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  • Hallo @jonmojo,

    1. The difference between the author selections in “Quick Edit” and the Gutenberg editor likely arises from their distinct design goals. “Quick Edit” aims for quick changes and may show more user options, while Gutenberg emphasizes simplicity, often limiting to administrators for clarity.
    2. To modify the Gutenberg Post/Page author list, since wp_dropdown_users_args doesn’t work, you’ll need to create a custom function using WordPress hooks and filter like wp_dropdown_users. This function can query and include users with specific roles or capabilities you desire as authors. See:

    I hope this will help you ??


    Hallo @levii,

    try to re-install WordPress. Some Core files are missing.


    Hallo @gerardreches,

    this is a script what you can enqueue inside the WP Admin. You can add this Code inside your Plugin PHP and than you have to add the script in your js folder and reference to the file. Replace this: $url_to_script

    Here is one example:

    wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
    wp_register_script( 'wp-color-picker-alpha', $url_to_script, array( 'wp-color-picker' ), $current_version, $in_footer );
    	'jQuery( function() { jQuery( ".color-picker" ).wpColorPicker(); } );'
    wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker-alpha' );

    Hallo @gerardreches,

    you can use the WP Component in React by adding this attribute enableAlpha to true
    See here:

    import { useState } from 'react';
    import { ColorPicker } from '@wordpress/components';
    function Example() {
        const [color, setColor] = useState();
        return (

    If you don’t use Gutenberg, than look this extension:

    Hallo @theron_burrough,

    here’s a suggested approach along with some WooCommerce plugins that you can use:

    Membership Levels:

    • Use a membership plugin like MemberPress or Paid Memberships Pro to create different membership levels with varying access rights and pricing.

    Coupon System Features:

    • For basic coupon system features like creating, tracking, and expiring coupons, you can rely on WooCommerce’s built-in coupon functionality.
    • To enhance coupon management, consider using plugins like Advanced Coupons or WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features.

      Ambitious Coupon System Features:
    • Importing and exporting coupons from other WooCommerce stores can be facilitated by plugins like Smart Coupons.
    • Implementing the ability to import or manually enter paper coupons and track their redemption might require custom development or integration with a third-party service. Alternatively, you could use a plugin like YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards which allows you to track and manage points/coupons issued manually.
    • Reducing above paper coupons can be managed through custom development or integration with a POS (Point of Sale) system if available.

    Merchant Directory and Deals Listings:

    • You can use plugins like WooCommerce Product Vendors or Dokan for creating a merchant directory where merchants can list their deals.
    • For deals listings, you can use plugins like WP Coupons and Deals or Content Views to display deals in an organized manner on your website.

    Hallo @lucidmodules,

    you can try this tool:

    Hallo @namisds,

    try this ?? The hight from the Sidebar Container was missing. Use flexbox here as well to fix it quicker.

    I hope this will help you ??

    #left-sidebar {
        display: flex;
    #left-sidebar .inside-left-sidebar .gb-container {
        position: sticky;
        top: 20%;
        padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;

    Hallo @wayfarersoliloquy,

    yes that’s right ?? You should re-add your site again to Google Search Console. There you can submit a sitemap.xml and to send a Robot again to your site. Maybe this week the Index will be refreshed and than Google will be happy again ?? I hope this help you.


    Hallo @wdekleijn,

    unfortunately you can’t override directly the file

    But if you want to override the basic functions of WordPress, than it’s recommend to use our filter hooks. This PHP Functions allows you to override some specifics functionally of WordPress. You can write the function inside your functions.php inside your Child Theme.

    You can find it inside the function with the PHP Function: apply_filters(‘your_choosed_function_hook’, …

    For example: the_permalink()


    Code Example inside your functions.php

    function append_query_string($url) {
        return add_query_arg($_GET, $url);
    add_filter('the_permalink', 'append_query_string');

    Hallo @tyeglover, I hope this is helpful ??

    This is the CSS Code for mobile menu:

    .site-header-wrapper #mobile-menu-wrapper {
       background-color: #cbbea1;

    This is the CSS Code for the Search bar:

    .site-header-wrapper #site-header #secondary-menu-wrapper ul#menu-site-tools>li#search-site-tool .search-wrapper {
      background-color: #cbbea1;

    This is the CSS Code for the Cart:

    .header-minicart {
    background-color: #cbbea1;

    Hallo @wdekleijn,

    to override a parent theme’s template file (link-template.php in this case) in a child theme, you typically don’t need to add any code to the functions.php file of your child theme. Instead, you just need to replicate the file structure of the parent theme in your child theme and place the modified link-template.php file in the appropriate location within your child theme directory.

    Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Create a child theme if you haven’t already done so. This involves creating a new directory in the wp-content/themes/ directory with a unique name and adding a style.css file with the necessary information, including the Template header referencing the parent theme’s directory name.
    2. Within your child theme directory, create the same directory structure as the parent theme. For example, if the parent theme’s link-template.php file is located in wp-content/themes/parent-theme/includes/, you should create a corresponding includes directory within your child theme directory.
    3. Place your modified version of link-template.php into the appropriate directory within your child theme. So, in this example, you’d place it in wp-content/themes/child-theme/includes/.

    WordPress will automatically prioritize files in the child theme over those in the parent theme. So, when WordPress looks for link-template.php, it will first check the child theme’s directory and use that version if it exists. If not, it will fall back to the parent theme’s version.

    No additional code in the functions.php file of your child theme is necessary for overriding template files.

    I hope this is helpful ??

    Benjamin Zekavica

    Hallo @shebinkk, here I added a quick instructions:

    To get the WordPress website up and running again on your Windows machine, you’ll need to follow these general steps:

    Install a local server environment:

    You can use software like XAMPP, WAMP, or MAMP to set up a local server environment on your Windows machine. These packages include Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which are required to run WordPress.

    Extract the WordPress files:

    Unzip the provided zip file containing the WordPress website onto your local machine. Make sure you extract it into the correct directory where your local server environment is configured to serve files from (e.g., htdocs for XAMPP or WAMP).

    Create a MySQL database:

    Access your local server’s MySQL database management tool (usually phpMyAdmin) and create a new database. Remember the database name, username, and password as you’ll need them later during WordPress installation.

    Import the SQL file:

    Use phpMyAdmin or any other MySQL management tool to import the provided SQL file into the database you just created. This will populate the database with the website’s content.

    Configure WordPress:

      • Rename the wp-config-sample.php file in the WordPress directory to wp-config.php.
      • Open wp-config.php and update the database details (database name, username, and password) to match the ones you created earlier.

      Start the local server:

      Start your local server environment (XAMPP/WAMP/MAMP).

      Access your website:

        Open your web browser and navigate to https://localhost/your-wordpress-directory. This will start the WordPress installation process.

        Complete WordPress installation:

        Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the WordPress installation. You’ll be asked to provide site information such as site title, admin username, password, and email address.

        Login to WordPress dashboard:

          Once installation is complete, you can log in to the WordPress admin dashboard using the credentials you set during installation.

          Check and update permalinks:

          Go to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress admin dashboard and choose the desired permalink structure. This step is necessary to ensure your website’s links work correctly.

            That’s it! You should now have the WordPress website up and running on your Windows machine. You can access and manage it locally for development or testing purposes.

            @iumedia You should use relative Links inside your Navigation. That means you have to use custom links inside your nav and to add it without domain.

            Don’t do this:
            Do this: /example#test

            I hope that will help you. Maybe the theme prevent the loading Anchor IDs. But normally it works.

            Sorry it sound’s that you have a theme error. Maybe you need to create a new Thread with all detailed information of you theme etc. Here in this Thread you only asked, how to add code to header and etc.

            Add in the new Thread WP: specifices

            Copy it from Tools->Site Health->Info
            Press the button: Copy site info to clipboard

            Remove the WP_Debug from true to false. It’s only Deprecated Function. Maybe you have to set up your PHP to 8.0

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