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  • Thread Starter beruud



    Downgrading is not a long term viable option. Dealing with poor decisions from WordPress brass is unfortunately a long term issue.

    Our coding people, who are not very happy, have already started working on some code that will negate the “load More” button on all of our sites (over 4k).

    I have to tell you, WP makes it harder and harder to back them when we are constantly having to perform work arounds and deal with issues that could of been prevented from happening.

    Lastly, whoever made the decision for the button? They are a great example of what is wrong with larger companies and businesses. A person or a few people making an asinine decision that effects hundreds of thousands of people.

    Maybe give them a different job to prevent this from happening again.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by beruud. Reason: I be spellen not so gud
    Thread Starter beruud


    I downgraded to 5.7.2 and it does not have the button, it infinite scrolls. So that is where I am going to let it sit.

    Then I put in a little snippet from allowing WP to automatically update my core. No way I am going to keep going through this malarkey.

    But if you do not want to downgrade, you can load this plugin:

    So instead of having common sense functionality, WP decided to add something that literally NO ONE wanted and we have to now do work arounds to get it back to normal. This will reduce some of my development, editing work by 2-3x.

    “This change is a part of an effort from the WordPress accessibility team to improve the experience for end-users.”

    uh what? say what?

    I think you might want to get different people in this position, no offense. I will drop it now, since we have a work around again for something no one wanted.

    It’s so poorly conceived and implemented that we now going to do a git-hub massive push to 4K of our websites and add this plugin.

    “USER EXPERIENCE” is something that gets thrown around a lot. Some people get it, other’s don’t.

    This time around WordPress drop the ball. This is a huge issue and probably should look into resolving it, rather than yet another work around.

    OK, ill shut up now. Ive said my peace.

    Thank you for the help though, I do not aim my criticism to anyone except the person who made the horrible decision to do this.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by beruud. Reason: Added instead of creating new reply
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by beruud.

    Or revert to 5.7.2 which I did. I really have to wait on any updates from WP anymore to make sure they didn’t add in more BS we don’t need. Between them and Adobe, they are a nightmare to work with.

    @sterndata Thank you for that, appreciate it.

    When posting and trying to use the media library, instead of all my images and content loading in, I get only 3-4 lines, then the loading stalls. In effect, the vast majority of my media files are now hidden and unavailable for use. This sucks big time!

    It doesn’t stall, it stops until you click a “Load More” button. I am still trying to find information about this, it is no where to be found.

    Thread Starter beruud


    I apologize for my review. I was very frustrated. I gave it a 4 star instead just because I did not have time to research it much, and it was unfair to give you a 1 star.

    Thread Starter beruud


    I apologize, I have 20+ clients at any given time and I don’t have time to try and recreate it… plus the site was already launched with a different plugin. I am sure it is a good plugin, but not for me.

    Thread Starter beruud


    Any help I do have to update fairly soon ??

    Thread Starter beruud


    I appreciate you answering me. I have created a dummy page that actually does what I want it to. It drops down, it opens a box and I can fit content into the box. No need for jquery or java or ajax. I had the hardest time aligning the drop down across the entire “container” but I think I have this fixed.

    So if anyone is interested, take a basic drop down CSS. Remove the AHREF links and add in images and or excerpts. It works. No extra scripting or added elements really needed.

    Thread Starter beruud


    I appreciate the response, thank you. I knew this was going to be difficult. But I am a little confused…

    We can place links and such inside of the drop down what is stopping me from just using the CSS drop down box like a webpage? I see 100% CSS drop down menus carry links, text and such, why would it not be able to carry images, excerpts and an advertisement if I manually code the UL and LI HTML commands?

    Maybe New York Post was an extreme example… but all the drop down menus just have standard anchor links and I don’t know why I couldn’t “exchange” the links for HTML content?

    Thoughts on this?

    Thread Starter beruud


    Any help? I realize this is like the last taboo of wordpress or something. I have found millions of other help topics on things but not this. Anyone help?

    I just ran into this problem today.

    I coded the [gallery] with EXCLUDE=”1,2,3,4″ and it did nothing. I assigned the pictures numbers but to no avail then tried again, I even used the name of the picture instead of the assigned number.

    It is a pain in the bum, but I loaded the images separate in the media upload area of wordpress, copied the thumbnail and main image location and HTML scripted my own gallery.

    Hopefully the upgrade to Word press 3 will acknowledge this, it is kind of a pain!

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