Thank you so much for your reply.
I had already tried to do it but with poor results.
I analyzed everything better and I have this crazy situation:
- for the last 20 sermons, I had a like a new revision by copying and pasting the text of the last one inserted. if I go to analyze the revisions I notice a saving in the same minute of something that has overwritten.
- For these last 20 sermons, even if I go to replace the text, it is absolutely not taken into consideration in the front end keeping the original copied (backend I see the changes)
- If I copy the 21st sermon, and I go to change the text I have the same result, changed in the backend, but not in the frontend.
- If I create a new sermon, the text I insert is saved in the backend, but the frontend does not display any text.
I’m going crazy.
I tried to overwrite the plugin but with no result.