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  • Same here. The singular version is not be shown when the reading time is one minute.

    WP 6.3 with PHP 8.2.


    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    @sterndata I would be pleased not to escalate this any further. We got the message, okay?

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    @sterndata Never mind, I already know Ben from previous conversations and we had exchanged credentials OUTSIDE the forum before.

    @bentangible I’ll contact you shortly.


    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Unfortunately, even after months, I still have no idea why the loop of certain Custom Post Types is not working for me. The problem described here still exists, no matter how I form the loop. However, I have other Custom Post Types in this installation with which the loop works.

    Can I “bother” you with this again? I will gladly provide access to the site in question again.

    Same here. It seems that Simple Calendar is not compatible with PHP 8.2 actually.


    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Hi Ben,
    Let me prepare a test environment for you, I will then inform you about your ticket system including access data.

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    No change in behaviour, unfortunately

    Here is the output of the array:

        [0] => Array
                [__instance__] => Class WP_Post in wp-includes/class-wp-post.php on line 21
                [ID] => 285
                [post_author] => 1
                [post_date] => 2022-06-30 13:15:14
                [post_date_gmt] => 2022-06-30 11:15:14
                [post_content] => 
                [post_title] => Rodensteiner, Küchenhilfe
                [post_excerpt] => 
                [post_status] => publish
                [comment_status] => closed
                [ping_status] => closed
                [post_password] => 
                [post_name] => rodensteiner-kuechenhilfe
                [to_ping] => 
                [pinged] => 
                [post_modified] => 2022-09-13 20:50:00
                [post_modified_gmt] => 2022-09-13 18:50:00
                [post_content_filtered] => 
                [post_parent] => 2
                [guid] =>
                [menu_order] => 0
                [post_type] => jobs
                [post_mime_type] => 
                [comment_count] => 0
                [filter] => raw
    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Unfortunately the same behaviour. I tested this with including the code snipped directly in a page and with an separate template and calling it via shortcode and via the gutenberg-block.

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Both switches are TRUE. Here is the complete array for the custom post type:

        [jobs] => Array
                [__instance__] => Class WP_Post_Type in wp-includes/class-wp-post-type.php on line 17
                [name] => jobs
                [label] => Stelleninserate
                [labels] => Array
                        [__instance__] => Class stdClass in  on line 
                        [name] => Stelleninserate
                        [singular_name] => Stelleninserat
                        [add_new] => Neues Inserat erfassen
                        [add_new_item] => Neues Inserat erfassen
                        [edit_item] => Aktualisieren
                        [new_item] => Neues Inserat
                        [view_item] => Anschauen
                        [view_items] => Beitr?ge ansehen
                        [search_items] => Beitr?ge durchsuchen
                        [not_found] => Keine Beitr?ge gefunden.
                        [not_found_in_trash] => Keine Beitr?ge im Papierkorb gefunden.
                        [parent_item_colon] => NULL
                        [all_items] => Alle Inserate
                        [archives] => Alle Inserate
                        [attributes] => Beitrags-Attribute
                        [insert_into_item] => In den Beitrag einfügen
                        [uploaded_to_this_item] => Zu diesem Beitrag hochgeladen
                        [featured_image] => Beitragsbild
                        [set_featured_image] => Beitragsbild festlegen
                        [remove_featured_image] => Beitragsbild entfernen
                        [use_featured_image] => Als Beitragsbild nutzen
                        [filter_items_list] => Beitragsliste filtern
                        [filter_by_date] => Nach Datum filtern
                        [items_list_navigation] => Navigation der Beitragsliste
                        [items_list] => Beitragsliste
                        [item_published] => Beitrag ver?ffentlicht.
                        [item_published_privately] => Beitrag privat ver?ffentlicht.
                        [item_reverted_to_draft] => Beitrag auf Entwurf zurückgesetzt.
                        [item_scheduled] => Beitrag geplant.
                        [item_updated] => Beitrag aktualisiert.
                        [item_link] => Beitragslink
                        [item_link_description] => Ein Link zu einem Beitrag.
                        [menu_name] => Stelleninserate
                        [name_admin_bar] => Stelleninserat
                [description] => 
                [public] => TRUE
                [hierarchical] => FALSE
                [exclude_from_search] => FALSE
                [publicly_queryable] => TRUE
                [show_ui] => TRUE
                [show_in_menu] => TRUE
                [show_in_nav_menus] => FALSE
                [show_in_admin_bar] => TRUE
                [menu_position] => 21
                [menu_icon] => dashicons-businessman
                [capability_type] => post
                [map_meta_cap] => TRUE
                [register_meta_box_cb] => NULL
                [taxonomies] => Array
                [has_archive] => FALSE
                [query_var] => jobs
                [can_export] => TRUE
                [delete_with_user] => NULL
                [template] => Array
                [template_lock] => FALSE
                [_builtin] => FALSE
                [_edit_link] => post.php?post=%d
                [cap] => Array
                        [__instance__] => Class stdClass in  on line 
                        [edit_post] => edit_post
                        [read_post] => read_post
                        [delete_post] => delete_post
                        [edit_posts] => edit_posts
                        [edit_others_posts] => edit_others_posts
                        [delete_posts] => delete_posts
                        [publish_posts] => publish_posts
                        [read_private_posts] => read_private_posts
                        [read] => read
                        [delete_private_posts] => delete_private_posts
                        [delete_published_posts] => delete_published_posts
                        [delete_others_posts] => delete_others_posts
                        [edit_private_posts] => edit_private_posts
                        [edit_published_posts] => edit_published_posts
                        [create_posts] => edit_posts
                [rewrite] => Array
                        [slug] => job
                        [with_front] => FALSE
                        [pages] => TRUE
                        [feeds] => FALSE
                        [ep_mask] => 1
                [show_in_rest] => TRUE
                [rest_base] => FALSE
                [rest_namespace] => wp/v2
                [rest_controller_class] => WP_REST_Posts_Controller
                [rest_controller] => NULL
    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    The first sentences in english: ??

    I am on the verge of despair because I absolutely do not see the error. What am I doing wrong here?

    I am migrating custom content shortcode commands into Loops & Logic and I have two sets of commands here. The one for CCS works:

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Thanks! Tested and working.

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Hi Ben, thanks for your reply!

    I’m going through your questions:

    To 1: Yes, all html widgets are affected, if i have activated both of the plugins.

    To 2: Yes, too.

    To 3: Yes, I can reproduce this effect on a complete another, very simple non-multisite wordpress on my server.

    To 4: Yes.

    Offer: I can provide you access to one of my small wordpress installations with this problem. Drop me a mail on besim at karadeniz dot de.


    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Since I’m still watching the problem here: can I help with more information? Please do not hold back with such requests.


    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    OK, sorry for that!

    Thread Starter Besim Karadeniz


    Hi Eliot,

    I have now been able to isolate the problem somewhat by disabling all plugins on a test basis and testing them individually.

    The problem occurs when I enable Advanced Custom Fields Pro. The problem occurs when the plugin is active individually or with all others. If I deactivate it, the HTML widget works without problems.

    One more thing about the HTML widget, the behavior is as follows:

    I open a HTML widget in the widget editor (or in the customizer) and instead of the code being displayed highlighted, it only appears very briefly and then the HTML editor is empty. And interestingly also locked, i.e. no HTML code can be inserted.

    When I reload the editor page normally, the code appears again for a fraction of a second. So it seems to be a display problem in connection with ACF Pro.

    If there is anything else I should test, please let me know.


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