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  • skullbit
    it’s not too hard to replace file_get_contents with fopen,fread,fclose, isn’t it?
    about $_SESSION var, you are right. I’m not going to prove You anything, I can only explain that, if I understand correctly, You were trying to modify the main $_SESSION variable (in wp-login.php) in a script which was called as an image! I don’t think it’ll work, since that “image” starts new session, and when it finishes execution, the session is destroyed and so are its session variables.
    I can prove You something else: try to var_dump($_SESSION); right before $key=substr($_SESSION['key'],0,5); in register-plus.php.
    Mine shows NULL. But I may be wrong. Maybe it somehow bases on WP or server configuration…? I’m not sure, I’ve installed wordpress yesterday;)

    I’ll stick with my version for some time – it’s ugly, but it works;)

    The image bug is quite simple to solve; I think that modifying $_SESSION variable of main script with another one that is just being launched by <img src=”” /> will not work… Just think about it, one link to an image and one could gain access to your whole $_SESSION.
    I’ve made a temporary workaround by replacing:
    $_SESSION['key'] = $ResultStr;// carry the data through session

    $plik = fopen('captcha.md5','wb');
    flock($plik, LOCK_EX);
    fputs($plik, md5($ResultStr));
    flock($plik, LOCK_UN);

    in file captcha.php, and

    $number = $_POST['captcha'];


    $key=trim(file_get_contents(trailingslashit(get_option('siteurl')) . 'wp-content/plugins/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) .'/captcha.md5'));
    $number = md5($_POST['captcha']);

    in file register-plus.php (both in register-plus home directory).

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