Forum Replies Created
You’ve just helped me with this aggravating puzzle. Thanks for the concise solution to this problem which ought not be a problem!
(“Screen options”? I thought that had something to do with video features, like invert the display or something! Why on EARTH would I think that WordPress features are hidden in there? Like “Turn comments off”? Who doesn’t know anything about the user experience and usability? Oh! I think I know who!)
I appreciate your message a lot. Whoever thought up “Screen Options,” not so much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Skysa App Bar Integration] [Plugin: Skysa App Bar] Feedback on Ease of UseHi, Skysa:
I have just a little bit more feedback: I *loved* he ease with which I could modify the colors of the Skysa bar! I works very nicely and the breadth of options is awesome! The only quibble I have is that there’re times when I’m not altogether sure what, exactly, I’m modifying. *If* you can come up with a visual to show us the changes as we go along so we can see, on the fly, what our changes look like, that’d be just *too* awesome!
Failing that, slightly more descriptive descriptions will help out a lot. Thanks!
WRT the help.txt file, I guess I foiled you because whenever I download something, I immediately open it and peep what’s inside. As a looong (and I *do* mean loooong … I’m talking thirty years!) I like to open things and see what’s inside, hence my spotting the text file and reading it. My bad! I guess most users read it the way you intended for it to be read. I’m prolly an outlier. Ooops!
This is really a cool tool, and I can’t wait to have content (and users!) to be able to take advantage of it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Skysa App Bar Integration] [Plugin: Skysa App Bar] Feedback on Ease of UseHi, Skysa:
Since I’m still setting up my blog, I can’t tell you how easy it is to use the bar yet, but I can tell you about ease of installation, and it was pretty darned hard to find my Bar ID: I was clicking all over the Skysa site looking for it, and a couple of times, between page loads, I saw it flash by, and frustratingly, I couldn’t stop the page loading to get at it. I *finally* got it when I went to My Apps: Manage, but it shouldn’t have been that hard. It should have been the first thing I saw as soon as the ID was available, ie, as soon as I’d provided my site URL. Don’t hide it and make us hunt it down, kay?
The readme.txt file oughtta be readme.html so that we needn’t keep twitching to another app to read it. Since we’re gonna be working in our browser anyway, we may as well be reading that file in our browsers.
Otherwise, the menu *looks* really pretty! I’m off to go see whether I can edit its color. Thanks for the nifty little tool, and good luck in the future!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My admin name shows and I don't want it toOh, esmi! You just gave me an idea: I’ll just go modify the theme to show what I want it to show! Der! All this banging my head on the desk, and all I had to do is a small modification! What have I been thinking?! (I clearly haven’t; it’s been a couple years since I built any blogs, so I’m out of the habit.)
Thanks a million for the inspiration! Big smooches and huggies, sweetie! You’re the best! Sometimes it helps to talk things out with someone, and it clearly worked here; I appreciate you a lot!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My admin name shows and I don't want it toAnd the name you use isn’t showing up on your blog, esmi?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My admin name shows and I don't want it toThat sounded like the answer, esmi, but that didn’t do it. it’s still showing my username instead of the name I want displayed.
I’d go into the database and change that name by hand, but I still don’t want whatever name I choose to be shown. It shouldn’t be this hard! It oughtta do as it says it’ll do.
Am I the only one who picked a username besides the default “admin”?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My admin name shows and I don't want it toHi, Esmi:
The theme switch idea was excellent, but it didn’t yield any results; my secret admin name still shows.
I only have one plug-in (Akismet), which I disabled) until I get this problem solved, and disabling that didn’t change anything, either.
Good suggestions, though!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Full URL path to files” to get images is what?Okay, Otto; you’ve finally gotten through to me, and I can see things clearly now. Thanks for bearing with me.
The Media Library sure is cumbersome, tiresome, and painful, though; sometimes it takes two or three tries before an image “sticks” the way I want it to (ie, right-aligned, full-sized, without a link to the image), and unless I give it a caption, I get no alt text (so I have to remember to type it in by hand once the Media Library has inserted my image), so it was quicker do it on my own the old way. Still, if this is the “correct” way, I suppose I’d better get used to it.
Teaching old dogs new tricks sucks. Nevertheless, I appreciate very much your making the effort!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Full URL path to files” to get images is what?I see what you mean now, but it’d sure get tiresome having to type an entire URL every time I want to add an image. (And no; I don’t move my sites like ping pong balls; they’ve stayed in one place for nearly four years).
Grrr; I’m getting tired already just thinking about it! But thanks for cluing me in!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Full URL path to files” to get images is what?Ripose, I have “wp-content/uploads” in the “Store Uploads In This Folder” box, but have completely discounted that box, as I don’t think of my images as “uploads” (which, now that I think about it, is dumb; I most certainly AM uploading the files, but via ftp and not via WordPress).
> Either use an absolute image path or use the WordPress default.
So what you’re saying is that I should use the ENTIRE path including the “images” subdirectory, and simply refer to my images as “image.png,” without the subdirectory? Is that right? And then leave the “Store Uploads In This Folder” field blank? (I feel as if I’m getting warm!)
With regard to reading the sticky, I gather you’re pointing me to item number eight. I hadn’t thought I was using a custom directory for my images, but rather keeping all my WordPress stuff together in one place (ie, all my theme and images together). Huh; didn’t realize that was something that needn’t “fixing,” so I didn’t know to look for something like that. I appreciate your help there!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Turn off Graphic Smileys> It’s a wiki — anyone can adjust it
Haha! Anyone just has! It’s been corrected now. Now I can help contribute in some small way. Yet another thing I didn’t know I could do. I’m always too busy mucking about in WordPress to pay attention to these things. Thanks for letting me know how I can help others out with the dox.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Turn off Graphic SmileysThanks a million, HandySolo; you’re a doll! I’m afraid I’d looked there several times, but because WordPress renders everything in such small type, it just plain escaped me. I should be good to go now!
(And someone should fix the documentation so other folks don’t go chasing down blind alleys!)
> you might want to turn off the visual editor
Huh; hadn’t crossed my mind. Oooh! I just tried it, and I can see my HTML! Yay for me! I like it like that! Thanks for that, too; that’s great! I hadn’t known that was an option!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate blogs: one can’t connect to databaseHandySolo:
I’m sorry; there was a miscommunication here. Unbeknownst to me, the database had been deleted, and the blog I *thought* I was looking at was using a different database, but I was looking at another config file for a defunct blog which *also* referenced the same deleted database. User head gap. I’ll smack myself in the head with a hammer for you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate blogs: one can’t connect to databaseHandySolo:
They are? I had no idea. Hold on a sec; gonna go rename the directories. Naw; that didn’t help. The new 2.3.3 blog now is in a directory with the same name as the old 2.0.2 blog, and WP is still grumbling about the same nonsense. Is there something else I’ve missed? Maybe some permissions that haven’t been set yet because the upater’s been farting around with this dumb directory-naming nonsense?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database change between 2.0.2 and 2.3.3?moshu:
That’s how I woulda done it on my own blog, but this being someone else’s blog, I didn’t wanna disable them all and then try to remember what had been on and try to re-enable just those. (He has an awful lot of them, and only some of them are enabled. Me, I immediately rip out ones I don’t plan to use as I’m an anal-retentive type.)
Fer sure, it woulda been easier doing it the “all-off” way!
BTW, I *did* google the error message and several pieces of it, and the sticky post didn’t turn up in the search. I tried several ays to find it before posting my question. (I know how irritating it is when someone asks a question that’s been answered already, lotsa times!)