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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WTI Like Post] Issues with WordPress 4.3ok great ??
I knew it hasn’t been tested with 4.3 but I thought my post could be of some use to you ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageok thanks for your patience !
so here are my defaults:
$defaults = array( 'slks_fade' => 'false', 'slks_autoplay' => true, 'slks_autoheight' => true, ... );
one of my checkbox:
printf( '<input id="%1$s" name="slks_option_name[%1$s]" type="checkbox" %2$s /> <label for="%1$s">'.__("Enable Auto Play","slick-slider").'</label>', 'slks_autoplay', checked ( $this->options['slks_autoplay'], true, false ) );
Everything is working fine on activation; chekboxes are checked with the right default values…
But if I uncheck just one box and save the settings,I have this debug message:Notice: Undefined index: slks_show_arrows
and most important, all checkboxes become unchecked :/
what’s wrong ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageI can’t make it work ??
In my $defaults var_dump I have : [“slks_autoplay”] => bool(false)
(I’ve set ‘slks_autoplay’ => false )and I get this in $this->option var_dump : [“slks_autoplay”] => string(2) “on”
my field is modified like this :
'<input id="%1$s" name="slks_option_name[%1$s]" type="checkbox" value="false" %2$s /> <label for="%1$s">'.__("Enable Auto Play","slick-slider").'</label>', 'slks_autoplay', checked (isset( $this->options['slks_autoplay'] ), true, false )
that’s hard ^^
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageok thanks !
I was sure there was something wrong with the checkboxes ??
what I want is to have values returned : “true” if checked and “false” if uncheked.
so if I modifiy the code like this, is it correct ?
'<input id="%1$s" name="slks_option_name[%1$s]" type="checkbox" value="true" %2$s /> <label for="%1$s">'.__("Display Dots","slick-slider").'</label>', 'slks_show_dots', checked (isset( $this->options['slks_show_dots'] ), "true", "false" )
or should I use your example ? I’ll try it anyway ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageok,
I managed to get it work by changing the code like this:$defaults = array( 'slks_fade' => 'false', 'slks_speed' => 3000, 'slks_autoplay' => 'on', 'slks_autoheight' => 'on', 'slks_show_arrows' => 'on', 'slks_show_dots' => 'on', 'slks_arrows' => '#444999', 'slks_dots' => '#555aaa' ); $this->options = get_option( 'slks_option_name', $defaults );
what do you think ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageHello Samuel,
Ok I tried your function and it’s working ?? except for the checkboxes…
and also, when I activate the plugin the first time, I have the defaults values, but on the option page input fields are empty, checkboxes uncheked.when I change the settings, the checkboxes remain checked even if I uncheked then (but the values are changing…) There is no problem if I delete the default checkboxes values…
$defaults = array( 'slks_fade' => 'false', 'slks_speed' => 3000, /* 'slks_autoplay' => 'on', 'slks_autoheight' => 'on', 'slks_show_arrows' => 'on', 'slks_show_dots' => 'on', */ 'slks_arrows' => '#ffaa00', 'slks_dots' => '#003300' );
so, how can I have these checkbox work ? and how can my input fields appear filled when I first visit the option page ?
here is the whole code :
thanks !!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin option pageHello Samuel
Thanks for your answer ! I’ll try this this afternoon and keep you posted.
Any idea how the checkbox can return “true/false” instead of “0/null” ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader] required fieldHello Ben,
Is there now a way to make the upload fields required ??
to check if there’s at least one image, for example.I really need to, as the image is the only field in the form… :/
thanks !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader] required fieldHi Ben,
thanks, I’ll take a look !
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: custom post type pagination brokenI’ve just tried with :
'has_archive' => true
added in my functions.php post-type init.
and a template : archive-epicerie.phpAnd it’s working this way.
But I still don’t understand why it’s not working with page templates…If someone’s got an idea !
thanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: custom taxonomy post orderthanks a lot for your answer !
it’s strange, I thought I tried this syntax… :/
anyway thank you very much ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_query outputting my posts twicehey,
finally did something else, far more simple…<?php wp_reset_postdata(); query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=title&order=ASC'); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> ... the rest
it’s working for achive template and taxonomy template
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_query outputting my posts twicethanks for your answer,
the context is that I want to output the posts of my custom taxonomies ordered by title, not by publication date… or what do you mean by context ?
my query seems to work because the posts of my customs taxonomies “marque” are displayed by title, but twice…here is the full template :
and a screenshot
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A query for taxonomiesthank you so much andrew, it works !
I just had to add the good relative path :
echo '<a href="../marque/ ' . $category->slug . ' " ' . '>';
so, final code if it can be useful for someone else :
<?php $args=array( 'taxonomy' => 'marque', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $marques = get_categories($args); foreach($marques as $category) { $tax_term_id = $category->term_taxonomy_id; $images = get_option('taxonomy_image_plugin'); echo '<div class="vignette-cata"><figure>'; echo '<a href="../marque/' . $category->slug . ' " ' . '>'; echo wp_get_attachment_image( $images[$tax_term_id], 'medium' ); echo '</a>'; echo '<figcaption><a href="../marque/' . $category->slug . ' " ' . '>' . $category->name.'</a></figcaption> '; echo '</figure></div>'; } ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A query for taxonomieshopefully I managed to display images with taxonomy image plugin ??
still have to make the links to work…
my code :
<?php $args=array( 'taxonomy' => 'marque', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $marques = get_categories($args); foreach($marques as $category) { $tax_term_id = $category->term_taxonomy_id; $images = get_option('taxonomy_image_plugin'); echo '<div class="vignette-cata"><figure>'; echo '<a href=" ' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . ' " ' . '>'; echo wp_get_attachment_image( $images[$tax_term_id], 'medium' ); echo '</a>'; echo '<figcaption><a href=" ' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . ' " ' . '>' . $category->name.'</a></figcaption> '; echo '</figure></div>'; } ?>