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  • Hi, the plugin is not working on my site either, but I’m really not that experienced in these things so I might be missing something ?? Would you mind taking a look? My site is
    I have the recent posts on my front page, I click on any of them, then click on the image, and it just opens like a regular link instead of popping up in a box. Coult it be because they’re Featured Images instead of regular images?
    Thank you in advanced!

    This helped, thank you! I actually ended up doing it a little bit different: I didn’t edit the css at all, I just replaced something in the section of header.php that you showed:

    <!--LOGO START--><div class="logo">
            <h1><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name') ;?></h1>
            <div class="desc"><?php bloginfo('description')?></div>
            <!--LOGO END-->
            <!--MENU STARTS-->
            <div id="menu_wrap"><div class="center"><div id="topmenu"><?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?></div></div></div>
            <!--MENU END--><img style="float:right; margin-right:5 px;" src=""></a>

    I replaced this:

    <?php bloginfo('name') ;?>

    with this:

    <img src="your image url">

    That way I just replaced the name of my site with a small image. You just have to make sure the image has a dark background or the pattern from the theme, otherwise the contrast between black and white might not look good.
    I kept the site description under the logo but if you want to remove it, you can remove this from header.php :

    <div class="desc"><?php bloginfo('description')?></div>

    Hope this helps someone!


    Figured it out! I actually installed WorldCurrency which is very similar to LocalCurrency and edited the file so it says ARS instead of ARA in this line

    $dt_wc_locationlist = array(
    		'AR' => 'ARS',

    I couldn’t find how to do it on LocalCurrency, I don’t know anything about PHP, I Just did ctr+f “ARA” until something came up. Anyway, issue solved! I noticed the php file said “Currency lists thanks to Stephen Cronin” so thank you Stephen anyway, great contribution!


    I’m using the plugin and I encountered a problem that might only affect people in Argentina (as far as I know), which is where I am.

    The plugin detects my location but instead of showing me the values between brackets in ARS (Argentine Peso) it shows values in ARA (Argentine Austral), a currency we stopped using over 20 years ago. Of course because of that the converted value is always 0,00.

    I’d like to know if there’s any way to modify the code so the plugin shows ARS values instead of ARA, otherwise all visitors in Argentina will see 0,00 ARA no matter what the value is in USD.

    A good solution (for me in this case) would also be disabling the automatic detection of the visitors location and display of their currency, and just let them choose a currency from the menu box instead, where the Argentine Peso (ARS) IS available.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advanceed

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