Forum Replies Created
Previous comment posted where?
Actually the app domain is suposed to be used only if you use subdomains on your domain.
Lets say, you have and want facebook to be enable for both in APP DOMAIN you would put
What is really needed however is the full site url in the WEBSITE Option , something like
About the moderation facebook can automatically detect you as the main admin of the comment box since it will know that you are the owner of the APP and when the comment box loads it recognizes you as the owner, so automatically moderation options granted.
About the commenting showing up on page this is something i havent think about, maybe that is in some way but don’t know if is possible to integrate directly with the Facebook COmments plugin, ever heard of any plugin or site doing that? If so i could take a look
Umm thats a new problem, I will have to think about it.
However I think it might have be related with the certificate that facebook uses, you know, every app that use facebook php sdk uses a certificate with it. And for the description of the problem it might be something beetween that certificate with the SSL on the server.
Not sure, however, what exactly it might be, will take a look at it and if you know something else let me know about it.
Hi wedpho
That is happening because the comments of wordpress and facebook are two different entities, so when you delete a comment you need to delete it from wordpress and also on the facebook box.
I know, it sucks, i’m already thinking about a solution on this problem but facebook API can be a bitch sometimes hehe.
About the Facebook APP try creating a new one and follow the instructions in this post here How To Create a Facebook APP
There is 3 things that might be hapenning so
First check in your wordpress configuration in the page
There is a option about e-mailing that have 2 checkboxes, one to send an e-mail when someone publishs a comment and other to send an e-mail if theres a comment with pending approval, make sure both are checked.
Second, check the spam folder, already hapenned sometimes to me that my e-mail system ended up sending all my wordpress e-mails directly to spam.
Third that could be some server slowness, I use a cloud server on rackspace for my site and sometimes e-mails takes like 6 or 7 hours to arrive after they were send from the site, so if you are using a shared host, for example, could happen of the e-mail not even being delivered sometimes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO Facebook Comment] [Plugin: SEO Facebook Comment] Not working on my blogHi perkinz, just checked your blog and the plugin seems to work fine, did you fixed the problem you were having?
Great then ??
Make sure that you are using the version 1.3.2 , if im not mistaken the version 1.0 and 1.1 were using a function that I had built in to create the comments so that could lead to a problem like this one you telling, since then the plugin uses wordpress built in functions to create comments.
That means if you don’t receive the e-mail is not the plugin that sends the e-mail but wordpress itself ??
Hi GabeJacbos
Could you give me a link of where the counting is not working?
I initially tryed to fetch the comments count from the facebook database but that was kinda buggy so now it gets directly from the worpdress database so it was suposed to work without any problem.
Also which version of the plugin are you using?
Hi jmorrow
The SEO Facebook Comments uses the table wp_comments_fbseo to keep track of what comments were already added and which one were not.
So when the plugin can’t find that table he will think that the comment is never added and will keep adding the comments in the wp_comments table.
A easy fix to this problem is, first make a backup of your database and then just rename the table wp_e1ly2l_comments_fbseo back to wp_comments_fbseo and everything should work fine, you don’t need to rename any other table since that could make wordpress stop working.
The problem is it will still duplicate comments one more time before it addeds it back to the wp_comments_fbseo table, so you could just erase all the comments added by the plugin in the wp_comments table and let it re-add again.
You can easily find all comments that were added by the plugin in the wp_comments table because they all carry very similar data in the comment_author_url column, there is*personnick*
Any doubt just ask me and ill help you with the problem
Just so I know, which plugin was causing the conflict?
Thanks for the feedback!
Hey, can you give me a list of other plugins that you are using? Also, which version of the Seo Facebook Comment you are using, the 1.3.2 ?
Already released the version 1.3.2, so far couldn’t find any bugs (new or the old ones), tested in 3 different wordpress installation including one hosted on windows server.
Let me know if any bug happens after the update.
Just found out the bug was indeed caused only on WordPress Hosted on Windows Servers, already fixed the issue and plan to release a FIX today at night, on the version 1.3.2
Thanks everyone for the feedback!
I think i found out the reason of the bug, It only happens in versions of WordPress hosted on Windows Servers, and is on the facebook.php file, going to try to find a server hosted on windows to check this
Thanks for your feedback and time !