Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Plugin send raw HTMLHi @kamilwrona,
Thanks for your feedback, we apologize for any inconvenience. Are you talking about this plugin : “” ?
I just tried to install a WordPress website from scratch with :
Wordpress 5.4.1
Newsletter 6.6.3
SMTP Mailing Queue 1.2.0Newsletter are sending correctly as HTML content, Content-Type is still text/html, even on web client receiving the newsletter email. Everything is fine on my test environment.
Could you verify if another plugin affect the behavior of SMTP Mailing Queue on your website ?Do not hesitate to create a topic on support forum and we will dig together in order to understand what is happening on your side.
Yours Faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] PHP error when sending test emailHi @antipole,
Sorry for the long response delay, I am a bit busy with my day-to-day work.
Plugin is still maintained by me but @hildende stopped. In this context, I just re-created a new github repo where PRs will be analyzed/merged/delivered : your problem, I just pushed a version 1.2.0 with multiples fixes about deprecated methods and two of your errors.
Can you please test this new version and tell me if “send test mail” have a better behavior ?Thanks in advance for your tests.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] a flood of old emails suddenly re-sentHi @boca-jo,
Thanks for the details about your issue.
Currently, there is no feature in the plugin to automatically retry invalid mails.However, there is two events that could produce a re-send of invalid mails :
1. If you set a cronjob as suggested by @kimsf here :
Do you remember having setup this kind of retry procedure in a cron job ?
2. Or SMTP Mailing Queue plugin updated from a version prior 1.0.6. However you did not notice any software update…Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Problem with a Forum pluginHi @dimalifragis,
Thank you for this report, I successfully reproduced your problem !
This is caused by the fact that wpForo set a wp_mail_content_type filter only during the wp_mail call.
However, with SMTP Mailing Queue, the original wp_mail (which is applying the content type filter) is called just in time (on queue pop).A solution (patch required) could be to stop overriding wp_mail function, hook on phpmailer_init and store its content in the process queue instead of wp_mail parameters.
However this is a heavy modification and I am wondering if there is a easier way…Do you have any better solution @hildende ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] plugin not honoring woocommerce mail templatesHi @shallway,
Which are the version that you are using for smtp mailing queue and woocommerce plugin ?
I tested woocommerce in 3.1.1 and smtp mailing queue in 1.1.1 and this is working on my side.When you say “switching on this plugin”, what was your previous plugin to manage SMTP ?
SMTP Mailing Queue write the content of the mail on disk before sending it to recipients. Could you please check in the “/wp-content/uploads/smtp-mailing-queue/” folder of your web server if files contain (or not) the order confirmation content ?
Note : In order to delay/disable the processing/deletion of the file, please change wp_cron interval in smtp mailing queue to a large number or tick the “Don’t use wp_cron” option.Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Is this compatible with PHP 7.1 or 7.2?Hi @lucashilty,
Yet it is. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Attachments lostsHi all,
Attachment lost is solved in the version 1.1.1 which is out now.
Sorry for the time it took to deliver the version.Thanks @hildende for the access right on SVN commit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Attachments lostsHi @dubaidogfish,
Thank you for the interest to this plugin, @hildende did a great work !SMTP-Mailing-Queue plugin should answer your needs.
Set the following values in your advanced properties :
Queue limit : 1 (This will send 1 mail for each iteration)
wp_cron_interval : 45 (One iteration every 45 seconds)
It will maximize the number of email sent to 80/3600 seconds(1 hour).Note : If you asks to send 80 e-mail, it will take one hour to be sent.
Thanks @hildende for the commiter addition, I am currently preparing a V1.1.1 which will contains :
* Feature: Added advanced option to retry mail sending X time before declare invalid.
* Feature: Added French translation.
* Bugfix: Attachments are no longer lost on mail sending.@dubaidogfish, if your SMTP provider return an error on exceding mails, the “retry” feature may accelerate your mail sending as you could set a number of retry sufficent with your limits.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Attachments lostsHi @hildende,
Thanks for your answer !
It seems that you can keep the ownership of the plugin and let another dev’ help you with commit access right.
Summary :To add users as committers, that is give them access to update code, go to and add their username in as a committer. To have them show up as an author, add their username to the readme.txt file.
I am currently working on a retry feature with a max_retry settings. This could be merged in the plugin too. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Attachments lostsHey @haddlyapis,
Thanks for your comment, first contact with is done. Now, I need to fill a TODO list and send them back a response.
I will keep you in touch with the status of this request.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Attachments lostsHey @aurovrata,
I didn’t know that it is something possible.
I am not sure that I would be a good father but I could give it a try !
Moreover, I could see that there is others PR in progress, waiting to merge.Thanks for the tips !
Note : To reproduce this bug, you shall have a radio button with a default checked value.
Hi @vasyltech,
Do you have any idea of the code parts to modify in order to get multi-role working ?
I imagine that I have to modify the “getParent” method of AAM_Core_Subject_User by returning multiple parents. This also imply to modify the “interface” and every calls.In my case, the rule will be very simple : If you have multiple roles and at least one allow you to access a content, then you can access it. This feature could be a Settings to enable/disable in the AAM menu.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaHi @leobr, @dineshinau and @vasyltech,
I encounter a similar problem using AAM with Woocommerce extension.
Here are modifications proposals that worked for me.@vasyltech, can you tell me if this code can produce some bugs/problems ? Especially for is_tax() call addition that may be added in the official source code ?
First step : “Plus Package Extension” allow to manage access to categories. In Woocommerce, this can be useful to hide some product categories to the user. However, Woocommerce use custom taxonomy for product category and this is not managed by AAM as “is_category” function is used to check the capability to restrict access.
We need to add a call to “is_tax” method to manage custom post types.
In plus-package/Frontend.php, line 58, replace :
if (is_category()) {
With :
if (is_category() || is_tax()) {Second step : As @vasyltech write, Woocommerce use a “strange” method to manage the shop page that do not raise a call to AAM. This can be bypassed by checking the location of the user ton page display and manually call AAM if user is on the shop page.
Here is the code to add in a your custom functions :
function wpse_131562_redirect() {if (is_plugin_active(“advanced-access-manager/aam.php”) &&
class_exists(‘AAM’) && class_exists(‘AAM_Frontend_Authorization’)
&& is_plugin_active(“woocommerce/woocommerce.php”) && function_exists(‘is_shop’)) {
if (is_shop()) {
$user = AAM::getUser();$post = $user->getObject(‘post’, wc_get_page_id( ‘shop’ ));
if ($post) {
} else {
$to = get_bloginfo(‘admin_email’);
$subject = get_bloginfo(‘name’) . ‘ : Security Breach’;
$message = ‘Advanced Access Manager/Woocommerce have been disabled or the behavior/name of its classes have been modified.
Link between AAM and Woocommerce is broken.’;wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message );
}add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘wpse_131562_redirect’);
Note that mail sending is not mandatory. I use it to manage plugin update which would break this function behavior.
Hope this will helps,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Editor] Broken on new versions of WordPressHi Vladimir,
Thanks for yours informations.
I just checked using those and custom traces : You are right.
Your plugin is working fine, my problem came from a homemade plugin that was creating ‘users.php’ submenu in the ‘init’ action instead of the ‘admin_menu’ one.
Result was that user-role-editor was using my custom submenu as parent instead of ‘users.php’ one.After changing the action, all is running fine.
Considering this, I changed my vote about URE 4.29 and WP 4.6.1 compatibility.Yours Faithfully,