Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: OK, let me have it!Very impressive. Do you mind if I ask where you got the weather information from? I would love to impliment a simple port to weather somewhere else in the world.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Styling the DateCan I give those tags ID’s or class selectors within the php code?
To be spesific, I really liked thenew underlines used on this site. I think they are pictures that get set below certin words. I was going to try to impliment something like that.
I haven’t gotten around to looking at the style sheet with that on it but I will soon.
Thanks for the info.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Styling the DateI want it to run the span of the content, ie across the whole left column. I can style it but I don’t know how to target the date spesifically.
Thanks for your help.
BenForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Styling the DateHow about a funky underline for the dates. Anyone have any ideas?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CSS, Mac ie5, and the #MenuAny more ideas? I’ll take referrals to other CSS sites or discussions if anyone knows any good ones.
The question again is how to get the floated menu to stay in ita€?s gosh darn place (see above for screen shots).
I am sure there is someone out there who wants to feel good about helping to conquer a challenge…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: File UploadIt was in fact the CHMOD. It took a while of wrestling with dreamweavers ftp program before i went out and found a differnt FTP program that did it.
Works great now.
Thanks guys.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: image uploadI totally agree-
I was just working on points 1-3 but ran into some trouble on step one.
I feel like it should be a very easy fixI had a little trouble finding the code that generates the name of the thumbnail. Can anyone direct me to that file and area? I personally think those suggestions are great but I bet the developers probably have bigger fish to fry.
Also, it would be nice if the code returned and error if you tried to thumnail a gif. I know now that you can’t thumb a gif because of the php function used to generate the thumbs, but it would be nice if you got a warning about that.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: File UploadThat was me…