Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Directory] bug in anchor linking with 3.6.3+1 This workaround worked for me, too. Thanks @dbarlett!
Not attempting to hijack here; just hoping to add related details. I’m in a really similar boat. Cache report indicates the directory is writable yet get prompts for FTP credentials intermittently. (running WP 3.9 and hadn’t installed Ai1ec plugin until yesterday – fresh 2.0.6)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Destination URL] Error on Activation (WP 3.8)Second activation attempt was successful!
It’s working well!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Directory] Lightbox not workingThis is NOT RESOLVED.
Plugin Authors, I beg you to use @ibreezer’s post to permanently fix this. It breaks with each new release. I’ve had to go fix it manually for the last 3 updates.
It’s line 307 for the current version (3.5.2):
wp_enqueue_script('colorbox', plugins_url( "/colorbox/js/jquery.colorbox-min.js", __FILE__), array('jquery'));
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [P2] Posting on Chrome isn't working – Mac OSXI’m having the same issue on Chrome 31.0.1650.57 (OS X Mav). Noticed it when switching to the Houston child theme. Moved back to the P2 parent theme and the issue persists. It also appears to happen in the Chrome beta on Windows.
Posting via Safari succeeds.
You could create new AD groups to match the role you want (author/editor) and add the specific users in question to those AD groups. They’re WP Role should change next time they log in.
You could also take it a step further and install something like the Members plugin – create new custom roles w/ your desired capabilities… then make matching AD groups to manage them the same way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager Pro Stripe Gateway] Gateway weight or orderThanks so much for looking into it!
For now, I’m swapping the order via jQuery. It’ll have to work for now.
Solved: curl wasn’t enabled on my server.
Once I found the ‘Stripe needs Curl’ messages in my access log, got curl installed, and enabled. Webhook started behaving.
Sorry… and THANK YOU for this plugin!
Update: added Live key as well, but still getting error 500 when testing the webhook url.
This sounds really promising! Thanks for sharing your research. You win the internet!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Directory] Lightbox not working for me eitherIt seems that if you check that box after you’ve already added a directory to a page, the shortcode needs to be edited manually.
This is how I got ‘Lightbox entries’ working on my install…
[directory form="8" sort="1.3" lightboxsettings="entry"]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Revision Display] Plugin needs update to work w/ current WP versionCurrently banging my head on this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: diffs in /path/wp-content/plugins/post-revision-display/post-revision-display.php on line 232 Notice: Undefined variable: rev_content in /path/wp-content/plugins/post-revision-display/post-revision-display.php on line 233
Here are the lines in question (with some extra for context):
// question: should we be applying filters to all the parts and not just content? function prd_set_globals() { if (!$post = get_post(get_the_ID())) { return; } $revision = null; $rev_id = 0; $is_rev = false; $note = prd_get_revision_note($post, $revision, $rev_id, $is_rev); if ($is_rev) { $diffs = prd_get_revision_diffs($post, $revision); /* seems clunky, but I don't know a better way -- want to apply_filters for old revision, but need to skip prd_display_post_revisions filter to avoid getting stuck in a loop, so will remove filter and add right back in */ remove_filter('the_content', 'prd_display_post_revisions'); $rev_content = apply_filters('the_content', $revision->post_content); add_filter('the_content', 'prd_display_post_revisions'); } $revs = prd_get_revision_list($post, array('since_publish' => true, 'type' => 'revision', 'rev_id' => $rev_id, 'is_rev' => $is_rev)); $GLOBALS['prd_is_rev'] = $is_rev; $GLOBALS['prd_revision_note'] = $note; $GLOBALS['prd_revision_list'] = $revs; $GLOBALS['prd_revision_diffs'] = $diffs; $GLOBALS['prd_revision_content'] = $rev_content; $GLOBALS['prd_globals_set'] = true; }
I’m using Manual Mode. And have this in the template file in use:
if ( $prd == "on" && function_exists('the_revision_note_prd')) { the_revision_note_prd(); } the_content(); if ( $prd == "on" ) { if(function_exists('the_revision_list_prd')) { the_revision_list_prd(true); } if(function_exists('the_revision_diffs_prd')) { the_revision_diffs_prd(); } }
The error shows up above the content, and then again below the content. However, despite the error, the revision list still displays and functions as I’d expect. Clicking a revision link takes one to the revision page… complete w/ note at the top. Yet no error messages on past revision pages. Only on ‘current’.
Boy howdee… you try prevent someone else shooting you in the foot and end up shooting yourself in the foot.
I’m having a really similar issue… but just on LinkedIn. Sharing to Facebook, Google+, and Twitter all work just fine (thumb, descrip, url, and title all work). But LinkedIn gives me the same behavior you describe.
Did you have any luck isolating a specific setting in BWPS that resolved the issue?