I don’t think it’s similar with my problem. My problem is that when i select the first option in attribute form the second it’s not populated with the combinations of first, so the second with third.
The form it’s not populated with the correct variations.
Link of product that doens’t work: https://surubexpert.ro/produs/suruburi-pal-pt-lemn-cap-inecat-cruciform-din-7505-galben/
Atrributes: metric = 2,5 – 6; Lungime = 10 – 200; Ambalare = 100 – 1000
metric 6 -> lungime 35 -> ambalare 500
metric 6 -> lungime 200 -> ambalare 100
metric 6 -> lungime 180 -> ambalare 100
metric 5 -> lungime 120 -> ambalare 100
metric 5 -> lungime 100 -> ambalare 100
If i select “metric” -> 6, in second input i see all the “lungime” attribute, not only the “metric” 6 with “lungime” combinations(i should see only 35, 200, 180, etc).
Links of product that work: