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  • Thread Starter Bianca


    To clarify: this review is for the free version.

    Thread Starter Bianca


    Thanks for your extensive response. I would like to add some clarification in order to make this review more helpful for you. I am aware of the build in anti-spam option. The thing is, that option is not working so well unfortunately.

    And compared to other form plugins, it seems that your plugin is attracting more spam. I’ve seen other people raising this issue to. My advice would be to do some endurance testing on this (maybe your plugin is a target?).

    In my experience, the spam occurred in different server environments at different hosting parties although almost alle of them shared plans. I am happy to forward you some examples of the spam messages that are coming through the forms but I assume you have those. If not, let me know.

    Switching to a different plugin solved most of the spam.
    In all honesty if I have to choose between adding another third party plugin (like zero spam) or switching to another form plugin that does proper spam filtering out of the box (never 100%), I choose the latter.

    Thanks, I now better understand your reasoning for not including the phone field in the free plan because of its advanced usage options. For me, I just want my phone nr field to be html5 compliant so it can be auto filled out, Also thanks for pointing out hCaptcha. I would give that a try. I used to be on a paid plan (where I used the phone field) for some the sites I manage. But the spam is an issue on all of them.

    I will watch the development of this plugin closely. If you are able to improve the out of the box spam, Ill happily upvote my rating. All the best.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Gutenberg] Catastrophe

    Have i contacted Brainforce?
    multiple times. i’ve sent them screenshots of the problems.

    Hi, are you sure you are reviewing the right product? The Gutenberg plugin has nothing to do with Brainforce and / or the Astra theme specifically. Do the errors also occur when a default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Twenty or Twenty Twenty-one) is activated and all other plugins disabled?

    Thread Starter Bianca


    Hi again,
    It might have something to do with the WordPress installation being installed in a subdirectory. After moving the site to the main directory, the plugin works like a charm. I will close this ticket as the issue is resolved for me. I leave this here for reference.

    @agabu Very well done. ??

    Don’t get me wrong. Chaplin is a fantastic theme, just not great (yet?) to work with AMP. Also note that AMP is still evolving (with lots of changes) rapidly. If it’s not necessary to use it, Chaplin is a solid choice. If it has to do with speed there’s a lot of other stuff you can / need to do.

    I see. Although I don’t have an instant solution to this (not so familiar with AMP yet), you can try out the Twenty Twenty theme instead which is a fork of Chaplin (or investigate the changes it has made to be compatible with AMP) . According to this website Twenty Twenty should be compatible with AMP. With the Twentig Plugin you might be able to approach the look and feel of Chaplin. If AMP is not that important than deactivating is the other option. Or creating a child theme to make the necessary changes for compatibility. Goodluck.

    Jade, I think you mean to address this to TS, not me ??

    Hi there, actually changing fonts is functionality and therefor plugin territory. Although I can imagine the confusion as it’s a bit of grey area, meaning there exist themes where this functionality is in the theme. Anyway, I would recommend the Fonts Google Typography plugin. Works as a breeze and it’s easy and simple.

    …because removing it breaks the layout of the site.

    Ok that’s not supposed to happen, if you copied all contents of it to the child themes stylesheet. Sorry I’m out of options here. I can only suggest to try a different theme, although I understand your reason for choosing a standard theme very well. Maybe the new Twenty Twenty-one is an alternative?

    Anyway goodluck. If there is something else let me know.

    What duplicates are you talking about?
    The parent CSS is not supposed to load but when I visit your site, I see the parent stylesheet still getting loaded.(line 64)

    The scenario would be

    • in your functions.php dequeue the parent stylesheet (see the link in previous post on how to do that) so none of these styles appear on the front-end.

      The reason for this approach is because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get rid of the old media queries.

    • If you had already put some lines of css in the child theme stylesheet, temporary remove these (keep a notepad at hand where you can store these) and add/paste the lines at a later stage in an order where they work well.
    • Next copy all the contents of the original stylesheet (except the theme info) to your child theme stylesheet. So now you have the original style appearance, like nothing happened FOR NOW.
    • Now change the media queries in the child theme stylesheet you just copied to what you want it to be.
    • Add the extra changes you want to make and place them somewhere in the child theme stylesheet where they would work best
    • Hope this clarifies it a bit. You have to dequeue the parent stylesheet, otherwise the original breakpoints also get loaded.

      And if there are items where you think the media queries are fine, then add your media query as an extra and move the elements you want (like the menu)to the new query container and leave all the other in the current container.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Bianca.

    But with this solution, I should redo the copy at every update of the theme: there is extra administration.

    Actually you don’t. I can’t imagine a case on why you would need to do that.

    The child theme never gets affected when a parent theme is updated. And in my experiences parent theme updates barely changes things to the stylesheet. That’s a very bad practice as it would change the appearance of the website.

    It’s the only solution I see. Alternatively I can imagine using a query of some kind, but that would even be more hacky if it works at all. Goodluck.

    Yes, I mentioned to adjust the queries in the child theme (by copying the original stylesheet to your child theme stylesheet).

    If you don’t dequeue the original stylesheet, the original media queries get loaded as well, and you don’t want that to happen I think. And if you dequeue the original stylesheet (which you do in the functions.php of your child theme), all files of the original theme stay are untouched so there is no extra administration there. You are using the child theme exactly to avoid that kind of issue.

    If it doesn’t remember your email address, you can try the username you used. If thats not working you need to check in phpmyadmin.

    This may help (though step 1 is specific for goDaddy hosting)

    About the SERP length:
    Install Yoast SEO plugin as it comes with an SERP Tool.

    But check your site for errors (see previous reply), because several online tools throw errors while trying to access your site. May be a plugin, may be something else.

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