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  • Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Need help on this please.

    I placed the following code on the (front) page where I want it to show: <?php echo testimonialswidget_widget( $args, 1234 ); ?>

    It can be seen on the top right at:

    I’m using it as a quote rotator. It is perfect for my needs, but it changes to the next quote a bit too fast. The speed is the only issue for me, so my goal is to just slow it down a bit.

    I went back to the instructions and found “refresh_interval – default 5; refresh_interval=0” in the shortcodes section. Do I add this in the shortcode: <?php echo testimonialswidget_widget( $args, 1234 ); ?> to modify it? And then change the default to something else?

    Sorry, I thought I had an option.

    OK, I’ve gone into the widgets and set the “Rotation Speed” in “Advanced Options” to 15, and saved it. Then undid the modification I mentioned earlier. I then tested the testimonial time, and it was back to 5 sec. The widget didn’t do anything to the shortcode. What am I missing?

    That did it.

    I went to plugins > edit > testimonials-widget/testimonials-widget.php > public static $defaults > refresh_interval > [and changed] ‘refresh_interval’ => 5, [to] 15,. That did the trick.

    Thanks for the reply and patients!

    I’ve adapted. I’m keeping the testimonial background the way it is. However, I’m still trying to find the proper place to slow it down. Can you help me with this?

    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Thanks deswalsh,

    I given up on including it on the sidebar. But thank for the reply anyway.

    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    I looked, and didn’t find it. I went ahead and included the code anyway…still now change.

    Here is my css(hopefully it displays properly):

    Theme Name: Saranagati Board of Directors
    Description: This site is has been created for the SVHI
    Site designed and maintained by: Bhava dasa and Rasaraja dasa
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    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Your a good teacher, xnau. You’ve made that easy enough for even me to understand! OK, so I’m going to look into the style.css, and try to find and modify this. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Thanks xnau,

    OK, I understand the 1st paragraph.

    Now, I just installed FireBug in Firefox (which I always use), but I am a bit stumped about the rest. I’ll try…

    So, I went to the page where the list is, then clicked on: CSS > style.css > (then a number of different options which relate to Sofa appear.) When I click on them, various css code lines appear. Which one do I choose, and what do I do with it? Replace it?

    I assume this css is my theme–correct? Would I replace my themes css (which ever correct choice it is) with “participants-database.css”? Copy and paste? And, if I do, how will that effect the rest of my site?

    I think I’m on the right track…

    Appreciate all the help! I really need this plugin!!! Thanks!

    Thanks for the reply Micheal, much quicker than I thought it would be!

    I found the 10000 number in the source code.

    However, as far as the alternate, I put the code into my page as you said, but I am confuses as to where to find the 1234 code in the css. Also, even if I did find it, I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t understand how to make a background image appear in relation to that code.

    As for the time before the quote changes, I did find this: testimonials-widget/testimonials-widget.php and then within it found: `jQuery(this).removeClass(‘hovered’) });
    setInterval(‘nextTestimonial$widget_number()’, $refresh_interval * 1000);` I changed the 1000 to 3900 which slowed down the change enough to read it before changing to the next quote. Hope that’s ok. It worked, so I guess it is.

    Anyway, hope you don’t get fried out with my lack of understanding, and give up.

    Thanks in advance!

    I tried to follow the exchange above, but I’m just too clueless! I just spent about an hour (no exaggeration) with it, but I have gotten nowhere! Can I talk you into helping me step-by-step through this?

    Like PMaids, I want to include a background image behind the testimonial widget on my wp front page.

    I inserted <?php echo testimonialswidget_widget( $args ); ?> in the “myhome.php where I want it, but I can’t figure out how to put the image behind it.

    Also, I would like to change the time it changes to the next quote. How do I do that?

    Would really appreciate your help please!!!

    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Thank you for the reply. Sorry for not getting back sooner, I was out in the field feeding my pet ox.

    Anyway, if you go to this link, look down for the blue button “Live Preview”. Below that button, you’ll see two images–click on the second. Compare that to how mine looks here. You’ll see that there are no images on my blog page as they are on the theme sample page.

    To help, I created a post and titled it, “Post image to blog page”. It is here on this page that I would like the preview image to appear, as it does in the theme sample.

    I think there must be some code that is missing somewhere.

    I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Bhavadasa


    Thank you. Hmmm. This will take some time…

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