Forum Replies Created
Yes thank you. Sorry I am new to this but need more help. I put the shortcode on the page and I edited the settings in the widget page but it does not look like yours look like at all. Check this out
I dont know what im doing wrong, Can you post a video to show how to make it look like yours. Sorry for the trouble. If I can learn how to use it I will get all my friends to us it as well.
Do you have any intructions o how to do the shortcut. I dont have a shortcut future box ni my post or pages. how do I get that setting to get the shortcut? I need some major intructions because I am confused as to know how to do it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] [Plugin: Youtube Channel Gallery] Error de MemoriaI seeing that this plugin only works as a widget on the sidebar. Is there a way to placwe the plugin inside a page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] It's not sending emails to anyoneI am not getting the form information in my email. My website is this. the code for the form is:
<p>Host of Event: (required)
[text* host-of-event] </p><p>Church Name: (required)
[text* church-name] </p><p>Pastor’s Name: (required)
[text* PastorsName] </p><p>Contact Name: (required)
[text* ContactName] </p><p>Contact Phone: (required)
[text* ContactPhone] </p><p>E-Mail Address: (required)
[text* eMailAddress] </p><p>Website Address:
[text WebsiteAddress] </p><p>Street Address:
[text Street Address] </p><p>City:
[text City] </p><p>State/Zip:
[text State] </p><p>Are you asking Reginald to:
[checkbox AreyouaskingReginaldto: “Speak” “Concert” “Special Music”]</p><p>Date(s) you are wanting to book Reginald:
[text DatesyouarewantingtobookReginald:] </p><p>Type of event (Conference, Crusade, Convention, Etc.):
[text TypeofeventConferenceCrusadeConventionEtc] </p><p>Allocated honorarium budget for Artist and team, if applicable (non-inclusive of travel, etc):
[text AllocatedhonorariumbudgetforArtistandteamifapplicablenon-inclusiveoftraveletc] </p><p>More Details:
[textarea more-details] </p>[captchac captcha-215]
[captchar captcha-215]<p>[submit “Send”]</p>
What code should i use to make the form information to show up in the email?