Hi there!
Thank you for your prompt response to my query. I am using Elastic Grid gallary. I am using version number 1.1.5
1) I have tried dragging by keeping the mouse cursor on the age between Image album and Image column and it worked. However, there still seems to be an issue with the order of the images.
Following is the URL of my webpage.
In total I have 16 images in this portfolio. I wish to order them as follows, Reader 1, Workbook 1, Reader 2, Workbook 2 . . .
Currently, under admin section, Reader 1 & Workbook are at the order number of 16 & 15 respctively. Then, Reader 1 should appear as a first entry in the first row besides Workbook 1. however, Reader 1 is getting displayed in the last row as a last entry of the portfolio, in fact Reader 1 should be 1st entry in the 1st column.
Could you please help me with this?
2) I am using version number 1.15. I wish to use both elastic grid type on the same page underneath each other.