Forum Replies Created
Hello Tobias:
Boy! That was a quick reply. Not being a “programmer” I was lost. Your answer is well written & very clear. I will try that out and go from there. Thank you very much sir.
Bill Ford
JoshuaTreeStar.comForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS FEED not found error messageHmmmm Thanks for the reply.
Let me restate the apparent problem. “I” the site owner/admin (etc) am not trying to “subscribe to my own site’s RSS feeds.” Someone “out there” is trying.
This is what I “see” on my Dashboard in the “Incoming Links” panel:
RSS Error: A feed could not be found at
————My question is: Have I done something, or not done something to cause this error to appear? Or, the question could be: What causes this error to appear and why? Or… is this “error” something to ignore?
–BFForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS FEED not found error messageThanks ESMI for a prompt reply
That works for “me”, the site owner, and it works. Now, I have no clue what my site visitor sees… or gets when they attempt to subscribe to my RSS feeds.
What I do not “see” on my site is the RSS bug, anywhere, which implies that RSS feeds are not available from my site.
Although, the RSS bug is present on the browser (IE 8)
That error message is what is displayed in the “INCOMING LINKS” panel.
Any additional thoughts? –BF
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Image "Not Found" (from thumbnail to full size)UPDATE Tue-8-16-11
“Faith-heal”… that’s a good thing!! You must have a degree in that line of work.
That screenshot image: I intentionally deleted it from the library while I was “testing” to see if I re-uploaded it, would it show up. I hadn’t had a chance to do the re-upload when I spotted your reply message.
Briefly (as I can) I’ve examined and tested ‘most’ of the images on older posts under WP 314 and found they have somehow survived [hasta be by the grace of computer faith healing] the upgrade to 321, contrary to my earlier actual experience.(??) Only 3 in the test would not display when thumbnail was clicked on – likely a different issue – such as moving a file. The “Snake” article remained in error. Without knowing any better, I tried a work-around for that article. I first deleted the offending images from the Media Library, and without editing the article, I re-uploaded the same images from my hardrive. I “viewed” the article (as if I were a non-admin visitor) to find the problem still existed on that article alone. Apparently the image I.D.s are different when newly uploaded. I then deleting the article’s images, and set about re-inserting them using the WP visual editor. Tested okay. Clicked thumbnails show larger view as expected.
Based on my less-than-techie method, and the fact that you replied to my inquiry (just your presence or faith-healing spell) fixed the former problem. I therefore conclude this issue ‘resolved’ — for the moment :]
I appreciate these WP Forums… and the folks who contribute to it — lots of reading, but worth the time to learn.
Bill FordForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Image "Not Found" (from thumbnail to full size)Hey…Thank you for your interest (and the comment re duplications – Sorry ’bout that. I understand)
The image “screenshot002” is indeed “gone” as I’ve been trying to find a work-around — and deleted that image intentionally… just a few minutes ago. I will re”upload” the same image back into the default folder without “editing” the article itself… to see if clicking on it presents “not found” or is displayed.
Farther “down” in another article ( is one that is “not found”. However, Ipstenu, you must have a magic wand or fingers because as I “again” checked all the pix displayed on the opening page of the site, all of the “old” work as expected (excluding that one “id=1365 which I can manually fix).
I will have to go through all my articles and check for this anomaly. But, all those in the “Snake” article are still “not found”. That article was posted perhaps an hour prior to upgrading 3.1.4 to 3.2.1. (my site host helped me with backing up the site and the SQL prior to upgrading WP, shortly after posting that article).
I’m a 74 year old appliance operator having little knowledge of numerous “how-to’s” (i.e. FTP) although I understand its purpose but have never exercised it — another learning curve for me.
I’ve seen your hundreds of “helps” to others, and I appreciate your help with my little issue. Thanks a bunch. I will experiment and disgnose further so I am armed with more useful details. I’m likely to post an addendum in this thread. Of course, any suggested “fixes” would be most welcome.
Bill Ford
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Image "Not Found" (from thumbnail to full size)UPDATE TO ORIGINAL IMAGE PROBLEM
I just did a test as follows:
Upload “new” image into default image folder “Media Library”.
Create new “post” with text.
Insert the “new” image just uploaded.
Insert an existing Media Library image as uploaded in WP 3.1.4Save Draft
View Draft“new” uploaded image is clickable and displays its larger version (no error)
Clicking on “existing” image results in NOT FOUND… (etc)Verified: I contacted a friend who checked this problem just minutes ago. He too was presented with the Not Found error when clicking on the thumbnails, including other non related articles on my site.
I’d hate to think I will have to delete all images currently in the Media Library and re-upload all images to correct the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorG’mornin’ Craig
Well, it’s still mornin’ here on the Pacific Coast…Suggestion to get “heard”…
Drag yer fingernails across the ‘ole slate chalk board. If nothing else, it’ll make the hairs on their neck stand at attention. Then pull back 60 yards and punt.
I did find, however, kmessinger‘s suggestion quite useful regarding learning the basics of CSS & HTML. Tutorials from beginners to ?? After a couple hours of just reading that stuff, I was able to confidently modify things with success, albeit a bit more time consuming in lieu of WYSIWYG visual editors. Text colors now is a “snap” where I have a “device” that picks an existing color from something being displayed (even out of photos) where the device also displays the HEX code for that specific color. I tested this out by displaying “non-standard” colors by “publishing” the test page where I could view the results; and found that nearly all colors I played with came out looking as I expected.One thing Craig, I noted, while in Visual Editor, that changing text size, bold, underline, color (etc) that the editor “appears” to be squirrely when “setting” text attributes. Just a moment ago, I did a “test” with 4 lines of text… changed each line with various attributes (color, size, bold, underline, italic, etc) leaving the last line unchanged. On one “pass” the last line remained as expected. On another “pass”, the bottom line was underlined where I did not invoke that attribute for that line as I was changing attributes on the line of text above it only. I looked at the html, sure enough it somehow got changed. I went back to visual editor, “un-underlined” the offending line of text. Then it “held” as I expected.
Bottom line? While I certainly cannot come up with a “solution” to the error condition, I find that I will just have to work my stuff keeping within the editor’s quirks and modify the html as needed. BTW, this “test” was without images imbedded, which I’m certain would add unpredictable results that may not be “fixable” without going into CSS (etc) to make the changes.
Certainly, WP tech folks should look into this visual editor and fix the unstable quirks. However, we amateur users are getting all that WP provides absolutely free which says we need to be grateful for what is provided and bite the bullet on parts that don’t work to our expectations.
Keep in touch Craig… we beginners need to stick together!!
BTW…. take a look at the very bottom left of “this screen” under the “post” button. Note how many “Like” responses… 305 thousand +.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorCraig…
Interesting! Someone “else” actually has similar annomilies.As mentioned above all this, I finally got a used book on CSS and after a week of study I finally got to page 4 which sent me back to page 1. I think I’m in an endless loop. I think I’ll skip the last sentence and go on to page 5 anyway.
Craig, I also noticed “another” issue with changing font size even WITHOUT an imbedded image. Today, I put up a “post” (hidden from the public) where I had text only. Each short line was then changed from the default text size (which happens to be “Header 4, or (h4) as it appears in HTML. I went with each, h1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & h6. Then I’d “publish” the post and observe the results. In a couple iterations I noted that some (not all) font sizes would not “hold”. I’d go back and check the HTML and sure enough “it had changed”. I was using the drop down menu to select the size — not css or html. Then I tried changing the html, and observe the published result. Seemed to work. But the minute I CHANGED TEXT COLOR… another line of text would change its size!!!!! A bit more “playing” this game finally resulted in getting the colors changed AND the font size changed that actually held.
This was done mainly so I could actually “see” what the results might look like, and some random text colors were selected to view what the HEX code would actually produce on the screen… from a visual point of view.
I’m reasonably certain that if I imbedded an image, things would get screwed up. There is certainly some connection in wp 3.1.3 with theme 2010 and the visual editor not being all that “user friendly” as it is unstable during the aforementioned activities — which, would be a common, normal activity to imbed images and change font size.
I guess we’ll have to wait for an update, a bug fix or go with using CSS and HTML to make the changes and expirement.
Best to you Craig… post another comment should you come up with something that helps… or a fix.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorWell sir… thanks for your assessment on the appearence and content on the site.
I did get WP for Dummies, AND I have her newest edition on order but it won’t be released till October. I can see I’ll need to build another bookshelf. I believe I understand what you’re saying about needing to deal with CSS. As for “random”, well, that what the annomoly “appears” to be. Certainly there’s nothing random of the guy with only two fingers. He counts “zero, one” and simply runs out of fingers and has to start over since he is just a “base 2” critter. And, “I” only have 9 fingers… zero, one, two….. as in base 10. (quip!) As far as my wild Roadrunners are concerned, they’ll just have to wait for their handouts. In fact, as I type, there’s one in the kitchen now looking for its share of the raw marble size hamburgers – sans onions ‘n pickles.
At this juncture, Master Kmessinger, I’ll delete the “posted samples” and delve into some CSS studies as a work-around. Thank you so much for sticking with this ancient ole goat who’s at least “trying”. Your assessment on my site’s content and general appearence is encouraging. I’m sure it’ll improve with age….. and if you sit in YOUR rockin’ chair and can’t get the damn thing going, that’s a mark of gittin’ older… an’ zeros and ones won’t help. ??
Best to ya sir… its been a pleasure. Kudos.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorThanks kmessinger….
I kinda figured that, but wasn’t sure. The “promos” for “try out this theme” and also indicating one can have more than “one” got me to thinking it “might” allow two or more on a single site, but I wasn’t “SURE”, so I’ve not “changed” from 2010 to 2011 for the same reasons you give on what css controls in one theme as to another.Let me know when you have “looked at” the errant samples I posted on the site, so I can delete them… unless you suggest otherwise.
Thanks guy…
—bfForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorOne last thing, before I go outdoors to feed a couple wild Roadrunners that are pestering me for food (what else?) the “comment” below the photos…
In these, no matter the text re-sizing issue, sometimes will be displayed as Times New Roman (or equiv) or san serif. Some will be color BLACK, while others will be “GRAY”. We users don’t have any means of ‘fixing’ a font or its color that I know of. I have not been able to identify any common denominator that might lead to the cause… it seems to be random.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorOh…. ALL the text highlighted and set to Header 5 remained as intended UNTIL I inserted the “second” pix. I chose a different pix in case there was something with the original three “aerocar” pix.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorOkay….
I have TWO published posts titled
THIS IS TEST 2 of 2 if you notice any drastic annomilies. While viewing the editor, I note that the single sentence near the top (Copy of my previous…) shows up as default font size. I had highlighted ALL text and set to HEADING 5 (equiv to about 12 pt) but when “published” it appears as intended. The text near the bottom was intended to be Heading 5, but shows up as default on the editor AND on the published material.
The undesireable amount of vertical space is obvious.
This is all too curious.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorasdfasdf — nope, comes out as san serif, but is Times New Roman while typing…
Oh well… Computers and Other Mysteries.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: To breaking point with the stupid visual editorHmmmm
I just noticed something else. As I type “this”, the font is Times New Roman… which I don’t believe was the case in my previous reply, and the resultant font of the previous reply is san serif. Hmmmm. maybe I have something going on in my machine. I just went to my site to “look” at the post you saw, came back here and experience this annomoly. I’ll keep a watch on what happens after I post this message.— bf