Forum Replies Created
Thanks it’s work better!
I want to download your dev version but Google Drive say the file is in the trash.
Can you give another link please?
I have the same here with 1.0.7.
Impossible to update product. the browser console say :
Form control with name=’_gift4u_fixed_discount’ cannot receive focus.
I have tried to remove the decimals but the bug still.
When do you expect to release the new update?
Sorry for the late back.
I confirm it’s work good!
Thanks you a lot for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Points and Rewards for WooCommerce] Per currency points seem not workHi,
I’ve seen this :
I use this plugin for Gift Cards :
Has you think this would be the problem for me too?
At this day, zero points added to my clients accounts. ??
Hi @wpmudevsupport14 !
Sorry for my late reply.
Here is the form export :
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Doe", "prefix": "", "fname": "", "mname": "", "lname": "true", "required_message": "Le nom est obligatoire", "prefix_required_message": "Le préfixe est obligatoire.", "fname_required_message": "Le prénom est obligatoire.", "mname_required_message": "Le deuxième prénom est obligatoire.", "lname_required_message": "Le nom est obligatoire.", "multiple_name": "true", "fname_required": "1", "lname_required": "1" }, { "id": "email-1", "element_id": "email-1", "form_id": "wrapper-3663-5173", "parent_group": "", "type": "email", "options": [], "cols": "12", "conditions": [], "wrapper_id": "wrapper-3663-5173", "validation": "1", "placeholder": "", "field_label": "Adresse de messagerie", "required": "1", "validation_message": "Merci de vérifier votre saisie" }, { "id": "phone-1", "element_id": "phone-1", "form_id": "wrapper-9399-1949", "parent_group": "", "type": "phone", "options": [], "cols": "12", "conditions": [], "wrapper_id": "wrapper-9399-1949", "required": "1", "limit": "10", 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"16", "cform-select-font-weight": "normal", "cform-multiselect-font-family": "Roboto", "cform-multiselect-custom-font": "", "cform-multiselect-font-size": "16", "cform-multiselect-font-weight": "normal", "cform-dropdown-font-family": "Roboto", "cform-dropdown-custom-font": "", "cform-dropdown-font-size": "16", "cform-dropdown-font-weight": "normal", "cform-calendar-font-family": "Roboto", "cform-calendar-custom-font": "", "cform-calendar-font-size": "13", "cform-calendar-font-weight": "normal", "cform-button-font-family": "Roboto", "cform-button-custom-font": "", "cform-button-font-size": "14", "cform-button-font-weight": "500", "cform-timeline-font-family": "Roboto", "cform-timeline-custom-font": "", "cform-timeline-font-size": "12", "cform-timeline-font-weight": "normal", "cform-pagination-font-family": "", "cform-pagination-custom-font": "", "cform-pagination-font-size": "16", "cform-pagination-font-weight": "normal", "payment_require_ssl": "", "submission-file": "delete", 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Copy and save the link or enter your email address below to have the link sent to your mail.</p><p>These fields weren't saved to your submission draft: Paypal, Stripe, Signature, Password, Captcha, and Upload. Kindly fill them out before submitting the form.</p>", "notification_count": 3, "previous_status": "publish" }, "client_id": null, "integration_conditions": [], "behaviors": [ { "slug": "behavior-6367", "autoclose": "1", "autoclose-time": "5", "newtab": "sametab", "submission-behaviour": "behaviour-thankyou", "thankyou-message": "<p>Merci de votre demande !</p>\n<p>Nos experts reviendront vers vous très vite.</p>", "redirect-url": "" } ], "notifications": [ { "slug": "notification-1234-4567", "label": "Admin Email", "email-recipients": "default", "recipients": "[email protected]", "email-subject": "Nouvelle entrée de formulaire pour {hidden-1} ({text-2})", "email-editor": "<p>Vous avez une nouvelle soumission de formulaire : <br>{all_fields} <br>---<br>Ce message a été envoyé depuis {site_url} sur la page {hidden-1}.</p>", "email-attachment": "true", "conditions": [ { "element_id": "text-1", "rule": "starts", "value": "Bessonweb" } ], "cc-email": "[email protected],[email protected]", "from-name": "", "form-email": "", "replyto-email": "", "bcc-email": "", "condition_action": "dont-send", "condition_rule": "all" }, { "slug": "notification-1467-2289", "label": "Email prospect", "email-subject": "Votre demande sur company", "email-editor": "<p>Bonjour {name-1-first-name},</p>\n<p>Nous avons bien réceptionné votre demande d'informations à propos des solutions company.</p>\n<p>Nous reviendrons vers vous dans les plus brefs délais.</p>\n<p>L'équipe company.</p>\n<p><a href=\"tel:+33143343434\">0143343434</a></p>", "recipients": "{email-1}", "from-name": "company", "form-email": "", "replyto-email": "[email protected]", "conditions": [], "cc-email": "", "bcc-email": "" } ] }, "status": "publish", "version": "1.29.3" }
You can see, the field “text-2” is simply used for display the name of the solution that the lead want a quotation or a demo.
The solutions are linked to the landing page with a ACF field that use the content type “solutions” for choose the wanted solution by the editor of the page.
So, in the ACF field we have per example :
– Solution 1
– Solution 2
– Solution 3These are “solutions” content types.
So I resume :
- The editor create a landing page and choose the solution(s) linked in the ACF field
- The form is displayed in the landing page in front but the field “solution” (text-2) is not visible for users.
- I want to populate the field “text-2” with the title(s) of the solution(s) to display it in the admin email.
I hope this is more clear for you.
Thanks for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post] Create redirection on RankMathHello,
Thank you for your answer!
An alternative would be to log redirections in admin UI and add a simple button dependently if we have RankMath or Yoast installed on each line to add a permanent redirect more simply.
I’m sure you will find the best solution in the future.
Have a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Points and Rewards for WooCommerce] Per currency points seem not workHello,
The problem is if I disable the “Advance shipment tracking” plugin, my client loose the possibility to add the tracking code to inform the client that the order is sended.
I have checked 5 minutes ago and zero points are added to the clients.
I can try to test in a test environment, but if you find anything to help me it would be very kind.
Have a good day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Points and Rewards for WooCommerce] Per currency points seem not workHello,
My commands status are changed by woocommerce advanced shipment tracking but normally, when we passed to “Delivered”, it correspond to “Completed”.
But, the points are not added.
For the currency position, it’s very important to add this possibility or use the WooCommerce parameter because in many countries, the sign is after the number.
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce] Translation doesn’t workHi,
Yes I have seen now, thank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce] Translation doesn’t workHi @gaurav1092,
Thanks for your answer!
I hadn’t seen that there was a cogwheel to access text customization.
Sorry and have a good day!
J’ai tenté de rétrograder à PHP 8.0 et d’activer les fonctions “exec, shell_exec, popen, proc_open, pcntl_exec” sans succès.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Order Export & Order Import for WooCommerce] Missing data after importHi,
In your example, the “shipping_items” is :
items:Batman Toy × 1|positionen:|method_id:flat_rate|taxes:a:1:{s:5:”total”;a:1:{i:3;s:1:”1″;}}
But we have no docs about what are these datas! Can you details them?What datas are mandatory?
Moreover, I find your documentation very lite. It will be a good thing to add some informations.
Thank for your reply!
You can find it here :
Thanks.- This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Bessonweb.
Hi and thank you for your quick reply.
It seem not work
It stay at 0 for customers and orders after a long time.