Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Okay to change address URL?Update:
I followed the directions for Changing the URL, here: the added step of deleting the wp_content_cache did the Trick.
I’m now up and running at
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Okay to change address URL?Well, I broke it again.
I tried to change the Values in General Options, and got a 404.
So I followed the steps to shange things back in phpMyAdmin to the
Went back to General options and changed back… but still get 404.
And cannot log-in in a new browser window.
Site loads but with no structure or theme.
Trying to get back to Site results in this in Address bar, producing a 404:
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Set-up Question, logging inFor the sake of the forums (and karma), I am updating what happened.
I finally geve up on Fantastico, sucked in a deep breath, and tried installing myself, using instructions found in the Docs. It is all working well, now, and my Domain has been almost completely moved.
I do have a follow-up – When I saw the Domain switch start to work, I immediately switched from the temporary
That was in my Dashboard/General Options/ URl. I changed it to the proper domain. And I was promptly locked out of the Admin Area.
I had to follow directions to go into myPHPAdm to change things back.
Is it ever safe to change those settings? I notice that my Permalinks will show my Server IP… Don’t I need to cover that with the https://www.Domain/blog?
Thanks in advance,
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Have changed the URI in Admin, now I can get in!!! HELP! ;’o(winterwish,
Thanks for the link. I just got my Domain hooked to the name servers. So the first thing I did was to go into WP Dashboard/Admin and change the URI from the “stand in” Ip from Bluehost
My new domain/blog… which promptly locked me out of access. With the help of the link I have it working again…I guess I need to leave the IP as the “70.103.189.xx/~…” format?
Thanks again. If there is an easy explanation(or link) I’d be happy to know more, since I am running my own server space for the first time.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Set-up Question, logging inUpdate.
No change with seeing the pages. I know that I have correct login username and Password for WP, because — although entering them results in 404, any other data entered gets: Incorrect Username.
Here’s a straightforward question (I am an adherent to Support forums, and know how bad some of the posts can be formed):
In BlueHost Files –
my wp_config file shows the following:
define ( ‘DB_NAME’ , ‘tooabsen_wrdp1’ ) ;
define ( ‘DB_USER’ , ‘tooabsen_wrdp1’ ) ;
define ( ‘DB_PASSWORD’ , ‘Yq2Ysy6l9mwC’ ) ;
define ( ‘DB_HOST’ , ‘localhost’ ) ;This is untouched, just with my having clicked on the auto-install in BlueHost…
Should the DB Name and Username be the same?
Thanks in advance.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Set-up Question, logging inPodz,
I’m not seeing the pages. Will try to empty my cache.
I got BlueHost to start and when I set up WP I placed it in a directory such that
So your mention of the css not showing up… that is what I wondered, too. Should I try a uninstall and do-over (i’ve done this twice, already). Maybe I need to call BlueHost.
Otherwise, I will be checking for the Name propagation, and waiting to see. Thanks for the response. I’m really flying blind, here, until I can see CSS and etc.
Note: will still (for now) take you to my MovableT site.
Thanks again