Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [news ticker benaceur] secondary title not showhow a second title? could you clarify your question, with a picture for example.
I have the same problem in widgets, only in the latest version of the plugin
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames Emails Characters] Works wellabout the option “Restriction by part” I will add a solution in the next version
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames Emails Characters] Plugin not working on networktry disabling the other plugins and using a default wordpress theme to find the cause of the problem, because i tried it and found no problem.
the problem is solved in the latest version of the plugin.
Thanks for spotting this bug.
until the next update, replace this function:function ben_wp_strip_all_tags($string, $remove_breaks = false) { $string = preg_replace( '@<(script|style)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $string ); $string = strip_tags($string); if ( $remove_breaks ) $string = preg_replace('/[\r\n\t ]+/', ' ', $string); return $string; }
by this:
function ben_wp_strip_all_tags($string, $remove_breaks = false) { $string = preg_replace( '@<(script|style)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $string ); $string = strip_tags($string); if ( $remove_breaks ) $string = preg_replace('/[\r\n\t ]+/', ' ', $string); return trim($string); }
in this file:
wp-content\plugins\restrict-usernames-emails-characters\restrict-usernames-emails-characters.php- This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Benaceur.
I tried this “first.last” and “first-last”, and I did’nt find any errors, everything is normal.
you can use these characters
_ . - @
it is not-
you can authorize this
we put it in “Allow this characters (Symbols or characters accented as é ?)”.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames Emails Characters] Plugin not workingThe “restrict everything except the following after @” setting restricts all emails except selected emails, and you think the opposite.
read the “How to use” button below.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames Emails Characters] Not working for meyou mean in this section:
“Allow this characters (Symbols or characters accented as é ?)”
if so, what are the characters you want to enter, for example?in this example, which you gave:
<input id=”username_309″ class=”required-item” type=”text” name=”log” value=””>
the name is: ‘log’
if you can’t find the user login and user email in the form, give me the link of the page that contains the form- This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Benaceur.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames Emails Characters] This is WooCommerce compatible?I will study this suggestion in the future, thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [news ticker benaceur] How to insert time?code html:
<span> <ul id="timeText_b-barBottom-comm"> <li> yourText </li> <li> <span id="dateDiv_b-bar-bottom"></span> </li> </ul> </span>
code java:
function showTimeBennnBar() { var now = new Date(); thour=now.getHours(); tmin=now.getMinutes(); tsec=now.getSeconds(); if (tmin<=9) { tmin="0"+tmin; } if (tsec<=9) { tsec="0"+tsec; } if (thour<10) { thour="0"+thour; } today = thour + ":" + tmin +":"+ tsec; document.getElementById("dateDiv_b-bar-bottom").innerHTML = today; } setInterval("showTimeBennnBar()", 0); !function(a){a.textRotator_ben_timeText=function(b,c){var d={random:!1,fadeIn:1e3,fadeOut:500,duration:3e3,easingin:"swing",easingout:"swing"},e=this;e.settings={},e.globals={child_select:1,$child_select:null};var f=a(b),b=b;e.init=function(){e.settings=a.extend({},d,c),e.settings.random&&e._shuffle(f.children()),e.globals.$child_select=f.find("li:nth-child("+e.globals.child_select+")"),e._fadeIn()},e._fadeIn=function(){e.globals.$child_select.fadeIn({duration:e.settings.fadeIn,easing:e.globals.$"easingin")?e.globals.$"easingin"):e.settings.easingin,complete:function(){f.find("li").length>1&&e._fadeOut()}})},e._shuffle=function(b){var c=b.get(),d=function(a){return Math.floor(Math.random()*a)},,function(){var b=d(c.length),e=a(c[b]).clone(!0)[0];return c.splice(b,1),e});b.each(function(b){a(this).replaceWith(a(e[b]))})},e._fadeOut=function(){var a=e.globals.$"duration")?e.globals.$"duration"):e.settings.duration;e.globals.$child_select.delay(a).fadeOut({duration:e.settings.fadeOut,easing:e.globals.$"easingout")?e.globals.$"easingout"):e.settings.easingout,complete:function(){e.globals.$child_select.index()+1==f.children().length?(console.log("last"),e.globals.$child_select=f.children().first()):e.globals.$child_select=e.globals.$"li"),e._fadeIn()}})},e.init()},a.fn.textRotator_ben_timeText=function(b){return this.each(function(){if(void 0==a(this).data("textRotator_ben_timeText")){var c=new a.textRotator_ben_timeText(this,b);a(this).data("textRotator_ben_timeText",c)}})}}(jQuery); !function(a){a("#timeText_b-barBottom-comm").textRotator_ben_timeText({random:!1,fadeIn:1e3,fadeOut:500,duration:4e3,easingin:"swing",easingout:"swing",debug:!1})}(jQuery);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [news ticker benaceur] How to insert time?Settings -> General : Timezone
i’m sorry, but i tried on buddypress is everything is normal even space works.
try on another theme to locate the source of the problem.