I tried something
1) I deleted the WP Super cache’s cache. No issues. The cron was still running
2) I deleted Autoptimize cache and the cron stopped. I stared getting the same message – “analytics.js hasn’t been updated for more than two days. is your cron running?”
3) I updated it and made sure it is running and repeated the same steps multiple times.
Same result always. So everytime the Autoptimize cache is cleared, the CAOS cron starts having an issue.
I thought that maybe, just maybe, autoptimize is deleting everything from the /cache folder, the default location for Save analytics.js to… *
So I changed the location in CAOS settings from /cache/caos-analytics/ to /cache-caos/caos-analytics/, and repeated the same steps again. And it worked. I tried it multiple times and all seems fine. I guess autoptimize is clearing the js file from CAOS’s cache folder and hence the error. I am not sure if it will be auto corrected at the next scheduled cron run.
All seems to be working now. Please give me some time so that I can check that the workaround is indeed running for a long time.