Ben Balter
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Resume] [Plugin: WP Resume] Problem when using on Multisite installationWhen the development version refreshes within the hour, the drop down should now only list users on that particular site. Going to test it a bit more, but look for it in the next stable release.
As for different contact info on each site, it’s possible, but would be a bit of a lift (I’d have to migrate everyone’s existing data). If you’re interested in this more formally, please contact me directly.
Thanks. Bascially the same patch. Look for a stable release soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Resume] [Plugin: WP Resume] URL Rewrite breaks display?Yes. I accidentally broke a few things when I went to fix a few others. The development version (available under other versions) should fix the problem, otherwise, look for a stable release over the weekend.
re: 1) that’s a theme / WP issue. If you switch them to comments, the full text should be shown (or modify your database retroactively).
Really sorry about that. It appears to be an issue caused by the filter which prevents the documents from being listed in the media library. Seems SQL is getting a bit confused because it looks like you have not uploaded any documents? Is that possible?
The development version should refresh itself within the hour and contains a fix to the issue (labeled version 1.0.6). Otherwise, if you add a document to the system, I believe it should resolve the problem on its own.
1) Tweets should be showing in full, is that not the case?
2) If using automatic scheduling, when visitor loads page, once an hour, WordPress makes an AJAX call to run the process in the background, so the user’s page load should not be slowed. It pulls all the relevant posts, defined on the settings page (all posts, last X posts, front page only, etc.). For each post it will make one API call out to twitter, and then again, will make an API call for each new author found. This process isn’t server intensive as the majority of it is simply waiting for the API call to come back.
Under settings, there should be an “include RTs” option, are you sure that that is checked?
Very odd. It didn’t fall into the spam folder, etc?
Yes please. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Can you provide any more information? I’ve seen several installs where the media library is working as expected.
If you search for the URL of a page you know has been linked to on, you should see the same thing the plugin sees. I’m not sure the specifics, but I know Twitter limits searching too far back in time.
The plugin uses Twitter’s search API to find links hidden behind shortened URLs. If you search for the original url via and your shortened link shows up, then the plugin should find it.
It would be line 181 of tmac.php. You’d simply need to add
&post_type={your post type}
(WordPress defaults to posts here). If your still interested, I can try to add a filter in the next release so that you can modify the behavior without future updates breaking things. Let me know.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Mentions As Comments] Does this work with should work with I know I’ve gotten a handful of links pulled into my own site. Have you tried recently?
I am not familiar with how either of those two work specifically, but I would image they use their own commenting system and simply push to WordPress, if at all (meaning they cannot pull comments from WordPress).
I believe disqus has a similar feature however that you should be able to enable independently.