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  • bernbe01


    let me know when you’ve gotten through disabling all the plugins and tested that way. off hand i’d guess related to them & commentluv combination

    if not that, since thesis is a premium theme you will have to contact the theme developers

    this old thread had this same theme and the same problem

    –> disabling all of the plugins worked for one of the people but the other had to reach out to the theme devs



    if the content is indeed there, and you’re comfy with mysql, you could manually restore it that way

    other than that you aren’t alone:

    from automattic jetpack version

    from the plugin’s author

    which version of markdown and wp are you on?



    ok so the next step is disable all of your plugins and reload the page. if that works, enable them one at a time until you find one that breaks it.

    if none of them do break it, temporarily try switching your theme to 2015. if that works, it’s worth reaching out to the theme devs or making sure your theme is up to date



    hey there

    where does it fail for you?

    are you unable to access wp-admin or your install?

    i was able to hit that page ok, but I did not try logging in

    if the failure is in logging, or with the redirect post login please inform

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Goran Image Size


    try adding this to the bottom of your css

    @media screen and (min-width: 1020px) {
    .hero {
    padding-top: 72px;
    padding-bottom: 72px;


    to disable it by default:


    Uncheck “Allow people to post comments on new articles” and save

    then go to Dashboard->Posts->All Posts
    use quick edit to deselect “allow comments” and save on the desired posts

    then go to Dashboard->Pages->All Pages
    use quick edit to deselect “allow comments” and save on the desired pages

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Automatic Update


    and to address your second part, restoring is easy if you have a backup of the wp database. more helpful if you have full backups

    what format of backups do you have available to you?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Automatic Update


    i’ve used this plugin when needed with luck to disable all or specific kinds of updates



    sorry to say but you have an issue in your sites files

    when on that page, i viewed the source code, and it failed to make it to the comment loop. pthe last line should (almost) always be </html> and that is not present on that page which implies a theme/plugin issue

    also your sidebar does not load on that page so the code is breaking somewhere inbetween the post’s content and the sidebar

    if it was me, i would go into the post in text mode, take a backup of the text, and try just putting “hello world” in. if the page then is able to load sidebar, footer, comments, then you know there is something broken in the post’s content

    i know it *could* work because you get your sidebar and footer fine on this page:



    sorry catacaustic, not trying to make more work for you bud!

    i think we’re thinking the same things here….

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Auto Update


    whoever setup the server (or if it’s a vps from a big company) they should be able to help you



    unfortunately that’ll be harder to drop a plugin onto

    i would consider long term moving to a solution such as WP Restaurant Manager which appears to accomplish this type of task as well as provides other features.

    The downside of this is that you’ll definitely have to rebuild your whole menu, i just can’t think of another way since allt he data is grouped as one item currently.

    p.s. i’ve never used that plugin and cannot vouch for it in any way, especially with your older theme, so….

    Take a Full Backup!!! before moving forward

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Auto Update


    do you have ssh access? you can try resetting perms with these commands if yes:

    find /path/to/doc/root -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    find /path/to/doc/root -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

    I suggest reading the caveats of this at the source page to reduce the chances of breaking your install


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Goran Image Size


    want to link me to your site and i’ll try and help? there isn’t a one size fits all here unfortunately

    also, please read this thread

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Auto Update


    if you haven’t already, please check your console (F12 in chrome) and see if gives an error there and let us know

    you’ll have to reload the page once you enable the console

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