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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Subscription] Critical security issueI personally use NONCES for my AJAX calls and I really like the idea of this plugin. Has this been addressed? If it has, great! Awesome plugin/ignore the haters, few plugins like this exist. please keep updating it and thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Subscription] Critical security issueWhoa… has this been addressed?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_posts() problem..the_title() is not showing.Hey there, I do think that things get complicated with get_posts. You need to make the $post variable global! Very important.
I was having trouble getting the_title to work within the same setup as yours above until I went over this ->
As for your category issue:
cat argument takes an integer. (in this case excluding category 20)'cat' => -20
Supposedly category_name takes a string but I’ve had trouble with it:
'category_name' => 'design'
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Second Administrator account cannot loginTurns out:
Because of the latest WordPress attacks we have set in place some mot security rules, which are triggered when an WordPress is using a weak password. In that case the IP which inputs that weak password gets blocked. I have whitelisted your IP address and now you should be able to access your wp-admin are. I would strongly suggest changing your wp password to a stronger one, minimum 12 characters and it should include lower and upper cases, numbers and special characters. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.
Not too sure how exactly to get around this security “fix”. I wonder how many thousands of people spent hours scouring their code for issues because of this.
Yeah, I’m trying to use the custom variable filters too so that I can pass along the URL also.
Custom post type + URL or post title would be money.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: ajax return javascript to phpI have the same TYPE of problem where I have JS variables that I need to send along with my AJAX
data = { action:'wpa56343_search', latitude: $('input#latitude').attr('value'), longitude: $('input#longitude').attr('value') }; _do_ajax(data); }); // end init func function _do_ajax(obj) { console.log(obj); $.ajax({ type:"POST", url: My_Obj.ajaxurl, data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function( response ){ loop with query data }
This work, but I cannot get $_POST[] variables out of it on the PHP side to include in my query…
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Formatting Query into Json for AJAX callHey Silenceisgolden, Have you figured out how to get your custom post type to get to your AJAX as JSON? Trying to learn the same thing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress AJAX BasicsThanks very much @catacaustic. The funcs are in function.php I’ll just keeep at it…
If I don’t have to put the JS in a seperate file then how do I use wp_localize_script? It’s first argument is the script handle you’ve enqueued.. Hmm?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress AJAX BasicsHa! Yes that article is the next tab over. I’m battling with comprehension here. Its a lot to take in.
This is where I get lost every time.Why localize_script? Just to send the URL? But I don’t have a separate JS file? It’s just a script inside of a page template… And if I decide to go this route I will have to move it all to a new file won’t I? If I don’t I have to go another route and include wp-load.php and begin that “venture”.
There should just be a class we can use or something because this is ridiculous. I’ve been at this for a week and it just gets harder and harder to understand!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress AJAX Basics@catacaustic, thank you for replying :))) I’ve been at this for hours and here’s what I’ve found so far.
the jQuery library included with WordPress loads in “no conflict” mode. So adding the $ in parenthesis after the function call fixed the improper jQuery call… changed my jQuery .ready to this->
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {...}
The same function outputs a 404 because its looking for
However I do get a no refresh attempt at retrieving data now. First glimpse of sunshine in days of AJAX education. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Geo Data Store] Not creating a new table?Not too sure what was happening but I had to completely delete the plugin and reinstall for it to work but it did!
This is so lame. I’m in the exact same spot. My first CPT works fine. My other two WILL NOT resolve and 404 ON PAGE! edit.php shows the desired URL but something is very wrong.
This should be like 5 minutes of work and I’m on day 2 with nothing to show.
Why aren’t my CPT’s rewriting their URL’s and or storing these rewrite rules correctly to the database?
I apologize for possibly duplicating this question in my topic:
However setting the display option to “Manual” still has buttons appearing on every page below the header.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Widget Pro] Widget options not saved@eistea seems like we’re all having issues with the shortcode. I am not using the widgetized version and my settings are not saving correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Widget Pro] Styling of dates in widgetI see that .entry-meta has a {border: solid 1px #A0A0A0;} rule in it. From within your style-weaverii.css stylesheet.
This is what’s creating the box.Right click things (in Chrome) and hit inspect element to see CSS styles. You can play with them there to see what you’d like to do with your styles. Then put those styles into your actual stylesheet once you’re confident with them.
How did you get it to say “about a week ago”? I’m trying to get the date format right and its just not working out the way PHP’s date() usually does….