel my way.
    I have FTP access to a folder for my site ………./snip/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2016/10. In that there are dozens of photos – looks like lots that were uploaded there via the WordPress Upload new Media page despite the error message.

    Three questions
    1 – Am I right in thinking that I can freely add/delete images in this folder (apart from any already in in the Media Library and added to page(s) on the web site)?
    2 – Once I have my image edited on my PC to the size and whatever else I want I can use FTP to upload the images to this site via FTP and ignore the WordPress Add new method?
    3 – I then use Add from Server to add it to the WordPress Media Library?

    I have tried 2 & 3 and that seems OK. I thought I had better check re 1 before I really mess things up by deleting files I shouldn’t!

    Thanks for the help.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thanks but unfortunately couldn’t get that to work. Fortunately had a backup so eventually re-loaded that so only lost a bit of work.
    I’m surprised however that there is no warning that one is aboutto do something foolish. If you delete a file you get asked if you are sure. It would be useful to get a warnig if you are about to change a setting and lock yourself out!
    I’m not trying to pass the buck – just suggesting that there should be a warning to stop or at least stupid people doing stupid things!

    Thread Starter begadoc


    In my post above pleaase note that I typed www . and www . domain – the system appears to have added the https:// which made the question not make sense. Spaces this time are to stop it happening again – I hope!

    Did you ever find an answer to this? I have the same issue – a village information site (see – currently HTML) with multiple areas, each with its own sub-menu. I’m trying Weaver but that has only 2 menus and those are general ones, not specific to a particular page. I’ve figured out a work around using a Text widget which only appears on single pages and listing the sub-menu items there with links to the sub pages, but that seems clumsy.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thanks for your help ladies/gentlemen. I’m afraid this proves I need to climb further up the learning curve! While I have a fair understanding of CSS and HTML, I have no idea as yet as to where to find and apply these suggestions in WOrdpress. It ain’t easy to do what I want to do.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    That’s one of the ones I tried to control what displayed on side panels (though ended up using Display Widgets which was better for my purposes). What I (think I) need is something to change the image used in header.php on each page.
    Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    I must admit I haven’t as they are slightly compex and as I am still learning my way around both WOrdpress and php I was hoping that there would be some plugin to do it now as there is for determining whether or not a widget displays on a given page (which solved a similar problem in respect of side bar content).
    The theme I am trying out is Weaver 2.2.6 (Wheat) – will probably go with that one.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    I am having problems with the Import part – I get the error message Import WordPress

    Sorry, there has been an error.
    The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/vhosts/

    The uploads folder does exist (I had to create it manually) but permissions seem toinsist on being only the Everyone Execute ticked. If I tick the other boxes it seems to re-set itself to just the one.

    I assume this is a problem I need to get my hosting service to address.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Pardon my ignorance,but where is the mySQL database? As I understand this, WordPress has multiple files and folders which control how data stored in a database is displayed. But the data that is used for example, to produce a static page, or indeed the various posts people make, must be stored in file(s)/folder(s) which make up the database somewhere.

    I can see where the WordPress code is, but where are the files that make up the mySQL database?

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thanks both for your replies. I’ll see if I can make sense of them and try and copy a small site over to the server and see if I can get it to work.
    Not being an expert in this field (I’m a retired medic) I am having to rely on tutorials and books to get to grips with this and I have to admit some of your explanations are in a foreign language! Hence my asking for an “idiot’s guide”.

    A couple of questions for now – I assume I should setup a mySQL database on the server first, copy the WordPress files to the server and then import the database.
    Basic question – in what folder(s) is the data kept?

    I won’t label this topic as resolved as I suspect I’ll be back.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: File management
    Thread Starter begadoc


    That looks as if it is what I after. I’ll try it out.

    Thank you.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: File management
    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thank you both. Yes, as a newby to WordPress I haven’t got my head round everything yet. But my point still applies I think.
    I have a trial site site I am using to learn with. In the Pages section of the dashboard I have 8 pages which display as static pages and 2 of them have child pages. That means I have a list of 10 pages on my screen from which to choose which one I want to edit. The village site will I assume have several hundreed pages listed here. What I was wondering is how do I find for example the page about the squash club which I know is a child of the parent Sports page. Won’t it be just one page in a list of several hundred? With my curent file system (which I realise now WordPress doesn’t have) I was able to go to the folder Sports and find one file amongst maybe 20 rather than one file amongst 200.
    Is there a way to organise the way pages display in the dashboard to make it easier to find a specific one?

    Removed by author – solved problem!

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Hi Jeff
    Thanks for the reply. Dashboard – Settings – Readings produces

    Blog pages show at most – Data entry box
    Syndication feeds show the most recent – Data entry box

    For each article in a feed show – Select button Full text or summary

    Encoding for pages and feeds – UTF8 set as default

    & that’s it!

    I’ll have a look at your suggestion in the meantime.


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